Help FFXIII: Transformation?


Jul 10, 2010
I am playing FFXIII on PS3, I'm on chapter 11 and I've finally reached the point where I want to transform weapons, for some reason the game is preventing me from doing so. Am I missing something? Do you have to reach a certain point in the game before it allows you to? Someone please enlighten me.
You mean you cant upgrade it? what weapon do you want to and are you sure you have the right transformation catalyst (or something like that)?. so post witch weapon it is first.
1. The Weapon or Accessory has to be at star level.
2. You must have the right transforming item. You can buy them at stores.

So if you meet those requirements then all you have to do is go to a save point. Then go to upgrade and select the weapon/accessory you have at star level then use the right item like Dark Matter or Scarletite any of the items used to transform. You will most likely get a upgraded item then the one you had before.
Zwing and Sora: I have tried the Blazefire Sabre and the edge carbine, both at star level, the current catalysts in my inventory are as follows: millerite, scarletite, rhodochrosite, uranite, cobaltite, and mnar stone. I wish I knew wtf the problem was
The reason why you cannot upgrade those weapons is because you do not have the correct catalyst for it. Both of those weapons requires the Perovskite to upgrade to the next one.
I'll throw this out there since you might come back to this thread. I'm on my 2nd playthrough just to get all the weapons/accessories and when you start looking to get a trapezohedron, don't spend 2 million on it. Farm them from the Adamantortoise. It's much easier and far less time consuming in the long run.
I kill them sometimes with spamming death and i try to kill them the normal way.
i also do 2nd playtrough but if i miss a few things i cant buy them?
You can definitely buy some of them, I don't have a guide handy to say which ones are treasure chests only. Just make sure you try and find as many treasure chests as possible and to make sure you don't sell anything accessories wise. Unless you have a guide yourself, I'll make a quick list of what you should have by chapter 11 that you can't get afterwards and items you can only get once when I'm at my house tomorrow. :hmmm:
I think the charms are limited. You get a bunch of them but they can't be bought in stores. I was also told that you can buy every weapon in its first tier form. Meaning Lionheart and Gladius, not Ultima weapon or Helter Skelter.
I think the charms are limited. You get a bunch of them but they can't be bought in stores. I was also told that you can buy every weapon in its first tier form. Meaning Lionheart and Gladius, not Ultima weapon or Helter Skelter.
Yeah, the charms are definitely limited. I think they're all found the Archylte Steppe as well, which is just a case of whatever you find, don't sell. I'm not sure what else is limited, I think there's one or two others that you can only find 1 of and need to upgrade :hmmm: Also, when it comes to the weapons, some of them you won't get until you beat one of the missions and gain Gilgamesh Inc. where you can buy the remaining weapons.