final fantasy 8 is under rated

I absolutely agree that it's underrated.
When you play both games in comparison you can see that almost everything is remade better in FF8. FF8 is released only a year after FF7 and before FF9, but it has better graphics and FMV's then both combined. FF7 is good too, but when I played it I kinda had a feeling that half of the game Square is showing Aerith IN YOUR FACE so that you like her more before .... y'know ..., and the other half is Cloud chasing Sephiroth. Final Fantasy 8 has much more variety, customization and is a lot less predictable.
I'm sorry but IM going to have to strongly disagree.. If anything its overrated imo.. Sure it's diffrent but being different isn't always a good thing.

I can sum this game up in one word.. SLoppy.. Sloppy battle system, sloppy put together story, sloppy out of place character devlopment, and sloppy put together areas.. It has nothing do to with ffvii going right before it other than the fact that maybe squares head was way up in the clouds (no pun intended)from all of vii's success when they made this game..

No armor or accessories, weapons dont really mean a damn thing other than limit breaks for squall, the areas were hard to find and often times hidden, limit breaks everyturn.. Just honestly the worst of all the ffs that I've played..

I will be nice however and say i loved the tonberry, cactur, and gilg summon..
I think FF5 is a truly underrated games,not 8. 8 is a LOT overrated.Just can't accept someone thinks it is superior in some way to 9,that had LOTs and LOTs of references and feeling that the olders had,and 8 lacked. It's a good game though.

5 lives in a purgatory between 4 and 6. People just keep talking about those,keep wishing last generation remakes for them,keep talking about Kefka or Golbez...and what about 5?

MAN,it had Gilgamesh and,more importantly,GALUF (that had one of the most epic fights against a villain in FF,ever). It had the job system (that made Tactics possible)that was better than FF3's one,3 good world maps,funny dialogues and a good soundtrack.
Oh well.
I'm sorry but IM going to have to strongly disagree.. If anything its overrated imo.. Sure it's diffrent but being different isn't always a good thing.

I can sum this game up in one word.. SLoppy.. Sloppy battle system, sloppy put together story, sloppy out of place character devlopment, and sloppy put together areas.. It has nothing do to with ffvii going right before it other than the fact that maybe squares head was way up in the clouds (no pun intended)from all of vii's success when they made this game..

I actually think this is a solid summation of the game. I am actually okay with VIII; it's not a favorite of mine, but I'm not "against" the game by any means. That said, I think it's completely legitimate to summarize most of the game's aspects as sloppy.

It felt like they tried to do way too much with the gameplay, which was a nice attempt, but it just ended up really muddled. I wouldn't even call it "complicated" so much as some of it just felt tedious. It could have been cleaned up.

But the storyline, to me, is where it really took the hits. I can't say that this felt like an attempt of major effort. And yet, at the same time, you can tell that they really tried to make it impactful with the big plot twists and shifts that they threw in. The problem was that there was no context. They were deus-ex game-changers that felt "for the sake of". Again, it could have definitely been more refined.

I don't think VIII is underrated. As it's been pointed out, the game has a lot of success in terms of money, fans, and so forth.

That said, it does have its extremes and I think, because of that, there's a lot of love-hate duality about it. Perhaps we should look inward before immediately jumping to assumptions about outside causation. VII is not the reason for any problems with the game.
I do agree. The first time I played Final Fantasy VIII (around 6 years old), I really enjoyed it. And I can make a time line on how many times I've replayed it. The majority of the people I've talked to it about have shared their reasons for disliking it - like how they didn't see a real storyline to it. But there are tons of games out there that are just like that, and one game out of an entire scene shouldn't have to be the expected to be the same like the others.
I think all Final Fantasy titles are in the shadow of FFVII, some because they're worst others just because that's the way it is.

As for me this is probably my favourite FF title tied with IX and perhaps VI, i enjoy VII a lot but i find that the boundaries of fanboysm are reached with that title which kind of annoys me really.

On another note not a single FF title as had so many sequels and prequels like FFVII, for the most part i think it's kind of idiotic to say that FFVIII doesn't have a good storyline compared to FFVII, it's bad enough to compare the stories since they aren't even about the same thing.

I found time travel, sorceresses, military academy's and so on to be a great thing to mix together.

The only thing i think the game lacks is when it comes to the background of the characters, sure we know they were raised together and such but with the exception of Squall, we don't really know much of anything else. For example in FFVI and even FFVII we learn about the past of all the main characters and the reason they are as they are in the present. While in FFVIII i think that (with the exception of Squall) we don't really know much about them.

