FFXIII: Love It or Hate It?

srry for my english

you're not the only one who has a bit of difficulty in English (I'm one of those person too). Don't be sorry. At least you try.

To answer the topic, I have mixed emotions about this game. Although the game is very linear, it has a decent story and and the characters development was quite good. The graphics are simply amazing and the soundtrack is also very good. The battle system was okay although I don't really like having to switch paradimgs every 10 seconds (maybe my strategy was not good enough).

I enjoyed my first playthrough and I started a new game 2 month ago but I can't find the motivation to replay it (I'm currently at chapter 3 I think). So I guess the replay value is not very high compare to others Final Fantasies.
I actually enjoyed the game alot.

I was looking to play another good next generation jrpg (e.g. lost odyssey IMO) and then realized; "Wow, I havent played Final Fantasy XIII!". I read reviews and watched some videos of the game before purchasing it and that really got me excited for it. So I bought it and well it was great.

What I really liked about it is that it sort of felt like a snes rpg except with fantastic graphics and the different battle system. I actually enjoyed the how linear it was because there wasn't alot of distractions so I could take in the story. But the story.... It was okay, I sort of liked it but I thought it would have been and could have been better. I mean, I didnt like the characters aside from Lightning, Fang and Sazh but thats it. The rest of the characters annoyed me and I just wished they could have been replaced. The character development was kind of stale, there really wasn't any character twists. It felt like I knew how each character would develeop as soon as they were introduced. So that made the story feel more stale because like the characters and I know thats not a huge issue but it is with me.

Negatives aside I really liked the battle system and the weapon upgrade system was fine as well. Character stat building was great too because I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to build up my cp just so I could watch the crystals and those lights fill in those webs and build that web higher and higher! What I enjoyed about the battle system is that I didnt get tired of fighting enemies because I would use different paradigms to keep it interesting. The graphics really help the game shine because ever since the next gen consoles came out I was really hoping for that stunning rgp with beautiful graphics and FF XIII did the trick.

I do have a bias though because I didnt have huge expectations for this game since it was my first FF game I have played. It may not be groundbreaking for the series or for Rpgs and it may not be a widely open game but I enjoyed it and ultimately I just took the game as it was and it was pretty darn good.
I didnt like this game that much i cant say i hate it but thay kind of make it like kind of weird and confusing and the battle system didnt really improve since the last ones but the grapics are stunning
and it had the best good character ever hope the best character in ff is sephiroth
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I've not finished the game and I'm really not sure I'm going to. I got the game for Christmas and I can honestly say that, at least so far, I hate the game.

I'll admit the graphics are amazing and the storyline, although not that good compared to older Final Fantasies, is okay so far, but it just lacks too many things I like.

The path is literally a line and apparently that isn't going to change much; in an rpg I want the ability to walk around, do side quests, and explore a little bit. I can understand why there are no towns too, but the lack of towns really takes out a lot of the fun as well.

In my opinion it just does not feel like an rpg at all. It feels like a bad attempt at an action game and I think this would have made a better movie than a video game.
At chapter 11 archylte steppe now. I absolutely love the scene when they got
transported from cocoon to gran pulse
. It brings chills down my spine.

It is a decent game with beautiful graphics and setting. Characters are well developed. The only thing that annoys me about the characters is Vanille's voice (who doesn't?). Vanille herself is an excellent character. Story is good so far, only slightly inferior compared to older titles.

But it is NOT a good final fantasy game. It does not live to its predecessors' glory. why? These have been said thousand times everywhere, but I can't resist to say them out:
-linearity in most chapters. I don't mind them that much though. There are still twists and turns and the graphics distract me a lot. But still....
-Lack of sidequests and minigames. They could have improved the game A LOT by adding these. For example, we could have played an airship chase minigame in many parts of the game. Nautilus could have been the source for most sidequests and minigames like golden saucer. Dreadnought ride was a wasted effort since all you do is stomp stomp stomp.
-Battle system is repetitive and annoying. It's either mashing of x button or Lb/L1 button. It's like a badly degenerated gambit system. Decently fun though.
-Lack of REAL towns. I mean... bodhum is panoramic and beautiful. But it was so short.

