FFXIII ruining anyone elses studying?


Blue Mage
Jul 7, 2009
I've found myself saying that I'll play it just for a little bit and then do some work. Then I look at the time and its time to sleep. Its not good at all. In my opinion, the game came out at the wrong time.
March 9th was a bit of a bad timing for me. It's just beyond the middle of term and I had a lot of English coursework to get my head round and do. Still, it didn't necessarily ruin my studying in that luckily I don't find FFXIII a very addictive game at all. In fact - I don't find any game that remotely addictive at all.

I only play at the most - 3 hours in total (not at once) - and that's the weekend. In weekdays, I play about an hour or two depending on when I get home. I did promise myself not to go overboard with the game in expense of my studies. I would say that I managed my studies and FFXIII rather well.
I have a test were i have to remember all the presidents but i have been playing ffxiii so much i never even studied yet becauset he game is so much fun!
So i dont wanna fail the test but luckily i havint had to go to school very much lately, so maybe i wont have to take it so i can get back to ffXIII
I have a test were i have to remember all the presidents but i have been playing ffxiii so much i never even studied yet becauset he game is so much fun!
So i dont wanna fail the test but luckily i havint had to go to school very much lately, so maybe i wont have to take it so i can get back to ffXIII

thats smart thinking you sound like me when i was still going to school
You could always say "No FFXIII until exams are done." Then it will make you enjoy your reward more.
h= ache.

Anyway it ruined my study too. I was sitting quitely studying and it came over and started bullying me, I couldn't get anything done so I had to run away.
It isn't ruining my studies anymore. lol jk I'm pretty good with managing my time so I didn't really lose any study time over it. I finished it 2 weeks ago. But seriously though.... it did come out at an awful time.
I'm going to move this over to the FFXIII section, as it's a pretty good thread. Spam beyond this point will not be tolerated.

-Thread Moved-
This game came out at a terrible time. I had 3 exams in 3 days last week, trying to get my med school apps done before the end of the semester, and have to follow up on summer research applications....and I have college paintball nationals in Florida next week.

Luckily I can manage my time and always finish the work I set out to do for the day before I do anything else. Thank god for coffee too, I've slept 4 hours in the past 3 days.
Not really, since I never have homework anymore. Only classes I have this semester are newspaper, Spanish II, and band, and I finish all the work for the first two classes at school.

I will say that I did lose a lot of sleep the first few days I had it though.
Oh, of course.

I blew off most of my weekend homework until late Sunday to do, which is what I always do but that's not the point, and ughh, terrible timing for it to come out.
Of course not.

I only have two assignments over the next two weeks. My course doesn't include me having to do exams whatsoever, so it's all good for me.
No, I love Final Fantasy XIII but with my final exams coming up within the next 2/3 months my main priorities are to pass those exams and get into uni. It's a good game but not good enough to jeopardise my education :monster:
It threw me off a little in the week it came out - I kinda blew off all of Tuesday (which is also my busiest day) just to play it, but now...eh, I've got other games to ruin my studying. XD;

Although my exams aren't until May, I spendt the first week of Easter doing revision and little else, and I hope I'll be sensible enough to put my games down (at least, cut my playtime down considerably...a couple of hours won't hurt) when I finish University for my next exam period. Considering how worried I am about the exams this year, I don't think that'll be a problem, with this game or any other...
It was frustrating that this game game out in the middle of term tbh i would have prefered it to come out either earlier like december or the summer holidays. But luckly for me my exams dont start till may and I don't find the game that addicting as I find it hard to play this game for more than a couple of hours due to the linear style.