Final Fanasy XII

Phoenix Bird

Sep 10, 2006
This is most definatly(spelling) the best Final Fantasy game ever.There is only one I like better than this. Well I like this becouse it added fun with like one of the first Final Fantasys with mini games.(only other FF2 I think).Plus it introduced the limit break witch lead to overdrive in X. I still want to know how they hold a sword in a cube lol. But it is one of the best games eva.
I wouldn't say it's better than FFVII but FFXII is definately better than FFX and X-2. I'm nearly 4 hours through it but loving every minute of it.
This is most definatly(spelling) the best Final Fantasy game ever.There is only one I like better than this. Well I like this becouse it added fun with like one of the first Final Fantasys with mini games.(only other FF2 I think).Plus it introduced the limit break witch lead to overdrive in X. I still want to know how they hold a sword in a cube lol. But it is one of the best games eva.

What? FFXII didn't introduce Limit Breaks.
your telling me.....i wouldnt say that ff12 is my favourite, the old school ff games pwn ass in my opinion
...You're clearly misinformed thread starter. There have been many other FF's before this with some form of minigames.
What are you talking about?
Minigames have been around since FF2 japan.
Limit Breaks started in FF6.

Also, I do not think it is the best FF ever but, still fun.
I agree with all of the above. haha.

I think FVIII was the best FF and they all have mini-games.

I actually preferred X over XII, but that's just me. It's still a good game though. Enjoy it.
FFVII was the best one cloud had the best limit break out of all the FF's...
though i havent played FFIII and FFFIV..... :(
or FFXI but i aint paying per month!!!!!
FFVII imo had the best battle system and I loved the "Matera" system. The story line was also epic when it came to "everything is normal then you hit the climax and start to think to yourself "WTF!!!".

FFVIII had the WORST battle system ever, I hate that I need to remain low lvl to and I can't use my magic or else it reduces my stats. But the story line and graphics at the time were amazing.

FFIX was incredible the story was funny and the characters were great too, i liked that the main character could use a spear or use 2 daggers. And their was lots of customizing to your characters so many cool abilities they could use. Plus it was very long.

FFX was great but way to easy, i think i've beaten it close to 10 times with every character combination.

FFXII was probably my favorite the battle system is great for someone lazy like me, plus I can take almost any character and make them how I want i don't have to follow a set path. The story took some time to get into but in the end I liked it.

For some reasion I just can't sit down and play the old FF's from the PS i've tried to sit down and do it but I get bored like 2 hours into it, I would love to go back and play FFVII. i think I need to start from the very beginning instead of jump in right at the middle of a save file.
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In my opinion FF VII was the best of the FF series, although I am right now playing FF XII and I very much like it.

Although I have some difficulties to beat it (i am stuck in the stilshrine of miriam - as i have to trian my characters - I had not enough time for it yet), but I am having a lot of fun playing it....

Its the first game I played on PS (actualy on PS3) I have played FF VII and FF VIII on PC...
XII is definately my fav so far because of the licences, gambits and the awsome battle system. I also loved the story and the characters. X is a bit depressing so far but hopefuly the story will get better.
The Thread Starter has insulted Square, I shall arrive at his doorstep with a burning torch and a pitchfork.
