Help FFXIII: Going into Chapter 12?


Jun 6, 2012
So I was wondering what you guys would recommend HP wise for going into chapter 12 / Eden and what not. I’ve played it a few times before but I always end up getting stuck. Luckily I always keep a save at the end of chapter 11. So I’ve been working on my stats and what not around Grand Pulse. I don’t have exact numbers since my TV and system are off but I do now my characters looks like this:

Lightning – high 7,000
Fang – High 7,000
Hope – Low 6,000
Vanille – Low 7,000
Sazh – High 8,000
Snow – Low 9,000

Do you think it’s alright to press on or should I spend more time CP farming?
That's more than enough. The bosses should be quite a piece of cake. Some regular monster encounters in Eden may be quite challenging though, but you can always escape. Though seeing your stats, they shouldn't be too much of a problem either.

*Moved to FFXIII help booth*
Yeah, with those stats you're pretty much ready to cruise to endgame. Just don't forget, even if the normal monsters give you trouble, the bosses won't necessarily.

Also remember that 'certain' bosses (which you wouldn't think are) are vunerable to Poison, which helps if you wish to play more defensively.

Don't forget that this game relies on correct use of Paradigms as much as it does stats, I mean it's completely possible to reach Oerba without using the Crystarium or upgrading anything at all, difficult, yes, but possible.
Do take the time out to 5 star many of the missions that are accessible there.. the rewards are quite nifty if you can keep at it

But statwise you seem just fine.