Help FFXIII: [CH10 SPOILER ALERT] Boss Fight Help


Your friend.
Mar 4, 2007

I mean, he's so friggin cheap! I got him down to around 35,000 HP after around 15-20 minutes of fighting him, then he just screws the whole battle over by casting Doom on Lightning! There's nothing I can do about it, I've spent the last hour trying to defeat him... I had it all together with no issues until he cast Doom on Lightning... Just... WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUU? What should I do? I got him into stagger once, and while he was in stagger I summoned Odin which took out about 15,000 of his health easily. Just someone tell me what to do before I waste anymore time! :cry:
Shouldn't summoning have gotten rid of Doom? Or did he cast it on you again? I never took long enough for him to cast Doom on me. Perhaps you need some more CP?
I used Odin WAY BEFORE he cast Doom. He still had like 100,000 HP when I summoned Odin, and it brought him down to around 91,000 HP since he was in Stagger.
Then you're in deep trouble, I'm afriad. Stick to your offensive paradigms whenever possible,and save your summon until after he casts Doom. I doubt you can take away that much health so quickly.
Who are you using in your team? I'd suggest one ravager, one commando and one healer for the entire fight, it might be slow and boring, but it gets the job done. Definitely one of the harder bosses.

Try and become as powerful as possible, and if necessary, switch to two medics and a commando. Fang in particular is devastating as a commando.
I didn't even know he could cast Doom...

well yeah early on make sure you keep his stagger gauge up by using relentless assault and aggression after you've staggered him.

If you do kill him faster you won't come up against Doom, and so it seems speed is of the essence in this case.

Um so, basically what Yaag said...
I used Odin WAY BEFORE he cast Doom. He still had like 100,000 HP when I summoned Odin, and it brought him down to around 91,000 HP since he was in Stagger.

It's probably safer to save Odin until the doom counter is imposed on you.

Lightning, Fang and Hope serve as the game's most balanced team, however I replaced Fang with Snow to use Tri Disaster and drive his chain gauge up extremely quickly. In the short spaces you have to hurt him.

I suggest the following paradigm deck:

> Snow > Hope

Ravager, Ravager, Ravager
Ravager, Commando, Ravager
Ravager, Sentinel, Ravager
Commando, Sentinel, Ravager
Medic, Sentinel, Synegist
Commando, Sentinel, Medic

Start with the fifth (protection) then when you have a wide range of buffs switch to delta attack (fourth) then after the first round switch to either the sixth (for healing) or if you want to drive up his chain gauge switch to third (mystic tower).

Only switch to tri disaster and relentless assault when you're either close to filling his chain gauge or have done so respectively.

Try to time you're attacks with Lightning (leader) using Triangle/Y to juggle him in the air. Don't worry about defense seeing as he won't be able to attack you whilst he's airbourne.

Before his first stagger he shows his stance switches in on screen captions, after that you'll have to tell from his behaviour. When he goes into his defensive stance you should switch to tri disaster straight away. You won't be able to deal much damage but his chain gauge will go through the roof.

Good Luck :monster:

Often I seem to require 2 medics at once because 1 healer doesn't seem to do the job.

The average HP range in my party is 1200-1400 (Snow has 1700)

I ran past the 4 evil tall things before you went up the elevator, because I thought they would just be a waste of time and beat the crap out of me >.>

I honestly hate spending 5-10 minutes in a normal battle for only like 600 CP :S

I use Lightning, Hope and Fang in it, and this is my paradigm deck:

Commando Ravager Ravager
Commando Medic Saboteur
Medic Medic Sentinel

I use the Medic Medic Sentinal a lot after the big white explosions he makes, and basically whenever he combos someone in the air.

Anything wrong here? :S
Often I seem to require 2 medics at once because 1 healer doesn't seem to do the job.