Overall, I think the main reason why people hate this game is because the world feels like you are walking on a straight line rather than a globe.

But hey! I voted for love it anyway, because I can't lie that I don't.
I loved it. Enough that I was even willing to play through it twice. Some people despise the battle system, but I enjoyed how it slowly evolves from being a rudimentary button masher to this complex class juggling system with more emphasis on timing than strategy.

The story was nice. Just nice. Hope, Lightning, Snow, and Sazh were all likeable. I also liked Vanille alot and feel like she got alot of flak for nothing. Out of all of the stereotypical "spunky girl" characters in the series I found her to be the least annoying. Were it not for the fact that there were some moments that just made no sense at all, and the fact that Sazh totally lost relevance to the story by the end, it might have surpassed IX as my favorite FF story. Regardless, I appreciated all of the various "Oh shit." moments the story supplied, like when
Barthandelus first revealed himself.

Also, Hamauzu's soundtrack is probably my favorite in the series' history.
It's turned into one of my favorites out of the series. I personally liked it because the battle system felt balanced (Until the end of the game, but thats what the missions, Adamantoise/tortoise and Long Gui are for XD). I never became insanely powerful too fast and when you did, you still felt compelled to get a 5 star rating for each battle. It was gorgeous Visually, the Music was beautiful (though I think the battle music was a bit too... unappealing for my taste) and the story had something that 9 and 12 didn't (10 was good in my opinion). This was a sort of masterpiece imo. There we're a few things I think need tweaked; such as getting rid of the 'Auto-Battle' command, the only time I use it is when i accidentally get in a fight with weak weak weak monsters. Otherwise I felt this was one of their best. Again IMO :3
I didn't hate it, but I certainly didn't love it. I felt it strayed too far from what I feel "Final Fantasy" is supposed to be, and I also felt it didn't give me enough control.

The leveling system was beyond my control for the first half of the game. The party was beyond my control for 2/3 of the game. The game was unexplorable. I'm fine with some linearity, as every game must follow a path to completion, but I didn't feel free. I felt like a walled in animal constantly running, that never diverged unless to get a treasure, which was conveniently 5 seconds out of my way. The battle system let me control one individual, if you consider "Auto Battle" control. True, I got to choose the paradigms, but I didn't get to choose what the other two did. Most of the time the A.I. would be an idiot and use 3 cures instead of 1 Curaga. As far as I'm concerned, if you have to have an "Auto Battle" in your game because the battles are too complex/fast-paced, something is wrong. That battle system is broken.

There were some things I liked about the game, such as the gorgeous graphics, the decent music, and the voice acting (except for Vanille and Hope :( ) but overall I can't say that I love the game. So I gotta go with hate, even though I simply "dislike" the game.
FF 13 good or bad??

If you like speed, it would be in a fight that look fresh, almost as a game action. Non-dramatic, but rarely I much offline.

Re: This is an annoying character two sharp swords offline I play too early, I Hope so annoying e almost like playing it offline - -;Mixing girly.
Of mental retardation revealed vanilla to this.....
[Threads Merged]
I absolutely adore it, it's one of my favourite Final Fantasy games, beside XII.

I loved the story, it was a really interesting take on a divided society, and I didn't miss the slight parallels with Nazi Germany either. I loved all the touches, the attention to detail, clever little allegories for real life events here and there.

The characters were what made it for me, though. I didn't think I'd find a more lovable cast than that of VIII, but I did! Vanille and Fang even took over as my favourite characters over Fran and Balthier.
The characters were so colourful, and really different from anyone we'd ever seen before. Lots of people accuse Lightning of being a female Cloud, but I don't think so.
I also loved the whole Fang and Vanille thing. I like the idea of them being the first gay couple, even if it is only implied.

The Eidolons were alright, 3/6 were good, but they could have been better.

I really enjoyed the freedom and organisation of the paradigm system and crystarium, too.
I haven't beaten it yet, but I love it. Truly.

I think the characters are great -- maybe even some of the best, the music is fabulous, and I actually don't mind the battle system. Although I was hoping that Square would make another "fantasy" FF game (as opposed to purely sci-fi) I really love the setting and atmosphere.
My only complaint is that it was very hard for me to grasp what everything was (l'Cie, fal'Cie, Pulse l'Cie, etc.). For me, it was a bit too much to keep track of, but I still really like this game.

