Help FFXIII: [CH10 SPOILER ALERT] Boss Fight Help

I guess i was lucky for the most part. When i fought Cid I was usually using Paradigms that were geared towards Offense, because for some reason he sat in Defensive mode for almost the entire battle, so it was rediculusly easy for me to defeat him, I pounded on him with RAV RAV COM until he was staggered, switched to COM COM RAV and just launched the heck out of him, dealing a ton of damage.

I guess I just lucked out, my friend had a similar problem (albeit not being Doom'd, he was still a pain for her to defeat) *shrug*
Lighting Fang and Vanille did it for me. Just start out with "Dirty Fighting" and use it when ever possible. It did take me a while to win because I like play safe and have Fang as a sen and Vanille as a medic when it starts getting hairy. After he decided to grow wings I really just focused on debuffing him and using Diversity when possible and brought in Odin to win in the end.
Need help Cid Raines boss fight

I use Lightning, Hope, and Fang. I can stagger him once, but he always kills off either Fang or Hope or both very soon afterwards.
I looked at YouTube videos and every one shows you can stagger him once and battle is over.
This is never the case for me. I don't know what is going on and why cannot finish the fight after the 1st stagger.
He seems to poison or do something to Lightning, as when I see green blobs over her head, everything is greyed out.
When I fight him, I switch between Delta Attack and Relentless Assault, and occassionally Evened Odds and Diversity.
What am I doing wrong?
Follow this Paradigm Deck -

1. Lightning - Ravager // Hope - Medic // Fang - Sentinel
2. Lightning - Medic // Hope - Synergist // Fang - Sentinel
3. Lightning - Commando // Hope - Ravager // Fang - Commando
5. Lightning - Medic // Hope - Medic // Fang - Sentinel

First off, switch to Deck 2 as your default and start the battle out by buffing and healing your party.

Once you're fully buffed with every available that Hope knows as a Synergist, switch to deck 4 and unload any spell you got to ensure he gets staggered quickly.

When you're low on health, or when he does his ultimate move, I forgot what it was called, but he goes up in the air and does a explosion of light.

When he's staggered, switch to Deck 3 and unleash everything you got against him until his stagger bar goes back to normal. Then repeat the tactic.

Hope that helps.
*Threads Merged*

Please be sure to check for existing threads in the future. And also, please don't post boss names in the thread title as it is generally considered a spoiler. It's alright to use the Chapter number as most people have done so far. :)
i just want to say thanks to Harlequin. i was struggling with this fight for a few days now. i used the setup exactly as he recommended and i literally beat him in 2 minutes with only having to heal a couple times. once i staggered him he never came out of the air and it was over. i never thought that it would have been so easy. so i second his recommendation on this fight lol.
I managed to win this battle out of sheer perserverance. I used other member combos, and put Battle Speed to slow, but neither worked. I went back to my original party setup, and played it slow-and-steady.
Afterwards, I went into Datalog, and saw his HP is 282000 (I think). Huh! Just don't understand why this is so difficult, whereas others I encountered earlier have higher HP but were 'easier' to dispatch than this one.