[FFXII] YEAA passed tiamat :D ... :( (new problem xD)

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Chocobo Breeder
May 11, 2009
YEAAAA i passed tiamat :D now ig ot decoy and curaga.
but now... i got a problem even higher than tiamat.....................
Elder Wyrm......

any strategy to kill him? since hes not alone is lot harder..... and my puppets only atk the boss T.T.....
Straight from gamefaqs:

BOSS: Elder Wyrm - HP: 71692 - LV: 27

If you thought the Tiamat was hard, the Elder Wyrm is going to have a field
day with you. He certainly has no interest in fighting fair. We'll begin
with the basics: start the battle by launching a Quickening chain. This
serves two purposes: one to deal MASSIVE DAMAGE to the boss, and second to
eliminate those two treants he starts off with.

Buffing up your party prior to the battle is once again, a good idea. He has
a regular assortment of physical attacks which aren't particularly powerful,
there are two main attacks you need to watch out for:

The first is a fireball blast which seemingly comes out of nowhere. This is
really only dangerous if the party member it hits is currently covered in Oil
(which, given the boss' pattern of attacks, will likely be most of the time).
You're looking at damage between one and two thousand that can easily wipe a
single character at full HP. Be ready with Phoenix Downs.

Speaking of being ready, you'll want at least two characters to "be ready"
with the Gambit "Any ally: Esuna" given the boss' most dangerous attack:
Sporefall. Similar to Bad Breath in previous games, this inflicts a variety
of negative status effects on every member of your party. Esuna will wipe the
slate clean, but you may have to be ready to use an Echo Herb on someone so
that they can actually cast it.

Nail the boss with your hardest physical attacks. It has a lot of life, and
so this is going to take a lot of work, but if you keep these tips in mind
then you'll at least have a fighting chance.

Good luck on it, he was very easy from what I remember.
Straight from gamefaqs:

Good luck on it, he was very easy from what I remember.

i tryied doing it and is very hard..... i get easy until the point he makes the atk that give sme oil and sap.. i lose there..
forget it i got a strategy but i need help.. is there a item to confuse or something the boss for like 10 seconds? to kill the other 2?~
From Eruyt village, enter Golmore, hold R2, go South on your map for 2 areas, entering the Feywood. Heal yourself then head East on your map, hugging the wall and avoiding any monsters. Enter the Paramina Rift and there you are! E. Wyrm is an optional boss :wacky:
Yes Elder Wyrm is optional. But, why would you want to evade him? Basically, when you begin battle, have everyone use Aero (or -ga, but I'm not sure if you can get it yet) on the Treants. This will hopefully kill off the Treants in a few hits. Then you want to get a Gunner or Archer in your team (Windslicer Shot if you have it). Control him/her and move him/her to a fairly long distance. The point of a ranged attacker is so when Elder Wyrm uses Spore, chances are that he/she won't be affected (it's a radius-affecting move). Then s/he can heal the other two. Quickenings are good, but in my opinion, only use them when you are sure that it will either defeat Elder Wyrm, or take it's HP down to a very minimum so that a few more hits will kill it.

Hope this helps.
If you are having a hard time with him still, after all these tips, I'd say go level up a bit, maybe do some hunts(if you have any), kill some Coerls and Malboro's and sell the loot to earn some cash and stock up on the items you'll need... Battle Strategies are one thing, but even exceleent strategies can fail if you're too low a level...

And yes, I realize the last post was in May...
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