Despite that it's the FF title that i play almost every year for fun, i simply enjoy it a lot and it's also my first title. I could go on about how i dislike Rinoa and Squall but i find that's not important to this topic.

Anyway yes just like any other FF game it's underrated when compared to FFVII, i doubt there will ever be a game with so many fanboys and girls like FFVII, not to insult anyone but that's just my view.
@Jimmy: I know, you probably already know this but... FFVII has so many spin-offs because Square LOVES milking it. And everyone eats it up. They can make money off it's popularity so they use it. xD

@MasterVivi: How is Fianl Fantasy VIII any sloppier than Final Fantasy VII? I mean, seriously? The materia system, while cool is a bit unbalanced. Some characters are just thrown in there for the thrill of it, the story is full of plot holes, a character dies for the hell of it to show that Sephiroth is teh baddy, even though he isn't... for real. I'm a bit tired and I haven't played they game in a while, but I'm positive FFVIII is more structured than FFVII.

Agreed. People put to much obssession in FFVII to give any game a fair chance. ANY GAME!

FFIX, FFVIII, FFVI, FFXIII and FFXII are my favourite. FFVII is good, I like the battling, but it is so hard for me to enjoy the game without comparing it with what others say is so AMAZING about it.

Poor FFVII, it's too popular for it's own good. :gonk:
@Jimmy: I know, you probably already know this but... FFVII has so many spin-offs because Square LOVES milking it. And everyone eats it up. They can make money off it's popularity so they use it. xD

@MasterVivi: How is Fianl Fantasy VIII any sloppier than Final Fantasy VII? I mean, seriously? The materia system, while cool is a bit unbalanced. Some characters are just thrown in there for the thrill of it, the story is full of plot holes, a character dies for the hell of it to show that Sephiroth is teh baddy, even though he isn't... for real. I'm a bit tired and I haven't played they game in a while, but I'm positive FFVIII is more structured than FFVII.

Agreed. People put to much obssession in FFVII to give any game a fair chance. ANY GAME!

FFIX, FFVIII, FFVI, FFXIII and FFXII are my favourite. FFVII is good, I like the battling, but it is so hard for me to enjoy the game without comparing it with what others say is so AMAZING about it.

Poor FFVII, it's too popular for it's own good. :gonk:

I already explained why I thought ffviii was sloppy in my previous post but I'll go into further detail.. DO i think this game was sloppier than ffvii yes I sure the hell do.. Unless you can tell me a way to get 7000 hp at lvl 14 (without any cheat codes) and how to use your limit break everyturn in ffvii..

You claim the storyline in ffvii was bad but FFVIII's was the worst.. Squall and Rinoa were arguing with eachother the entire game and then all of a sudden out of no where HE can't live without her and loves her more than the cookie monster loves cookies.. THey should of done a gradual transition from arguing, to like to love instead of such a drastic sudden confusing change of emotions.. It confused the living hell out of me.. Also the whole oh we were all orphans and grew up together bit was just retarded.. It's like they couldn't come up with an exciting, intersting way to let that cat out of the bag so they just decided to let the characters "remember it" near a basketball hoop. OH and don't even get me started on the Laugana flashbacks, because there isn't enough time in the day to talk about how pointless and stupid those were..

Oh and dont get me started on the characters either. Could there have been a more boring uninspiring cast of people.. It's like they decided to change Tifa into a boy with ADHD and call him Zell.. Change cloud into an even bigger emo and call him Squall.. Hell even Irvine's whole pervert gimmick is just a clear cut copy off of Edge from FFIV.. No orginial or interesting characters in this cast period..

And how bout the fact that over half of the game takes place in that damn balamb garden.. I'm not kidding atleast 55% of that story had to take place there.. FFVII had way more areas, cities, caves to explore, and sidequests..

Even the little things like arrow indicators like they had in ffvii to tell you all accessable areas were taken out of ffviii.. Which if they would of had them it probably would of saved me from countless hours of getting lost.. I mean lets face it ffVIII is the worst ff when it comes to finding areas for story progression.. Also the world map in ffviii bothored me.. Probably because there was only like one city and cave on every contient.. Just a waste of time if you ask me.. they may as well have done away with the world map and just made the game linear like some of the others..

