FFXIII - Gameplay Screenshots

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I personally hope they stick to the real-time combat system (the one where you can move your characters about during combat to properly evade attacks rather than relying on the done-to-death dice roll we have all grown tired of)

but this does seem like its shaping up to be something enjoyable....special? time will tell when the game goes to the masses!
It kinda looks to me like they took the free roaming ability in FFXII and mixed it with the crisis core set up. Either way it seems to be working out nicely and adds realism to it. I'm excited just looking at these pictures alone.
Pretty sweet. A lot of those in-battle images look very similar to the beginning of FFX when you're fighting in Zanarkand. It's dark, but it seems like it was a booming city with sky-scrapers around.

There's an enemy too, "right here" that looks like it's the same design as a Judge from FFXII.
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