final fantasy 8 is under rated

I do think in a lot of ways, FFVIII is indeed underrated. I'll admit that this game is sort of a black sheep in the series because of the junctioning system, but I wouldn't say that made the game better or worse. I may be a bit biased though, as I liked VIII much more than VII and it was my first FF.

But as stated, I thought the storyline was great, even though it was confusing at times and it was very open for interpretation (aka Squall's dead, etc etc). I certainly didn't see any more flaws in this game than any other FF, nor was it perfect by any stretch of the imagination. And I do believe that the FFVII effect does make FFVIII the victim, simply because most people who started playing FF, that started after the legacy FF's, played VII first, and the first always seems to have a better effect than any FF after (like FFVIII did for me). I think its more than anything, the fact that VII was the first of it's kind that puts VIII in it's shadows. It is what it is though, people will always favor a game more than others.

FFVIII doesn't get talked about as heavily, so yes, I do believe it's underrated.
Well,in my opinion I think FF8 is niether underrated or overated. I think the underrated games of the ff series would have to be Final Fantasy I-VI. why?...because of the the 2D graphics.....I mean just imagine how the games would look if they were 3D and in next-gen graphics. I'm not asking for a remake of all Final fantasies I-VI (obviosly that's not going to happen) I'm just saying that people do not see the real thing in 2D. Square's jump from 3D to 2D was good but if the other games were in 3D they mught have been really good.
Well,in my opinion I think FF8 is niether underrated or overated. I think the underrated games of the ff series would have to be Final Fantasy I-VI. why?...because of the the 2D graphics.....

I agree with this to an extent anyway. I think it's true for the people who like the games but are not really fans and started playing them quite late into the series.

I think most real FF fans will look past the graphics and realize the old games are great and just as good as the modern ones.

But, I understand what the original poster is saying. Then again, in my opinion I think that FF7 is overshadowing all of the other FF games. Don't get me wrong its a brilliant game and one of my top 5 of all time, but there are one or two other FF's that I prefer.

It's a shame some people think FF7 IS Final Fantasy.
FFVII is Final Fantasy......hmmm

To be recognised as the only game in the series to be the only game in the series is kinda of S-E fault by pushing so many FFVII games on the players. It only over shadows FFVIII because its more exposed to players.

FFXIII may end up the same way in the end over shadowing another FF game with its 3 titles being released.

FFXIII is most better than FFXII but not FFX which is better than FFIX but not FFVIII which is nearly as good as FFVII which is better than see its just annoying to go into.

FFVIII might get its chance in time and might serve to be a better platform for Sqaure-Enix to leap new games from, after all FFVIII is much bigger than FFVII in terms of scope and story line in the original games which means more material to draw upon.
well for me ff8 and 9 are the best after that 13 12 10 10-2, i haven't even played ff7 lol.
I hated FF 8

FF 8 had Terrible characters, crap story and the magic drawing/junctioning system is the worst thing ever invented by man Next to the Gunblade that if actually ever used would blow off your hand. :sick:
Final Fantasy XIII is too...melodramatic for me. I like the characters, I like the story, I like the gameplay, for the most part, but...the game has terrible writing. Not to mention they didn't give the voice actors much to work with, putting them in black boxes with only a script and the japanese version to work with. I get embarrassed when I play it in front of other people.

Is Final Fantasy VIII underrated? Yes and no. It's definitely overshadowed by VII, if that's what you mean. I enjoy the game immensely, but the junctioning system IS annoying. Well, not annoying, but more of a love it or hate it kind of thing. It didn't make or break the game in my opinion, but it was a blotch on an otherwise pretty great game. For perspective, my favorites in order are as follows: VI, VII, X, XII, VIII, IX, IV, XIII, V, I, II, III.
I love FF8, and I think it is under rated.

The major reason is that it came after FF7, and so many people just wanted another 7 that when they got 8 they were surely disappointed. I mean, I absolutely don't get the appeal of 7, with all the misspellings, the way the spells are named, and the flat characters.

FF8's characters were so much more realistic. Squall and Rinoa played like a real teenage couple with the world pushed on them. Quisty played like a real teacher whose the same age as her students. Sure they were annoying, but they were realistic.

I always think it's funny that FF8's story gets picked on for having plot holes when I could drive my house through the holes present in FF7. And the horrible writing and racism. Yes, I said racism. People found Jar Jar Binks racist but not Barret? I mean come on!
I think it's underrated.Probably after Tactics, FFVII and FFVI and that order.

