FFXIII Rumor Thread

Yes, we the people trust in the scottish Barack Obama. It won't be out this Christmas. I have heard a rumor though that Cid is a summon. That was a long time ago and I really do not believe it.
I hav a hunch that the sub title for FF13 is going to be related to the first final fantasy, u no with the crystals and such.
That is not a rumour???

Has the game been given any release dat rumour as of yet... this is killing me..

PS I am from Australia so i know ill have to wait anouther 6 months for the game after Japan US
this game better not be like 12 or i sware im off of the final fantasy series. Its just pathetic. The old battle style was so much better from x-2 and before, i personally think X or 9 had the best battle style. I really really really hope 13 will have the same battle style as the old games
Let's keep this strictly to rumours and not what you want/don't want in the game - we already have threads for that ^^
Is it true that Cid's a summon in this game? Somebody was arguing it on another forum I was browsing and they didn't have proof or links, but then again, I haven't heard anything about what Cid's role in this game will be...
Heres a link to see the scans looks like theres summons and there pretty SWEET lookin :D


Final fantasy agito XIII trailer and gameplay

Final fantasy versus XIII Trailer

Agito looks kinda cool. I wonder what that whole card thing is gonna be about, if they will be using a card battle system or something like that. I guess we will just have to wait and find out.

I'l remind people AGAIN, that this thread is for RUMOURS you may have heard about the game, or, what you might think of particular rumours

NOT for links of scans, or what you may think. We already have threads for those types of things

Thank you ^^
i heard that the king guy, or whatever his name is(the one in the new trailer) is Cloud in the future. I believe it cause at the end of the trailer he does a move similar to Cloud's.
Christ, the rumors of FFVII are endless, aren't they? The sad part is that Square-Enix brought this one on themselves by putting Cloud in FF Tactics. I can't believe it's Cloud from the future but it certainly isn't the first time they've put him in a game that wasn't his. In fact, I think it'd be his fourth out of FFVII series appearance (KH, KH2, Tactics, Dissidia).
If Cid is really a summon what would he be? like a Dragon called cid or something? Think that would be a slightly random way to include him.

And i doubt that the Old guy would be Cloud in the future. I'm pretty sure the worlds that Versus XIII and VII are set in a different. As are the world's that XIII and Versus are set.
I'm sure I saw it posted elsewhere but...he could be an airship? :)

Shiva's already been embodied as a motorcyle and there's a third summon who's also some form of machinery/vehicle. We've seen that there's a heavy reliance on machinery in the XIII world, it would make sense for Cid to come back as an airship model, or as a summonable airship. Though, as General Beatrix stated in another thread, this might annoy people as it did in XII, where the airships were named after classic beasts.
Not sure if this has been said, but seeing a recent screenshot of the UK Magazine PSW, its said that the battle system of Final Fantasy XIII will be similar to the battle system of X-2. It should be interesting to see. The battle system seems really complex.
Yea, I believe that was brought up in the FFXIII gameplay thread. It's good to hear though. The gameplay in FFX-2 was pretty much the only thing I really enjoyed about that game.

From what I've read, the combo system expands on FFX-2 base system to basically allow you to follow up on attacks in... more or less... a quick-time type event. Also, the position on the battlefield is more realistic than two lines of combatants exchanging blows.
Well, can't wait for it. Hope it has versions in PSP. Haha:D
Yeah, and I hope its free moving.

Please do not double post, use the edit button, thats what it's there for, thanks

Also, be aware this is a RUMOUR thread, not what you would like to see in the game, we have other threads you can post in for that, ta :dave:
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in the magazine, edge (or something like that), it said lightning had a partner, satzu, who was nickname mr. 12 or 33 or something because of his shoe size. he held a small chocobo in his hand.
i was on an ign website and it said versus 13 is coming out this december. Just wanna know if its true or not. someone help.
It's still "TBA", chances are if IGN have said it's coming out in December, it's again another bog standard date used by companies and if it's a member who said it, it's most likely just a rumour.

I wouldn't get your hopes up as it most likely won't be =/