I will admit however the whole haunted mansion/get your powers back ending place in ffviii was awesome.. I just wish they wouldn't of wasted that idea on this game and would of put it in one of my more preferred final fantasies..

I don't see how people jumping on the ffvii bandwagon for its fame is anymore annoying than people bashing the game merely for its overwhelming success but I guess that's just me.. FFVII isn't even my favorite final fantasy, It's a close second to ffX but the game was pretty damn good.. I just looked up and found out that ffvii and ffx were the two best selling games by square ever.. If that makes me a bandwagoner or a success lover or whatever I'm ok with that.. Cuz those are probably my two favorite games regardless of their success and I will defend them to my grave.
I already explained why I thought ffviii was sloppy in my previous post but I'll go into further detail.. DO i think this game was sloppier than ffvii yes I sure the hell do.. Unless you can tell me a way to get 7000 hp at lvl 14 (without any cheat codes) and how to use your limit break everyturn in ffvii..

You claim the storyline in ffvii was bad but FFVIII's was the worst.. Squall and Rinoa were arguing with eachother the entire game and then all of a sudden out of no where HE can't live without her and loves her more than the cookie monster loves cookies.. THey should of done a gradual transition from arguing, to like to love instead of such a drastic sudden confusing change of emotions.. It confused the living hell out of me.. Also the whole oh we were all orphans and grew up together bit was just retarded.. It's like they couldn't come up with an exciting, intersting way to let that cat out of the bag so they just decided to let the characters "remember it" near a basketball hoop. OH and don't even get me started on the Laugana flashbacks, because there isn't enough time in the day to talk about how pointless and stupid those were..

Oh and dont get me started on the characters either. Could there have been a more boring uninspiring cast of people.. It's like they decided to change Tifa into a boy with ADHD and call him Zell.. Change cloud into an even bigger emo and call him Squall.. Hell even Irvine's whole pervert gimmick is just a clear cut copy off of Edge from FFIV.. No orginial or interesting characters in this cast period..

And how bout the fact that over half of the game takes place in that damn balamb garden.. I'm not kidding atleast 55% of that story had to take place there.. FFVII had way more areas, cities, caves to explore, and sidequests..

Even the little things like arrow indicators like they had in ffvii to tell you all accessable areas were taken out of ffviii.. Which if they would of had them it probably would of saved me from countless hours of getting lost.. I mean lets face it ffVIII is the worst ff when it comes to finding areas for story progression.. Also the world map in ffviii bothored me.. Probably because there was only like one city and cave on every contient.. Just a waste of time if you ask me.. they may as well have done away with the world map and just made the game linear like some of the others..

I will admit however the whole haunted mansion/get your powers back ending place in ffviii was awesome.. I just wish they wouldn't of wasted that idea on this game and would of put it in one of my more preferred final fantasies..

I don't see how people jumping on the ffvii bandwagon for its fame is anymore annoying than people bashing the game merely for its overwhelming success but I guess that's just me.. FFVII isn't even my favorite final fantasy, It's a close second to ffX but the game was pretty damn good.. I just looked up and found out that ffvii and ffx were the two best selling games by square ever.. If that makes me a bandwagoner or a success lover or whatever I'm ok with that.. Cuz those are probably my two favorite games regardless of their success and I will defend them to my grave.

That 55% was abit exaggerated, considering you spend most of your time out in other cities and actually proressing in the storyline.

I agree that the junction/drawing system was alittle over the top, aswell as the limit break system but at the same time for me, it was fun.

The card game Triple Triads was hell fun, too. one of the best minigames i've ever played.

Squall never hated Rinoa, either. it wasnt her he hated, it was the mission. you have to remember he's introverted so he doesnt show his emotions easily. and the romance does progress, you just have to read the dialogue properly.

I agree with you on some points, though.

One thing i will say though, i absolutely HATE how i ad to levelup each character equally, otherwise they'd stay that level till i decided to level them up.
It's annoying trying to level lvl 30 characters on Island Closest to heaven/Hell.
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I already explained why I thought ffviii was sloppy in my previous post but I'll go into further detail.. DO i think this game was sloppier than ffvii yes I sure the hell do.. Unless you can tell me a way to get 7000 hp at lvl 14 (without any cheat codes) and how to use your limit break everyturn in ffvii..

You claim the storyline in ffvii was bad but FFVIII's was the worst.. Squall and Rinoa were arguing with eachother the entire game and then all of a sudden out of no where HE can't live without her and loves her more than the cookie monster loves cookies.. THey should of done a gradual transition from arguing, to like to love instead of such a drastic sudden confusing change of emotions.. It confused the living hell out of me.. Also the whole oh we were all orphans and grew up together bit was just retarded.. It's like they couldn't come up with an exciting, intersting way to let that cat out of the bag so they just decided to let the characters "remember it" near a basketball hoop. OH and don't even get me started on the Laugana flashbacks, because there isn't enough time in the day to talk about how pointless and stupid those were..

Oh and dont get me started on the characters either. Could there have been a more boring uninspiring cast of people.. It's like they decided to change Tifa into a boy with ADHD and call him Zell.. Change cloud into an even bigger emo and call him Squall.. Hell even Irvine's whole pervert gimmick is just a clear cut copy off of Edge from FFIV.. No orginial or interesting characters in this cast period..

And how bout the fact that over half of the game takes place in that damn balamb garden.. I'm not kidding atleast 55% of that story had to take place there.. FFVII had way more areas, cities, caves to explore, and sidequests..

Even the little things like arrow indicators like they had in ffvii to tell you all accessable areas were taken out of ffviii.. Which if they would of had them it probably would of saved me from countless hours of getting lost.. I mean lets face it ffVIII is the worst ff when it comes to finding areas for story progression.. Also the world map in ffviii bothored me.. Probably because there was only like one city and cave on every contient.. Just a waste of time if you ask me.. they may as well have done away with the world map and just made the game linear like some of the others..

I will admit however the whole haunted mansion/get your powers back ending place in ffviii was awesome.. I just wish they wouldn't of wasted that idea on this game and would of put it in one of my more preferred final fantasies..

I don't see how people jumping on the ffvii bandwagon for its fame is anymore annoying than people bashing the game merely for its overwhelming success but I guess that's just me.. FFVII isn't even my favorite final fantasy, It's a close second to ffX but the game was pretty damn good.. I just looked up and found out that ffvii and ffx were the two best selling games by square ever.. If that makes me a bandwagoner or a success lover or whatever I'm ok with that.. Cuz those are probably my two favorite games regardless of their success and I will defend them to my grave.
Oh, Jeeze. I didn't mean for you to go into so much detail.

I disagree, but I respect your opinion. I, myself, think FFVII was sloppier than FFVIII. But that's just me.

I agree with you on the world map thing. I HATE FFVIII's world map. The song just makes it worse. But I actually never had trouble finding anything in FFVIII, except at the beginning. I got lost a few times in FFVII though... On the world map. And the remembering thing... I haven't seen that scene in a while, but I think it just kind of built up. I dunno, I didn't really like the fact that it came out of nowhere, in a basketball court of all places, but I did enjoy the story that was told. xP

To me, while Squall and Rinoa did argue a bit, they didn't argue a whole lot. Like when Balamb is getting attacked. They are beyond the whole arguing thing. Squall never liked the idea of the mission, and he thought that Rinoa was in over her head. The romance progresses... weirdly, I'll admit, but I think Squall is so against expressing his feelings that only when he started thinking about Rinoa, how everything is like while she is passed out, and how guilty he feels, does he start realizing that he has feelings for her. And Rinoa started liking him before that, like around Galbadia. She still liked Seifer, as seen after beating Edea, but she started having feelings for Squall too.

Err. Maybe I read to much into it? Or whatever... It's probably because I like it so much... Maybe.

Anyway. I never said that the Fanboyish, bandwagon-ness of FFVII was more annoying than those that bash it. I just never mentioned the bashing part. I don't agree with anyone who bashes it, so I don't pay attention to what they say. Because FFVII IS a good game, that's a fact. But I don't see how it is nearly perfect, or perfect, as I have seen some people say. I know, sounds a little... I dunno, screwed? Why would I care what the fanboys say over what the nay-sayers say? I don't know, but I do. xD

Again, anyway, FFVIII has it's charms that some people really like. And, like you, others dislike or hate. I myself love the Laguna flashbacks. I think Laguna is awesome. I also think the game has a few original characters, but like all games there are always going to be similarities to other characters. I could say Tifa is a female version of Sabin. Or that Cloud is like a male version of Terra, without the Esper-ness. Or, getting away from VII, that Relm is like a girl Palom. Or Cecil is just the Knight from FFI with an actually story. But, yeah. Sorry.

I'm actually a bit happy you replied to my post, and with so much. Thanks. And I'm glad to hear that ou will defend FFVII and FFX. Just like I'll defend FFVIII and my other favourites (FFIX, FFXII, FFXIII and FFVI[which doesn't need it]) even though they are obviously disliked by so many people. We need more people in this world that'll do that, that'll stand by their video games.

Did I forget anything?
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okay, jsut to begin with, I LOVE FFVIII map, specially because things are well hidden and its pretty difficult to find things in it which makes it more interesting in my opinion. BUT I must say that the bad thing aobut FF8 is the fact that its a very easy game, the system and all that is perfect and a great creation but the game in general is very easy, i remember getting to the 3rd cd before seifer and being lvl 30 with squall and the rest the same because i never leveled up and in the end i always went to the "island closer to hell" and use quistis limit break to lvl up to 100 in less than 2 hours :P Another thing that i must say about FF8 is the lack of secret stuff, it has some good extras like the cards and thigns like that but compared to ff9 it lacks those little stupid extras BUT it has some amazing secrets events and stuff like the timberlake monster or the UFO.

ON THE OTHER HAND FF8 is, for me, THE BEST FF GAME when it comes to the story and to characters since it gets you through 4 cds with no problem and in the end it just gets you more and more hooked to the tv. I also loved the GFs that appeared and how they did since FF8 was a more "detailed" 3d game since FF7 which was the first. Compared to FF7, FF8 is an amazing progress and for me it should be remade for ps3 since FF8 could use the lights that the ps3 gives to games as well with graphics.

FF8 is the best story ,for me of course, and it has an amazing system but the difficulty should get fixed.
IMO I don't think its underrated... i think its overrated because its a pretty bad game... I cannot finish it.. its all so boring, characters are boring, junction is stupid and annoying, you can almost play the whole game without even using magic...i do not like.

I feel FFIX is underrated and needs more love :)
IMO I don't think its underrated... i think its overrated because its a pretty bad game... I cannot finish it.. its all so boring, characters are boring, junction is stupid and annoying, you can almost play the whole game without even using magic...i do not like.

I feel FFIX is underrated and needs more love :)

Lol never thought of it that way, thinking back on it the only magic i ever used was the cure/life spells, Aura, scan and ultima. the rest were used for junctioning lol.

before Aura i roamed around "in the yellow" to Limit Break the bosses.

To be honest u never really used magix till X, when the elementals started appearing, now i can't help but spam magic instead of physical attacks.
IMO I don't think its underrated... i think its overrated because its a pretty bad game... I cannot finish it.. its all so boring, characters are boring, junction is stupid and annoying, you can almost play the whole game without even using magic...i do not like.

I feel FFIX is underrated and needs more love :)

I respect your opinion, though I disagree with you.
You "are" so precise when it comes to explaining why the game is boring. I could say the same thing about IX, but that is another story.
I find the game great, but not perfect. It is the most realistic game in the series, not in graphics, but the way it shows the human soul.
If you ask me, you cant't compare IX and VIII or any other game, not even in the same series. All games are different and not every game is meant to be "fun".
I respect your opinion, though I disagree with you.
You "are" so precise when it comes to explaining why the game is boring. I could say the same thing about IX, but that is another story.
I find the game great, but not perfect. It is the most realistic game in the series, not in graphics, but the way it shows the human soul.
If you ask me, you cant't compare IX and VIII or any other game, not even in the same series. All games are different and not every game is meant to be "fun".

I wasn't comparing them. I was just saying if any game is underrated its FFIX.

also your last thing about not every game is meant to be fun... wtf do I play games for if its not for fun??? *head explodes*
I wasn't comparing them. I was just saying if any game is underrated its FFIX.

also your last thing about not every game is meant to be fun... wtf do I play games for if its not for fun??? *head explodes*

I meant that a game doesn't need to be 100% fun... just like movies and books if you can look it that way.
I meant that a game doesn't need to be 100% fun... just like movies and books if you can look it that way.

yeah obviously there has to be other factors other than fun - but the game needs to be at least 80% fun otherwise how would it ever draw anyone in to play it?

I played 8 and within 20 minutes I was bored. Nothing was drawing me in, Squall, although hawt, is just a boring character... once again, the junction system ruins magic. I love using magic and <3 Black Mage's but this game took that from me.

I'm not too familiar with the story because I couldn't be bothered playing past a couple of hours but from what I know its nothing really exciting.

I know people love FF8 too, I know lots of people who think this is the best game out of all FF games, its definitely not Underrated!