Final Fantasy: Best and Worst Cosplay

Well Edea, i was gonna look for some horrid Edea cosplayers just to be evil...but then i found this girl and thought her costume was so much more post-worthy:


I don't know if you're serious or joking...but that does bring me to a little side rant: when i was taking Japanese class at the local university last semester, every damn kid in there (and even a balding 40-year old) was a frigging otaku. This one idiot girl thought she knew Japanese soooo well cuz she'd always spout off little phrases she'd heard in her stupid anime. Funny thing was the idiot couldn't even pronounce half the stuff right, even after the teacher corrected her. I seriously hated that class. I was there to learn Japanese cuz i'd like to move to Japan and teach English, i don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of damn otakus.

Sorry, rant over <.< Anyway...this pic officially raped my soul:

WTF...Kuja's hair was never purple, he didn't have bangs, he had feathers sticking up not hair, and just...just...GAH! >_<

Whats with the Vivi doll?, anyways, soooo true what you said, about 99% of the ppl in my jap class were anima addicts, so all i heard all lesson was them ranting on about some shitty anime the end they realised they were too stupid to actually learn japanese, and left thus reducing my class to about 5 people, forcing my college to scrap it all lecturer was a lady from japan, she was cool, i hope she comes back at the start of the new term.....
Sounds about the same as my class -__- Time for some oldschool FF cosplay!


Turns out he put on weight:


Whoever made this Locke outfit should be shot for being so lazy:
That last one looks just like her casual clothes.....

This one has a pretty good vivi, and a fat whore Kuja...

WTF? How'd that fat idiot get first place?! She could have at least sucked in her fat gut when she was on stage. But that Vivi was awesome ^_^

Fatass Zidane wearing jeans:

Chrono and Luca:

Another hideous Luca:

On her profile, she called this "Sprite Locke"...but i don't ever recall his sprite being in a blue jumpsuit:

And behold the One-Winged Pooh!
One winged pooh?, am i on a trip again?........xD

Fat Zidane with jeans, that has to be the cheapest cospley ever.....and those boots...


This ones supposed to be quina and what appears to be a pimp of somekind,

She looks more like a maid with special needs, i think that sign looks better than her costume.
Rofl at that Steiner btw!! His face is HILARIOUS!! Poor guy has what I call a 'muppet' mouth, -> D:
But I like the fancy Garnet dress. See the guy with the red hair :s who's he meant go be?

You mean this guy with red hair?

Amano's drawing of Amarant. It's an excellent costume actually, but i dont know why he didn't get a wig because Amarant has long dreads.
i saw a guy cosplaying as cid at this year's anime expo...he had a mop instead of his spear...i'm guessing that the mop was a gag weapon

oh and for the record, i am NEVER going to even attempt cosplaying
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i saw a guy cosplaying as cid at this year's anime expo...he had a mop instead of his spear...i'm guessing that the mop was a gag weapon

Cid does have a mop in the game, actually.

Dorky looking kids, but that Sora costume is ace, especially the keyblades:

This is supposed to be Tidus...