Tech "file is ruined"


ShinRa Guard
Feb 9, 2007
how many people has this happened to... there memory card data gets ruined somehow. mine used to when i was 10 and used to ride over friends houses with my memory card lol
hmm, yeah, well it happened to my brother's card, which really sucked cause he had a couple of good game files including FFVII saved.
That happend to the first file I ever had, I had been playing it for over 100 hours but at least I was able to do everything I had wanted.
ha i remember when this happen to was about a year ago and just got done with rocket town and i spent probably a couple of hour getting all my characters limit breaks and i did get them all to level 3-2...then i quit after doing that for the night..i woke up the next morning ready to kick ass with my high leveled characters...i turn on the game and try to load it up and with my luck it said "file is corrupted" and i was like "wtf" and it ruined my day:mad:

but hey i guess shit happens
I found a related but slightly different bug. Possibly due to the game save system being unfinished when it was released. Has anyone else ever saved on an apparntly "Empty Slot" to find a message "Change to Slot Full"?
I've heard of this before, but only when someone has cheated with a cheat device. ;) However, with whatever cheat device used, most of the time there should be a Checksum or "file ruined" bypass code to fix this, no need to start over. :)
This has happened to me before actually...Like I said before...I sat my memory card on top of my Radio reciever and the memory all got totally messed up.
oh i know that feeling. execpt mine is brother overwrote my files. all of them FF file that were well into the game/story line....Not Happy Jan!
i have that a few times, you cannot delete the datacorrupted on it either. it happend with my final fantasy 8 and a need a new memroy card because the game would work while the corrupted memory card was in
My memory card fails. If you give it the slightest knock everything goes bye bye, Game made this card really badly, even more reason for me to NOT shop there.
thats why i never buy any 3rd party memory cards
i had 3 ps1 memory cards once(they were all 3rd party) and i had ff7 data 100% then it got corrupted then i did it again 100% then it got corrupted then i did 100 % AGAIN and it got corrupted then i lerned my lesson lol
As poor quality as the majority of Sony products are... when it comes to PS2 and it's accesories they seem to be the best.
the game ( when it loads data from devices aka memory cards ) looks for changes in the memory address and if it finds something wrong it considers it corrupted data. this normally only happens when i practice new hacks for this game but there is a code to bypass it

basically if yor using a gameshark make sure you have the bypass code and if your not, then get a PS1 gameshark and bypass it using the code

the code is
D01D496C 10F0
801D498A 1042