The average HP range in my party is 1200-1400 (Snow has 1700)

I ran past the 4 evil tall things before you went up the elevator, because I thought they would just be a waste of time and beat the crap out of me >.>

I honestly hate spending 5-10 minutes in a normal battle for only like 600 CP :S

I use Lightning, Hope and Fang in it, and this is my paradigm deck:

Commando Ravager Ravager
Commando Medic Saboteur
Medic Medic Sentinel

I use the Medic Medic Sentinal a lot after the big white explosions he makes, and basically whenever he combos someone in the air.

Anything wrong here? :S

I'd strongly recommend deploying Fang as a constant Sentinel seeing as he uses brutal melee attacks in such quick succession that should he be targeting your leader, there's a good chance the fights over. You should attack sparingly with Fang, only doing so when he goes defensive. This is why I use Snow to alternate between Sentinel/Ravager seeing as Fang doesn't have access to the role yet. But its your choice.

That's pretty much the same problem I had with grinding. I was underlevelled the entire game.
I replaced Fang with Snow, and the battle moves much faster. BUUT....

I can fight him with no struggle, then I stagger him, I go Relentless Assault on him until his Stagger runs out, and bring him down to around 90,000-80,000 HP from around 130,000 where he started off. Then I get stuck for the rest of the battle and I can't keep up with his healing. D: I'm too busy healing my characters and he gets the full oppurtunity to heal. He's gaining HP all the time :(
I used Lightning > Fang > Hope

Paradigm decks were


With these decks you have access to all 6 roles within the game. Always start off with Relentless assult deck, when needed switch to combat clinic then if you have haste switch to evened odds then stick with relentless assult. If Lightning is a good Com when staggered go to Aggression deck for some nice damge.

Did this fight without even using a summon and didnt know he cast doom either.
I remember beating him in 5-6 minutes... now what the hell did I do...

Oh, when he's in offensive mode, make sure to have a commando and sentinel at ALL TIMES. Have your third character switch between a medic and ravager. When he's in defensive mode, have a saboteur always at hand, as well as a commando. Now, the third character depends on where you are in the battle. Early on, make sure to have a synergist to buff your characters up. Should your characters already be buffed, then just have a ravager or medic, as this is a good time to heal up.

When you stagger him (which shouldn't take too long thanks to the saboteur), bring out two commandos and a ravager. Rinse and repeat. Don't be afraid to use Renew if you have to.
i found him difficult aswell but i used lightning as a commando and fang as a saboteur and vanile as a medic and it worked for me but it takes awhile
I replaced Fang with Snow, and the battle moves much faster. BUUT....

I can fight him with no struggle, then I stagger him, I go Relentless Assault on him until his Stagger runs out, and bring him down to around 90,000-80,000 HP from around 130,000 where he started off. Then I get stuck for the rest of the battle and I can't keep up with his healing. D: I'm too busy healing my characters and he gets the full oppurtunity to heal. He's gaining HP all the time :(

There is a point where he wraps his wings around his body in defense mode. If you're having difficulty this is the only time you should commit more than one character to attacking him. Tri disaster works wonders here.

Employ combat clinic or protection (med, sen, syn) until you're resonably comfortable. Then I'd recommend switching to Solidarity (com, sen, med) to begin your assault with switches when needed to combat clinic or protection.

It's been quite a while since I fought Cid Raines so I'm a bit rusty on his mannerisms. If you have 5 TP you could spare two for a quick renew heal then 3 later for the Eidolon in order to force his gauge up a second time.
I always use Relentless Assault on him when he's in Guard mode (wraps his wings around his body) In order to perform as much damage as possible while he won't fight back... >.> Bad idea?
I always use Relentless Assault on him when he's in Guard mode (wraps his wings around his body) In order to perform as much damage as possible while he won't fight back... >.> Bad idea?
I always found that I wasn't doing nearly enough damage on him... I can't remember the effect on the chain gauge though. I still highly recommend a Saboteur.
Lmao Cid Raines was cake on my end. He did not even cast doom on me once so I dont know what you are saying. I had lots of potions. Be careful of his Seraphic Ray attack. He will say "my will is my strenghth" thats your cue to heal everyone. I Summoned Odin pretty early in the fight. I staggered him first though and the did massive damage. My Fang hit for like 6000 each hit when he was staggered. Just play it safe. I got it on my first try caus maybe im good xD or got lucky. He never casted doom once on me xD. When he gets in his second form be sure to use somebody as a sentinel and use steelguard or mediguard to reduce damage. Or use provoke to lure him into attacking Fang. The you can spam chain combos.
cid raines was not that hard at all..
i used lightning>hope>fang

