FFXIII - Worth Getting?

Depends........from what I see older Final Fantasy players seem to hate this game........But new players tend to like it.....I have played Final Fantasy since VI and i gotta say this is good.......It may have abandoned some of the other games in style of gameplay.......But this is worth getting in my opinion.
well i think u are right darkshadow older ff players seems to dislike this game, i started playing ff since ff7 was out but i never got to finish it, but i love ff 8 and 9 and 13, so i guess i have 13 years of playing ff games, don't know if i'm in older group or younger
Yeah, if you love exploration, tougher battles, pretty scenery. Not a massive amount of LOVABLE characters, just ones you..."like". Storys...not brilliantly exciting, you don't really tend to use the summons, plus the main villain seems incredibly...boring.

Overall...it's an ok game. I prefer XII a lot more.
If you're a fan of the Final Fantasy games in general, I suppose all main FF games are worth getting, FFXIII included as well.

For non-FF fans, if you're a fan of games with plenty of action, exploration and replayable value, then this isn't it.

For me personally, I kind of regret spending £39.99 on this game. Even though I lowered my expectations for it after reading about it before its release, it still disappointed me in all aspects. It's not to say I hate it though.

My advice would be for those who still haven't played FFXIII, wait until the price has halved and prepare yourselves for a visual upgrade from FFXII, but a bit of a downgrade in terms of gameplay from FFXII.
No. That's my answer.

Out of all the Final Fantasies, XIII is the worst. When I first started playing, the gameplay was neat. But the farther and farther I got into it, the more boring and boring it got. I was barely controlling anything!

When you're battling, you only control one character DIRECTLY. The other two are controlled by the AI, but you can choose what "jobs" they do, such as Medic, Synergist, etc. Anyways, The one you're controlling allows you to "Auto-whatever" OR select what you want. Selecting what you want takes up too much time, seeing as it's slightly fast-paced, and the computer already knows what you want. So hitting Auto- is the best way to win. But you're not controlling anything. It's almost as though you're watching a movie, but you have to hit one button all the time. The story kept me going for a little while, but eventually, I had to put the game away and call it quits.

The music's pretty good, but no victory fanfare. Boo.. The graphics are pretty, but icing on a piece of crap doesn't make it good.

It's boring and beautiful, and that's all I have to say.
Yes and No. The Linearity really spoils things, but certain locations and missions make things worthwhile. You should all enjoy Gran Pulse.
No, save your money and buy a better game.

The story has to be the most unoriginal, generic and melodramatic I have ever seen. It's bland and old now, no one wants the whole "save the world" handed on a silver platter. Every character except maybe three have to be woeful too, Vanille has got to be the worst character out of them all with her stupid personality and cocked up vocal cords, actually I think Vanille is the worst character ever created for any video game. Nevertheless, there's still no depth to anything in this game. There's not even a proper villain in the game, anyone who looks as if they're promising is shot down within a few minutes.

The game is ridiculously easy, and being easy means battles are tedious, and when battles are tedious and you have to spend hours on end farming for items. It's not a good combination. The Eidolon system is woeful too, they do nothing, seriously. Nothing. In the space of time you summon an Ediolon and have them go through the Gestalt mode you could have inflicted more damage with just the three in your party.

Customisation is dreadful too. Once you're able to pick your own party in around Chapters 10/11 the game is nearly over and everyone can do pretty much the same thing. Shops are pointless unless you're trying to go for the "Treasure Hunter" trophy/achievement, anything that is worth getting can be obtained through treasure spheres and/or the missions, 95% of the items from the shop you'll never need to touch throughout the entire game.

LinearityLOL. This game never actually opens out regardless of what Square-Enix said, having ONE field to explore with every path leading off it being LINEAR does not class as "opening up", if you leave that field the game goes back to being linear...and the cutscenes, geez...I can live with games that have a lot of cutscenes that are long. Metal Gear Solid 4 had them. I loved Metal Gear Solid 4. However, Final Fantasy XIII is not Metal Gear Solid 4. In this routine it goes cutscene-run-battle over, and over, and over again. This best thing about this is that half those cutscenes mean nothing and if you took them out you wouldn't notice the difference. However, you do get a large range of savepoints...like, every 2 fucking minutes. You can't turn the corner without finding a save point (literally).

The music too, is pretty bad for modern gaming standards. I sort of liked it at first. Things sound "nice" but nothing is going to stick in your mind as being "memorable".

tldr; stay clear of this shit.
I would say that it is worth it for fans of Final Fantasy. I can't see anyone that is not a major fan of the series liking this game and I would not use this game to get anyone in to the series.

I would say that it is worth a play through if you like the series. I would recommend to rent it first though or buy it used.

I think it all depends on your views.

If you are looking for something where you can run around in expansive areas and do whatever you want and feel no restrictions ....then no.

If you are looking for a game that has characters that you will absolutely fall in love with and find the most unique and complex ....then no.

If you are looking for a traditional style Final Fantasy game with a world map, customization, and lots of bells and whistles...then no.

If you are looking to replay it over and over again and still find it as enjoyable as the first time...then no.

