FFXII RW - got any info?

Mar 10, 2007
Does anyone actually know anything about this game?
playable characters?
battle system?
(apart from the fact that its like XII)
release dates?

I only just heard about it and watched a trailer in Japanese...
Does anyone know whether it'll be better or worse than FFIII for DS?

It looks pretty good for a portable game...
I suppose

C'mon gimme info!

I have found tons of info on FFXII RW on this site. Just scroll down on the home page and it has trailers, pictures and all sorts of stuff on the battle system and what not. Looks to be a great game.

From what I've seen it will be kinda like FFT and a hack and slash game. Espers are the key because you can summon like 10-15 different shiva like minions to help you with big skirmishes but there is more detail on that website
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I swear to god I've made a whole Thread on this :blink: this Thread needs to be deleted.
Well, Ngamer had quite a lot of info on it. The two playable characters which we are certain of are Vaan and Penelo, its all on floating continents in the land of Ivalice and obviously it's for the DS. When tehy review the Japanese one ill either update or start a new thread.
Wow this really Changed my mind about the game
I found out that it is an RTS style (real time strategy) game
in my opinion the characters look like children compared to ff12 thats just my opinion scold me if im wrong lol
Well, the art style is a lot more colourful and a lot less "realistic" than XII's style, nothing to do with going on a Nintendo console!:P
S'ppose it's a bit to do with the theme of the game as well, with it about Vaan and his crew journeying the skies rather than getting involved with XII's heavier plot-style, just my take on things.
Meh it should be a good game
In my oppinion I think it will be good look at tactics for the GBA everyone thought it was going to be horrible but it turned out to be pretty addictive to me .
im still realllly pissed this isnt going to be on PS2. but does anyone know if all of the original main characters from XII are going to be included, because id like to know more about ashe and the rest, not just boring ass vaan and penelo.
I'm gonna sticky this, so anyone with any info on FFXII:RW can post it in this thread, instead of making 30 news threads and whatnot
I'm looking forward to it.
Personally, it seems like SE is testing out a "real-time" version of Tactics...
It seems like the FF series is trying to get as far from turn-based as possible, and is now also trying to get rid of battles separate from "regular wandering." I wouldn't be surprised if this style replaces the Tactics style of gameplay (assuming that the feedback is good.)
im still realllly pissed this isnt going to be on PS2. but does anyone know if all of the original main characters from XII are going to be included, because id like to know more about ashe and the rest, not just boring ass vaan and penelo.

All of the 6 are back and they are playable. The other four though are really minor characters this time around. This is really Vaan and Penelo's game.
Release Date I think is late November but I'm not sure... The game is real time strategy you control lots of characters... If you've played Tactics Advance you'll recognize some of the characters. It's a good game and lots of Espers! I'm starting to think this game is better than the original FFXII =x
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This game (released on November 20th) is quite like Command & Conquer, due to the fact of being able to box many characters, forming an army of about 30 odd people.
You can also just easily select all your characters by pressing 'X'. I would have to agree that this has a simplified C&C feel with Final Fantasy XII references.