Final battle party

I went with the starting characters Zidane,Vivi,steiner and dagger (Garnet). I used Zidane cause his trance does 9999 I used steiner cause his by far the strongest character (from my experience) i'll use vivi cause i had really strong magic for him and dagger cause she was my strongest healer.

My main party since I first played the game. Always have to have the main love interests together and plus those two are my favorite characters. ^_^ Zidane has great strenght and love his Dyne moves. Garnet for summoning and sometimes healing. Steiner for attacks and shock. Eiko for healing and sometimes summoning.
:hmmm: I have yet to finish the game for a first time, (3rd disc) and i'm finding it hard to continue, gets alittle boring grinding for ability mastery, BUT when i do eventually get to Necrom/Kuja, I'll most likely go with Zidane, Vivi, Freya and garnet.

Zidane obv. because he's the main character, Vivi because i like his magic and i can't imagine a final battle without a BM, Greya cos she's just awesome and she carries good support abilities, and garnet because i've used her since the beginning of the game, she's a healer/summoner and she's the love interest.
Zidane, Amarant, Garnet, Freya. Zidane because he was physically my strongest character. I used Amarant because of his throw ability, which was even more useful if you unequipped the characters you're not using and throw their shit at Necron. Garnet because I can't of why a White Mage wouldn't be useful. And Freya because for with her jump ability she was always away from Necron's attacks which allowed me to bum rush him. Especially if she was in trance mode.
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner was my final team. I liked using Quina in place of garnet sometimes too.
I like to use Zidane, Steiner, Amarant and Dagger. Steiner's Charge ability works well with Zidane and Amarant, who both can deal a lot of physical damage. Dagger is interchangable with Eiko, Eiko may even be a slightly better choice. I tend not to make too much use of summons, so status enhancing spells and the occasional heal (though auto-regen tends to suffice for me in the final battle) are Dagger/Eiko's main roles. I usually pick Dagger over Eiko though purely because I prefer her as a character.
Zidane, Vivi, Eiko and Quina. Zidane being there because he's a good hitter and you couldn't replace him either way...

Eiko for the white mage, because you need a white one and she's better than Dagger, in my opinion. Not by much, but Eiko's double white for trance is much better than Dagger's eidolon which is in my opinion downright useless. Eiko also summons Phoenix/Carbuncle which are the only summons I find even moderately useful. I'm not much of a summon type person when it comes to FF9. I agree with Jwick though, it's not much difference which you pick from the two, since I pretty much pick for the white mage ability, but it's a slight difference and since I'm kind of indifferent to the choice of character, I just pick which one I think is slightly better in my opinion, and that's Eiko.

Vivi is there simply because I like him. Dishes good damage too, but I guess he's the most replaceable from the bunch. I like the trance, and with doomsday, flare or any other big spell you can rack up 20k in one turn so he can hit big if needed. Other than the trance, no real reason to keep him but as I said, I like the guy.

Quina is there simply because I think Quina is the most useful character. Big defensive spells, big curative spells, hits really hard. The trance sucks, but otherwise I think Quina is overall the best character there is.

I rarely play at all with Amarant or Steiner. I don't know why, but I rarely do.
My final party was...

Zidane: his regular hits were enough to qualify him for the final battle. If I managed to get him into monkey mode it'd just be a big plus for me.

Vivi: because he's pwnage with his various magics and all that. Mostly he was here because I didn't have the heart to leave him behind.

Steiner: shock was beast. Steiner was actually the last man standing and got the final hit to win the battle. This guy is human shaped destruction. Gotta love it.

Eiko: holy and full life were my friends in this battle. Who would have thought this little girl would be so helpful? She's hella awesome.