Tech "file is ruined"

I don't know why it happened but one day(actually a lot of days) it said my card was corrupted. and recently it just asked me if I wanted to format my memory card and none of my saved data same up... I came up with a solution though, if I leave it alone for about a month, it'll go back to normal lol.
odd, I have had a PS2 since they came out, and have had NO trouble with a PSX memory I posted earlier
my memorycard has been:

  • Ran Over... Twice
  • Throw out a window in anger
  • Removed from the PS2 During a save/load operation
  • Removed from a PSX During a save/load operation
  • Subjected to intense magnetic fields
  • Soaked in the rain overnight
and it still has never given me any errors.
yea. stuuf always happens when Im saving like the power goes off or my brothers trip on the power cord. They really mean it when they say dont turn off or remove
Of my five (yes, five :P) PS memory cards, only one has ever corrupted my data. But there was only one save on it and it was a new game so i didn't really care.
Ah you have just reminded me that i had corrupt data on one of my memory cards although it only happened the once. Does anyone know how to delete this corrupt data as my playstation 1 will not allow me to.