Final Fantasy: Ancient Rings


Also known as NixMaster
Dec 12, 2008
((OOC/sign-up thread:

Long ago, there lived a race known as the Crusaders. The Crusaders were a people of strong magic powers, but they were not satisfied with the limited power of their individuals. The black mages wished to use the powers of the white, and the white the green. And so they sought to develop a way that one individual can cast master level magic of all types, even without knowledge in the field. Thus, the Ancient Rings came into existence. These rings, containing the knowledge of their ancient people, gave the Crusaders great power, and they wrongfully sought to use this power to increase their dominion over other peoples.

It is said that the Crusaders became so powerful that one of their own was able to destroy their entire civilization, bringing their quest for absolute power to an end.

Nowadays, the Ancient Rings, a once great weapon, is now considered nothing more than a priceless treasure with no practical use, for only those of Crusader blood could ever use them. However, some claim that there are a select few with the power to use the rings.

Nevertheless, the story of the Crusaders is over, and a new story begins. Now a new threat befalls the world. To the East lies the kingdom of Wrek and their powerful king. The king seeks to expand his power over all of the world, and thusfar has been successful in doing so.

But our story begins not with the king, but with a small boy and his friends on whom the fate of the world rests. The only hope for the freedom of the world.

Samuel Fade was in fighting class with about twenty students.

"Mr. Fade," called the teacher. Then the teacher handed Samuel a wooden sword and said, "Defend yourself."


"I want to demonstrate through you the Limit Break technique. After taking enough hits, you should be able to find a hidden power which will grant you a new attack. But it will work if you block enough hits as well, so try to defend yourself."

The teacher swung at Sam repeatedly, but it was obvious he was making it easy for Sam to block him.

"Teacher, I think I can feel it now."

"Then use it. I can take it."

Suddenly, Sam gained a boost of speed and hit the teacher multiple times a second.

"Good," said the teacher, apparently still fine after the flurry of hits. "Now I want each of you to partner up and get in line. But instead of hitting each other, hit this wooden dummy here."
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Richard saw as Sam was beating the teacher with his limit break. He gave a huge smile to Sam when he had finished his Limit Break. Richard quickly walked next to Samuel while listening to teachers chat.

'' That was nice! You almost kicked his ass. Anyway, you should put some kind of glasses on before I use my limit break ... it get's really hot and shiny then.'' Richard told to Samuel and jumped to the front of line by pushing a girl away.

'' Sorry, I thought that you may be afraid being first so I took the position myself.'' He told with his usual voice making the girl smile.

'' Teacher, I think that the dummy won't bring my limit break on ... I think you should hit me to my face.'' Richard told and watched as teacher nodded and kicked him to face. A drop of blood fell down from McRoid's nose as he was getting his face straight again.

'' That was harsh ... '' While Richard was telling it, his body began to glow and he started to flow.

'' Ray of Light !'' He shouted. A beam filled with light and warmth bursted trough the wall of the classroom burning the dummy on it's way. Richard fell down, but stood up as fast as he had fell.

'' Oh sorry teachy ... I forgot to mention it before but I have trained my limit break a lot ... My dad and mom asked me to do it.'' He told with loud voice filled with positive energy. That made most of the class to laugh but teacher seemed to be a bit too astonished.

'' I think you should go home now... there is nothing left for me to teach you. Oh... and don't forget to fix the wall by tomorrow.'' Teacher told as Richard walked towards Sam.

'' Hehe.. I told it gets hot. My dad teached me how to pressure everything out from my body and concentrate the energy exactly to the object. Result was here. Actually I was aiming for the computer to get rid of my remarks but missed a bit ..'' Richard told with happy voice and smiled to Sam as he walked out from the room. He pulled out a mobile phone on his way and started calling to his dad. When he had waited a minute for his dad to answer he hear moms voice.

'' Yea Richy? '' The voice was soft and gentle. Richard got a warm smile on his face and answered.

'' I, by accident destroyed the class wall and it's needed to be fixed Gotta go now...bye mom!'' Richard ended the call as fast as possible as he know that mom won't be happy.
Sam was astonished by the power of his friend's limit break.

He pulled out a mobile phone on his way and started calling to his dad. When he had waited a minute for his dad to answer he hear moms voice.

'' Yea Richy? '' The voice was soft and gentle. Richard got a warm smile on his face and answered.

'' I, by accident destroyed the class wall and it's needed to be fixed Gotta go now...bye mom!'' Richard ended the call as fast as possible as he know that mom won't be happy.

"I'm gonna go see Pearl. Wanna come with?"

((Sorry it's short.))
After hearing the question that Sam asked Richard smiled and answered quickly:

'' Yeah, why not!'' His face reflected his good mood. Even if he had blew up class wall he was happy like always.
Saito was in his wolf form when he came across the two men and one of them looked like he was doing his limit break and Saito was quite impressed by it he jumped down off the rock he was on and changed back into his human form and walked over to the men he wasnt use to talking orginal people(not wolf spirits).

"Well that was quite a show there very impressive"He said walking toward the men.