FFVIII......Underrated? what makes it so underrated.......nothing IMO its just a great game all round it offers an interesting story, some character of note, a refined battle system and development system, strong graphics for the time and is just well presented.

Every one has an opinion about this game It does not seem fair to hold it in the shadow of its forbearer, simply because it cant compete with the exposure FFVII recieved so possibly overshadowed but not underrated.
I think Final Fantasy VIII was successful enough. It has a large fanbase already, probably losing only to VII and 10. Is that not enough?

The storyline in this game is rather unimpressive, but most RPGs follow that pattern. The gameplay though is bad all over the place. It suffers from imbalance, tedious minigame in the form of cards that is required for getting the best magic and weapons, and the sidequests are very materially unrewarding.
The drawing makes battling tedious, and takes all the sense of urgency that should be present in a battle. As does leveling up and down your enemies or turning them into cards.

So I think it's not underrated. It's just not that good.
I loved FF8 a lot. It touched me in a way FF7 honestly didn't. =<

Mod Edit: Please try and put a bit more effort into your posts. Give us reasons why you enjoyed this game. Thanks. :)
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^^^Yes, well I won't fight with you about that.

But it is grossly underrated by the masses. People who haven't even played it think it's horrible. I have friends who think I'm insane for liking it more than FF7 and they've never picked up a Final Fantasy game in their life.

So many people pick at it's issues and refuse to do that with their own favorites.
For me, I really didnt like VIII. It was like after disk 1 was complete it was a thing of, "Hey lets throw some random shit in the game, we have alot of room to fill." It really honestly got me thinking they made this game while high or on acid, 1 of the 2 things. The game just never got me attached and hooked. Now VII, IX, X, XIII, those games got me by the balls. I could sit and play them for hours upon hours, and never get bored with them. Whereas VIII, I play it for maybe 2 hours if that and I'm bored as shit. I never got attached to any of the character in VIII either, the only person I thought was cool was Seifer. Outside of him I really wasn't diggin anyone. The Junction system.... ,,l,, thats all I got to say about it. I can say that for me, this is just another game. Nothing spectacular about it.
For me this was a great FF game, tho it goes without saying that the junction system is a total farce! But i thought it had a fantastic story, plot and setting, and it would definetly be my favorite FF if it didnt have that bloody Junction System.

But the game was never gonna get all the credit it deserves, as all the obsessive Die hard ff7 fans(we know who they are) didnt expect ff8, they expected ff7.5
I'm gonna play 7 again but from what I remember and it was my first Final Fantasy game, RPG period infact. I didn't get into it too much, the story and the characters just didn't do anything for me. Cloud was always B Rated to me where as characters like Squall were unique. They should modern day make a sequel to FF8, you just keep Squall and continue the story. Make him older, head of SeeD and you play the new trainee (CREATED CHARACTER) which would be an even bigger plus!
If any FF hangs in the shadows, its definitely #9. The way I see it, 8 hangs in 7's shadow, and 9 hangs in 8's shadow. That's because during that era, everyone had a hard-on for graphics, not realizing that they don't mean a whole lot in FF. Everyone was waiting for a PS2 installment, cheating themselves out of 8 an 9. Rookies...
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Final Fantasy VIII is my favourite from the series (well, tied with FFVI), but for sentimental value, this is the game that got me hooked. I used to play this as a kid, then FFIX came out and I left it behind, got all the way to the end of the third disc in FFIX then my 4th disc just wouldn't work. As such I deleted my save file, all these years later I've never been able to get back into FFIX, but I did decide to go back and finish FFVIII. With all my characters at Lv. 100, the battle against
took me almost 2 straight hours to win (I don't have the Lion Heart XD). As such I agree that it is underrated, but I still love it with a passion.
I never thought of the game as underrated to be honest. I enjoyed the game play, story and characters up until disc 3 where common enemies started using instant kills on me and I just rage quit. Also after hearing that when you level up your enemies level up alongside you it turned me off the fighting aspect a bit. I'm used to my leveling up usually giving me an advantage not increasing the power of my foe and making them harder too.

VIII is part of my top five favorite Final Fantasy games.
I think it's definitely underrated. FF7 and FF10 seem to get the most love overall. Even if FF8 was pretty successful, it gets a lot of criticism. I was never confused about the story and I thought all the characters were great. There are many ways to play this game due to the level and junction systems, meaning it can be as easy or as hard as you want. For a large portion of the game I didn't really understand junctioning, so it was pretty difficult for me, but at one point I couldn't move on until I got better junctions. Once I did that, it was incredibly easy.