FFXIII: Least Favorite Characters

My least favourite character was Hope, but I think he's actually fantastic now.

Maybe Sazh for me then. I just find him uninteresting I guess. Having a baby chocobo in this hair is just plain dumb, and I sort of feel less empathy towards him than with the other characters. He is by no means a bad character though; FFXIII has a very cool set of characters.
Hope is an utter cock. Every time his mouth opens I just wish Lightning would turn round and punch him in the face and tell him to STFU. Even out of cutscenes when you are just running around and the occasional few words that come out of character's mouths, he still manages to annoy me. It's a shame because he's pretty useful in a fight.

Then there's that smile he gives if he delivers the final blow to someone in a battle, argh. Oh and the "just as I planned it" thing aswell, shut up. If it weren't for the other characters carrying your sorry ass you'd have been dead a long time ago.

Yeah....I don't like him. He's like everything that was annoying about Vaan and Tidus rolled into one.

The other dude that annoys me is Sazh, not his personality or anything, just in a battle. He's not really good at anything, and all that time he takes taking up different poses while he shoots wrecks my chains if it's just him and say Vanille in the party.

Strangely, I really don't find Vanille's voice to be that bad tbh, think it suits her.
Vanille for me is far more annoying than Hope. Its just her personalty is waay to happy and its like she can't make up her mind what her accent is. I see why people find Hope annoying because he just complains about everything, but I think it makes his character more realistic.

My second least favoite character is Snow he just needs to shut up about Serah.
Vanille, Vanille, Vanille. What the hell is wrong with your accent?
When I first met Vanille, I quite liked her. I even considered her voice cute. Her occasional 'ciao' added personality and her optimism was refreshing. She got along with Sazh, Fang, and Hope in a very heartwarming way; it was great.
40 hours into the game, I started refusing to put her into my party without first muting the volume. I don't know if it was what was supposed to sound like a "Yes!" victory cry she shouts out after ending a battle or her constant moaning and groaning during spellcasting that did it for me. Seriously, what is she saying when she wins a battle? It's like a cross between "Yes" and "Ya" and ends up just making her sound retarded.

Every time she casts a spell during battle, she lets out an awful moan. Granted, she's a frail character, perhaps Fang's polar opposite; but realistically, there's something called overdoing it. I don't need to hear your horrible accent twisted into what's supposed to be a groan of difficulty at casting a spell every time I make you a Ravager. Ugh.

Other than that, she's horribly annoying in the things she says. She could have been made a little less happy-go-lucky (just a LITTLE, the game does need some optimism), and the voice acting definitely needed work.
My least fave character before was Hope.. His really annoying at first but ever since I discovered that he has the highest Magic and ever since I got his Nue weapon, his magic is now 3200+!. He is now one of my faves..

So now, Sazh is my least fave.. as a Commando, he sometimes breaks my chain gauge because he takes to much time doing those poses.. As a Ravager, his slow on casting those spells.. He is only useful in the beginning because he is a good Synergist, but when the other characters starts to learn that role, Sazh becomes useless...
I absolutely could not stand Vanille and that accent. It was terrible and it seemed to change constantly throughout the game. I pictured her with Rikku's voice from X and X-2 just because she was just as bubbly but I was just getting so annoyed by what the end result was. and for her to be the narrator voice throughout the game gave me such a headache, I muted the game several times when she was the lead and had on only subtitles. I also got quite frustrated with Snow and his constant "OMGZ SERAAAAAAAH" I was like I understand you love her, BUT SERIOUSLY STFU.

1) Snow- "Serahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" "We HAVE TO SAVE COCOON!" and something along the lines of "Here comes the hero" :gonk: my gahhhhhhh. I think I've well past had enough of Snow and his fratboy-isms, heroisms, and Serahisms.

2) Dysley- He looked kinda crypt-keeper ish and I got tired of his stupid Hedwig ominously flying around before his boss battles.

3) Yaag- as i battled the Proudclad....."AGAIN!" -I think I heard that about 100 times before I finished the battle.
...Seriously, what is she saying when she wins a battle? It's like a cross between "Yes" and "Ya" and ends up just making her sound retarded.

You don't think she's saying "Yay us!" do you??? Because I know she says that. She is the noisiest of the characters while fighting for sure....the only thing that upsets me about Vanille is how long it takes her to get up after getting bazooka-d and when the Behemoths use Gore...Hope is up and dancing around and Vanille gets up like an old lady who has fallen and can't get up.
I dislike Snow and Hope. Very annoying people-Hope gets better to be honest, but Snow's behaviour. I hate how he talks and acts and Hope is annoying for a very long time.
Ugh what a tough choice, I actually hate them all haha but Hope and Snow equally take the cake as my least liked. Mostly for reasons already stated
Anyway I will write about my top 3 least liked.

Snow: His weird superiority complex where he thinks he needs to be the best, he needs to be a hero and he needs to save everyone. His stupid Hobo looks and I found him to be a really bad battle character. He brought nothing to the game for me!!

Hope: I hated Hope's attitude. He lost his mum, that.s sad, but he clearly saw Snow try and save her so stfu little boy and accept that the guy tried to help your mum!
Also doesn't he realise he has bigger things to deal with now rather than his petty little vendetta against Snow? He constantly whines and talks about himself and its just annoying. Although I did find him helpful in battle.

Fang: now I will probably get destroyed for writing this but I found Fang to have a really annoying personality and I don't know if tis because of her accent which was terrible or the way she presented herself but I just found she irked me and I couldn't really figure out why everyone liked her that much... and she actually looks like a tranny :S
(I also used her in battle all the time)
I disliked pretty much every character beyond Jihl Nabaat, who actually came across as being a rather interesting individual. I wasn't impressed by the playable characters, they just struck me as lacking depth and revolving around overused clichés.
Hope -- Because he's just...got this emo personality, and I have nothing against emo's or anything...but he just seems too....''ugh...he killed my mom, now I'm going to hang on to the thread I have left of her, and try to have revenge for her killer rrrrg! -poo's himself- Enough Said.

Fang -- One word...Tranny. No offence, I think she's cool...but the twang in her accent urks me, I don't know if she's English or Australian and it pissed me off..

Vanille -- She's my favourite charecter in the game, but also the most annoying at the same time, I like her energy and drive in the game, but I hate her childlike approach to things, her accent goes through me, she's like a 10 year old girl trying to unwrap her Ken doll...=/

God, I can't really write much about a character I disliked, I enjoyed Final Fantasy 13s story just not game play. I suppose I'll have to go with Snow just because of all the crap he talks about being a hero, those lines were way overused.
I really did not use Sazh. His character just didn't interest me in the slightest. Not only was it sterotypical to have the black guy with a fro and pistols(guns) as weapons but he was just so...boring. I personally think the story could've progressed without Sazh. They needed a much cooler character than him in the game.
Aww i really liked Hope, i know he was totally in a vendetta against Snow but he eventually wises up and matures, i loved that :)

I think Snow and Sazh were my least favourite characters:

Snow because i really don't like arrogancy or stubborness, and he says he's a hero, when clearly Nora were just teenage rebels.

Sazh because of his usefulness, i mean i loved the actual character to bits, and i felt sorry for him, but he didn't really have much use when it came to the point in the game where you could freely choose your party.
Hmmm. I suppose the character I liked least is Vanille. I don't hate her, she's just incredibly annoying.

And WOW! Hope hate! I actually loved him. He is 14, and his mother died. PLus he turned l'Cie. I know you guys say he could've spoke to Snow sooner, but c'mon. Snow is humongous. It's a little intimidating for someone of that age, I would think.
So must Vanille, unless she can change her accent somehow.

I loved Sazh, but they made him such a stupid character by giving him the chocobo.