It might even be one of my favorites.
I started playing it recently, and I am on chapter 10 at the moment. I mu9st admit I loathed it at the very beginning and I even kept the receipt because I was so sure I was going to return it (the video game store I go to has a 14 day return policy). But I gave it a chance and I am glad I did. Took me ages because I found it boring, hard and frustrating, but as you go on it all comes together. I know people a lot of people hate it, especially some of the characters, but it just seems to pick up. The battle system, the tedious fights and even the frustrating boss battles become a lot more fun as you get further into the game. Maybe I've just grown into it. I know some of the characters are not so appealing, but some of them redeem themselves later in the game (to me).
i realy enjoyed it like any FF game, it deserve a love from me, the only bad thing the short ending
hate the game, hate, hate, hate. ff games are supposed to be about exploring the world of final fantasy. this shuffles you along a given route never really letting you explore anything. too linear. the characters are not likable, the storyline is dull. its a travesty. there hasn't been a decent final fantasy since ff 10. BRING BACK THE WORLD MAP!!!!!!!! oh and while were at it, i would really like to control my entire party not just the leader.
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I hated it, for it just didn't feel like an RPG to me. It's an excellent reflection of the current state of gaming compared to past titles - it's all flashy graphics, fast paced action and...little substance.
I love it.
  • the music is excellent,I like it alot due to the rhythm and the lyrics.
  • the combat,I find now is less strategic than the others,but the paradigm shift system makes me sometimes get hyped up in battle.
  • i really don't care if there is no towns,but once you beat the game,'tis really fun,as you want everything it has to offer,mostly giants.
I love it.
  • the music is excellent,I like it alot due to the rhythm and the lyrics.
  • the combat,I find now is less strategic than the others,but the paradigm shift system makes me sometimes get hyped up in battle.
  • i really don't care if there is no towns,but once you beat the game,'tis really fun,as you want everything it has to offer,mostly giants.

I must agree on that-I do love the music-I have all the music on my Ipod. Plus I must admit I like the paradigm shift, personally. But I think they'll improve the next game. They will take note of the complaints, I hope.
I. Love. This. Game.

I want to point out, however that I can't really be a fanboy who loves anything FF. I've only been playing FF games for about 3 years. I started with 7, than played 8, 10. all of which i liked. I hated 9 because the story didn't entrap me... ok i hated the story. 12 was ok but after 13 hours of side quests i forgot who everyone was. I've played the DS remake of 3 and 4

back to this post: I love almost everything about FF XIII: The music is my favorite of all FF's I've played, the visuals are eye-gasmic, and the battle system is my favorite of all FF's I've played. I don't mind the linearity of the maps because I'm too busy with all the eyegasms. The battle system is amazing, I love how it integrates everything together as you progress in the story and go to new places.

The things I don't like are Hope until he grows a pair, and crystarium linearity. Hope is my least favorite character of all time; all he does is whine and try to convince everyone to give up. at least when Sazh considered giving up he was soft-spoken and his words had meaning.
I hated 9 because the story didn't entrap me... ok i hated the story.


My vote for XIII goes to hate. Two main reasons:

1. Too linear. Basically this game is hold the analog stick up. 60 hours of holding up, walking through a hallway. Seriously. The maps were so thin it reminded me of a hallway. Not too appealing on the design side. There weren't even any towns to explore. Just keep going up. So I'm going up through the game and then I get to whatever Chapter has the huge area. My confidence was then revived and I was looking forward to some serious grinding. Until -

2. The experience system. Not the how you learn the skills, but WHEN you're ALLOWED to further your skills. This ended the fame for me. I could only build so much until I had to continue with the story so I could expand my Stat building. I thought maybe it was a mistake so I researched on line. I can beat the game and then go back and then grind. LAME. Why do games do that? You should be able to do everything before beating the game.

XIII just basically took you by the hand and told you what you could and couldn't do. The freedom was too limited and tied down with balls and chains. Thus this game gets my hate.