However, if you want to be blown away by graphics, transformers (summons in Gestalt form), the impossibility of ever having to wonder where you should go or what you should do next, and a battle system that I didn't find all too complex, then yes, FFXIII is just for you. :monster:
No. It's not worth buying or even renting imo. Far too linear, unimpressive and boring story, uninspired music and boring characters.

I concur with all Stella_Nox_Fleuret has stated, though the part about Transformers in FF, personally I found that to be highly offensive (I'm a Transformers Generation One fan.) and to me that was the biggest let down.

Add in that it appears FFXIII is cursed, what with the 5 million dollar class action lawsuit leveled against SE and SONY (full article here: http://www.1up.com/news/class-action-lawsuit-filed-final), amongst all the other negatives to it and it just doesn't reach the grade the majority of FF fans would expect from SE (I've been playing FF since the NES... all those years ago).

My recommendation to anyone thinking about buying this: Don't. Save your money and get something else. Your console will thank you, as will your sanity.
I thought the game was very fun, but reflecting back on older Final Fantasy games, I'm really missing the mini games, towns, NPC's, side quests (besides killing an enemy), use of more than one character per battle, leveling up, interacting with things, and non-linear enviroments.
Honestly, it's fun the first or second playthrough, but then it get's tedious and boring in my opinion.
i think FFXIII is worth getting.i mean yeah it kinda ruins the tradition of the final fantasy series but if you like action/rpg games,this maybe the game for you.
The graphics are about a 10 and the gameplay... about a high 8. The cinematics are at times action-packed and dazzling, and you'll probably find at least one character you "care" about. If you can get past that it's a bit different than your average Final Fantasy game, you'll probably find one of the best games on your system. *runs away*
True all that...

I thought the game was very fun, but reflecting back on older Final Fantasy games, I'm really missing the mini games, towns, NPC's, side quests (besides killing an enemy), use of more than one character per battle, leveling up, interacting with things, and non-linear enviroments.
Honestly, it's fun the first or second playthrough, but then it get's tedious and boring in my opinion.

Still worth getting although it's deficient in certain areas as this fellow pointed out..
For me it depends on various factors. If you're big on the traditional Final Fantasy feel I don't think this is the game for you. If the main thing you're looking for are killer graphics and fun game play I'd say it's worth a try. I rented it for $7 instead of buying it straight away just to see if I would get it and I enjoyed the game play and the graphics. But if you're like me and care just as much for good story-telling as you do with graphics and game play I wouldn't recommend it. I'm glad I only paid $7 to play instead of the full $49.99 at my local Kmart because I couldn't see myself keeping it.
At points, you'll think that 13 is probably THE game to get, but in other points you'd be thinking "what the hell am I thinking wasting my time on this?"

Trust me, I thought that several times, but bottom line is that, if you love FF or even a good challenge, the definitely this is a game worth getting--moreso for the hardcore-ff fans out there.
Ask yourself these questions:

1. Do I care that a Final Fantasy game doesn't have towns?
2. Am I expecting something that is like previous Final Fantasy games?
3. Do I care if the game lacks a good villain?
4. Do I care about a possible lack of player choice?
5. Do I care that I will probably spend 20% of the time watching cutscenes?
6. Does it bother me if an RPG is untraditional?
7. Does it bother me if a game gets off to a slow start?
8. Do I mind a lack of puzzles and mini-games?

If you answer “no” to at least half these questions... XIII might be worth checking out.
If you like to compare all the new Final Fantasy games to the old generation of Final Fantasy, then you'd prolly judge it as horrible and won't pick it up. Honestly, when I first played the game I thought meh this is crap, because I found myself comparing it to the greatest FF games. Playing more and more of the game I started thinking "this is kinda fun" and the story is pretty. However the way they introduced it, I mean the main idea and what they aim to just was very bad which made it take a step backward.

Linearity was bleh, I didn't like how my path was already set for me, but I got used to it, so I can ignore that.

Gameplay - I thought this was very bad, I mean I hated how I didn't have any control over my characters but I thought the whole Paradigms shifts and what not kinda fun later on, so it was okay for me.

Music - I loved most of the soundtracks. However, I FUCKING hated EVERY SINGLE soundtrack Leona Lewis started singing in, I mean Leona Lewis in Chocobo's theme song? Go to hell, your voice is shit. Can't believe SE went from Utada Hikaru to the shitty Leona Lewis, I guess Leona is a lot cheaper.

So, is this game worth getting for me? Then yea, I'd recommend it, it's fun to play, you won't lose a thing trying it. I don't really care about the people bashing the game, I thought it was fun, sure it had a slow start and I hated but later on, it gets better.
I thought the game was horribly mediocre, personally, there was no control in battle, even less than in XII, and that's saying something. I don't like the tangent Square are going on, they seem to be more interested in graphics than gameplay and storyline now. XIII was a dull story with horrid gameplay but beautiful graphics, the same can be said for XIV.

I think Square's biggest mistake was making this a Final Fantasy title at all; it's going to be constantly compared with the likes of VII, VIII and X, to which it could never in a million years stand up to which diminishes its impact even more than if it was just another generic RPG. I got this expecting a Final Fantasy game, all I got was a mediocre action/rpg with far too much linearity to be considered a good RPG let alone a good Final Fantasy.