paradigms are:

once I staggered him in the first few minutes, I quickly changed to commando>ravager>commando to deal a lot of damage.. I always disable his haste by using hope's slow so that the party can keep up with him.. and heal as often as possible...

EDIT:I always have commando because it is important so that the chain wont go down...
I use lighting,fang,vanillie,

Lighting was a commando are a medic the entire time.
Fang kept him debuff and went to sen when hp got low it was medic sen and medic.
and she was a commando most of the time. know with van i kept spam switch between medic and rev.
P.S. he never cast doom on me, however why don't you save summon until he does then summon him your odin. that will cure you

Lmao Cid Raines was cake on my end. He did not even cast doom on me once so I dont know what you are saying. I had lots of potions. Be careful of his Seraphic Ray attack. He will say "my will is my strenghth" thats your cue to heal everyone. I Summoned Odin pretty early in the fight. I staggered him first though and the did massive damage. My Fang hit for like 6000 each hit when he was staggered. Just play it safe. I got it on my first try caus maybe im good xD or got lucky. He never casted doom once on me xD. When he gets in his second form be sure to use somebody as a sentinel and use steelguard or mediguard to reduce damage. Or use provoke to lure him into attacking Fang. The you can spam chain combos.

he only killed me once and the reason is he change into a flying creature,
and my hp was at half was switching to healer but then he did way more dam then he did before he turn into a flying creature.
So he got me their.
the second time i was ready so i just beat him easy

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I started off with Lightning, Snow and Hope. I would get his life down pretty low in about 5 minutes, then Lightning would totally wuss out on me (she's clearly inferior to Snow and Fang at this point in my opinion). My Paradigm setup was like this:

Rav/Rav/Rav (driving up the Chain Gage ftw!)

After failed attempts due to my poor leader, I switched up to Fang and took a more conservative route, as follows:

Com/Sab/Syn (this is the only different Paradigm from the other setup)

Overall, this setup worked and took 15 minutes, as opposed to the 10 minute target time. I'm sure the early stage of the fight isn't an issue, so I'll focus on the 2nd form. I never saw a Recovery Shift like the 1st form does. So that means we deal with Offensive and Defensive. When in the Offensive Stage, use one of the Sentinel setups, probably the one with the Medic will be the more frequent one used. Then when he goes into the Defensive Stage, he'll Guard, but take this time to bust out the offense to get that Chain Gage rising. When you feel the Guard is coming down, go back to the Sentinel. Even though I beat this battle with Fang, I guarantee that I can do it much faster with Snow, as the 3 Ravagers will get that Chain Gage up quicker than the Commando and 2 Ravagers will (and his gage goes up very slowly, so every little bit helps). Once in a Stagger, he's at your mercy, get a Commando out immediately to Launch him. Then just chip away with a full force offensive until his gage drops, then go back to the Sentinel.

I think Vanille could replace Hope, as she has the Ravager and Medic roles, and the Synergist won't help much as he constantly Dispels you and they won't need the protective help he gives anyways. I think Sazh might be the only one that I wouldn't recommend. Sure, he's got the buffs he can add, and the Commando and Ravager can be had by both Sentinels anyways, and you'll need one of them. So for the party setup go with Lightning, Snow/Fang, and Hope/Vanille. And go with the setups above and success will be yours!

Best of luck, and hopefully it helps someone! :ryan:

EDIT: And I didn't mention that in my 15 minute battle, I never saw Doom, nor did I in my failed attempts. Maybe he highly dislikes a certain character setup? :hmmm: