Final Fantasy: Best and Worst Cosplay

This Cid is hot!


LMAO. Oh dear god, I lol'd hard. And no words are needed for this pic:

Oh that's so annoyng >_<

I just deleted my post, little point in it being there if it didn't work & the links wouldn't work either. They made me laugh so hard aswel

Aeris's outfit looked so like my bedroom curtains aswel & steiner just looked like he was made out of kitchen stuff and cardboard

My faith in the thread of lulz has been restored xD
Oh. My. God

I just choked on my toast

*mental note: NEVER eat or drink anything when viewing a funny thread*
Yes :elmo: And I think the one with green hair is a guy too. This will be my last pic for tonight, I can't stomach any more of this horrible cosplay:

I couldn't help but put one that's not so ew up D: I needed to clean my eyes, soap wasn't enough >.<


but now I gotta put one that's for lulz

OH EM GEE. Why is that even in existence DX I have never seen...wait is that supposed to be Cid? Dear lord that's alot of bacon >.<