Final Fantasy 15 Ideas!

I could list a lot of things that I would love to see in FF XV but I am virtually certain that they won't be implemented and that instead we will see the series continue its trend towards a more simplistic and limited game with more things that make it feel like an interactive movie as opposed to an RPG.
they should give up the ff14 online and call ff15 ff14. I want them to go bak to the ffiv ffix ff vi story days. and ther obvi gunna make the gameplay and ooie gooie and different from anything weve seem./ all we can do is pray.
I'de like to see something involving kitsune. I haven't played all the FFs that I can obviously, but from what I've seen there are none in the games :hmmm:

It would be cool to have a kitsune as a summon, or maybe even an anthropomorphic race that's digitigrade and they all have various number of tails up to 9.
I think they should do a story with an older cast, something different. Instead of teenagers they should do a story about a disgruntled war hero or something, trying to come to grips with her or his aging. like a character in their 50's or something. Also I wouldnt mind them taking it back to a steampunk setting, thats a safe bet to go with.

Another idea is to play as a bad guy for once, get a different perspective.
Give me back my freaking World Map and my Freaking Airship.

And stop going to the action based gameplay and return to old turn based system.
- A large open world
- Characters that actually feel like fully developed characters
- New game plus
- Cutscenes that actually further the story.
- A villain that is actually a villain throughout the game
- A story that is actually decent
- Sidequests galore BUT no "mini-games" that take you out of the normal gameplay. Chocobo Racing/Digging, Blitzball BAD! Marks and Hunts GOOD! Collecting things GOOD! Tacked on card games BAD!
- Lots of characters, plus the ability to choose from them to make your team.
- Choices that have an impact within the story
- Less grind during the game
- No "overpowered" abilities or items that make the rest of the game seem a joke once you get them. In new game plus, sure, but not in the main game.
- A Fantasy Steampunk setting (FFVI is a good starting spot), with a Darker, more adult/mature story (one that doesn't treat us like we're idiots, but also doesn't confuse us with nonsense).
- Customizable characters, but with limits. Take the License Board idea in FFXII (where you can be anything you would like to be), but a) show the path you are taking so you aren't picking blindly and b) give a limit to how much you can learn so that you can't have everything!
- A character design that leaves out the annoying and over-the-top characters.
- I'd love to have a customizable main character along with fully voiced actors.
- Look to the earlier FF games to see what made them good.
- Bosses and battles that are actually interesting and different to fight. Use different mechanics when fighting, change things up so it's not always the same fight, especially for boss battles. Make boss battles memorable.!
- A final boss that isn't lame.
- An ending that doesn't suck.
- Splitting the party and taking on multiple stories is cool as long as people have choice within that story.
- A world map but no minimap.
- All secrets should be discoverable within the game! You should not need a strategy guide to find the hidden secrets!
- Hire some Western Developers to help you with the design of the setting/characters/story so that things don't feel completely out of place once localized!
- Bring back Exploration and the wonder of discovering new places!
- A summoning system and magic system that doesn't suck ass would be nice!
- No more walls of text as story! The story should be in the damned game as you play it!
- Make the world feel alive. Give NPCs things to do, and make lots of them! Make lots to talk to that aren't essential to the story but add to the world.

That should be a good start at least...