FFXIII or FFXIII? Which is better?

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XIII, easy.

XII, was a bit boring and slow.
I really didn't like it. The CGI is much better on XIII.

I didn't enjoy XII, I think the story was awful. It was too simple, I know that sounds like a n00b thing to say but its my opinion.

Whereas, XIII is amazing...so far, i've not completed it yet, but so far i love it.
I voted for XIII. I don't know if it's objectively better than XII, but I know I enjoyed it a lot more than XII. XII felt like drudgery after a while.
XII, without a doubt. Whilst Vaan and Penelo are both highly aggravating, Hope beats both of them combined in terms of pure annoyance. There is an even greater lack of proper antagonism in XIII than there is in XII - and that is really saying something - making the story even more directionless and, considering the story is interrupting you every half hour in XIII, that is not a good thing. XII offers you infinitely more freedom with its battle system, with the ability to run around in-battle and switch characters, as well as fully customize them. In XII, you actually have to think about it - with the exception of a few boss battles, in XIII you can win just by pressing the X button. I also prefer the setting of XII - I am a huge Tactics fan, and seeing another game set in Ivalice, with its fantastic dialect and interesting blend of archaic and modern scenery, was a true come true. XII also has better music. Considerably better music. The soundtrack is undeniably the worst thing about FFXIII....excluding the voice acting, of course. About the only thing XIII has over XII are the graphics, and those don't even work properly on SDTVs.
I enjoyed playing XIII, don't get me wrong, but when comparing it to XII, I just find it incredibly underwhelming. Its like comparing the Star Wars prequels to the originals - they look prettier, but that really is about it.

Personally, I can't think of anything good in FFXII that FFXIII didn't have. FFXII had a waste of a storyline, there was so much potential for it to be a great one but it never felt like it was developed much at all, whereas, I much preferred XIII's storyline of having each character focusing on a different "angle" for doing what they did. FFXII had absolutely no character development either and very little, if any, relationship between the characters whereas, whether you hated the FFXIII characters or not they still had far more development and relationships than FFXII ever had. FFXII's battle system is also boring and far, far, far too slow imo.

I'd argue that the freedom in FFXII made it better in that aspect but imo it didn't, because knowing that it lacked in every other department made it feel just as boring as everything else.

So yes, XIII for me.
XII > XIII in terms of sidequests, locales, interaction with characters outside of the main party, and replayability. (IMO)

XIII> XII in terms of characters, storyline, and, of course, graphics, although XII's graphics are by no means bad.

With twelve, the player was given a vast world to explore full of interesting cities and wildernesses. There were a huge number of sidequests and optional bosses to fight, which made up for the game's storyline, which was hard to follow at some points and was occasionally extremely uninteresting (again, just my opinion). Being able to actually talk to people in the cities was nice as well, which is something I greatly missed in thirteen.

Thirteen does, however, have a great storyline and amazing characters, which twelve lacked. I will say that it is extremely linear, and I can only see myself taking the time to replay it maybe one more time once I complete it. I know they couldn't add in talking to people in the cities because it would take too long to development and blah, blah, blah, but it still would've been nice to see. I'm really enjoying the game though, and I actually look forward to playing it, which is something I didn't really feel with twelve. Aside from the sidequests, the game bored me, and it actually took me over a year to finally beat it because I lacked the motivation to do so thanks to its storyline.

At the end of the day, character development and storyline will always win out over everything else for me. Therefore, I'm going to say thirteen is the better game out of the two.
XII > XIII in terms of sidequests, locales, interaction with characters outside of the main party, and replayability. (IMO)

XIII> XII in terms of characters, storyline, and, of course, graphics, although XII's graphics are by no means bad.

^ This. While XIII was highly linear, I just connected with the cast a lot quicker and more deeply than with the one in XII. The music was more memorable and the battle theme might even compete with VII's as my favorite. Sure, there wasn't any sole villain that stood out, but I still loved the adventure.
As much as I loved the freedom that you got so early on in XII, it's really the story that does it for me in a game. I had to go with XIII.

XII's story was good and I loved the way the battle system was set up, but it got a little repetitive after a while.... and good god I hated the crystal!!

With XIII, I love how they went back with the, not necessarily random battles but with battle stages as I call them where you're fighting in a separate screen area of the main game... if that makes any sense? XIII definitely had the story though.... no matter how inconsistent the information through the game is.
i think ff12 was better
yea 3 of the characters had really nothing to do with the story. but the other 3 were sown into the story.

where as in 13 it feels like all the characters are fighting for the spot light
~waaa! my mom died :<
~boho! my fiancé is a crystal :<
~*lament* why cant we get along and run away :<
~Waaahaha! my brand is on my boobs and i dont wanna show any one!
the frigging most emo FF cast EVER!
even ff4 where every one dies and comes back to life wasnt as emo

ff12 focused on world story
ff13 focused on character story

ff12 offered freedom
ff13 gave you the answers in the form of a line

eh i like the gambits
I'm really enjoying XIII, unlike XII, where I put it down after about 10-15 hours into it. <<

XIII has everything I wanted in a FF. I love the realtime based battle system, and not having to control your party. The Crystarium system is also something I really enjoy, despite how much they cost later on. >>

So, XIII gets my vote.

Also, XIII's story = ftw
If I hadn't paid money to rent it and figure I should probably just beat it once, I would have put FF13 down a long time ago.

FF12 was an amazing RPG and I remember waiting for it to come out and wasn't disappointed when it did.