Final Fantasy best villain

Well there are quite a few who make the list of the best villain in all the FF series. But if I had to choose one it would be.....Kefka. I mean not only was he a crazy, crazy man he is one of the few who actually did what they set out to accomplish. Rule or destroy the world. And not only that all of his dialogue was hilarious.

Yup. I think he's one of the best too. There's only one other person who succeeded in what he set out to accomplish.

Which brings me to my favorite FF villain: Kuja. Unlike other villains, he spoke as if he were a great poet. Sure, he looked girlie. But he can back up his own words with stronger actions. Here's a list:

1. Possessing Bahamut to
destroy Queen Brahne and her ship.
There was nothing but destruction as far as the eye could see.

Kicking Garland off from the roof of Pandaemonium.
I think he ripped this off from Kefka, though, because I hear Kefka did this sort of thing to his supposed "superior".

Destroying Terra, an entire world!
This further proves the destruction this maniac is capable of, especially after finding out that he's a
mortal like everyone else, and he's bound to die sooner or later.

4. Destroying the crystal became his primary objective
during Disc 4, and he did just that.

5. Not just incapacitating them, not just doing this to one party member like in FFVII, but he ACTUALLY
killed your entire party in your last battle with him as part of the storyline!
Seriously, how often does that happen in a Final Fantasy game?

6. And finally. Despite the destruction he caused. Despite all the people he hurt.
He saves the party from Necron before dying inside the Iifa Tree.
Most villains decide to remain evil until the day they die.

THAT is why I think Kuja is the best villain, so he gets my gold medal. Kefka comes at a VERY close second in my opinion, so he gets silver. And finally, the Emperor (from FFII) gets the bronze. :)
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I say Hojo. He was a very twisted scientist and was the driving force for almost every world threatening event that happened in the compilation of FFVII. He caused Sephiroth's birth, experimented on so many people, and he was so callous. He did not care for human feelings and every thing was an experiment to him. As far as villains go, it felt great finally beating him in his boss fight in FFVII and all the events that he caused give him much credibility.
Yeah I enjoy Kefka dialogue as much as the next guy but it's pretty obvious that he's an FF homage to Alan Moore's Joker from his original graphic novel "The Killing Joke" in which he sets out to distract Batman to torture the commissioner and his daughter (he abuses her and is responsible for crippling her). So I definetly can see those parallels since VI came out just after the OGN attained fame from the press at the time.

Mine I would have to say is Garland. He's the ultimate portrayal of abuse of power. And really isn't a curropt official the most dangerous villain of all? I mean you're in trouble if your arch enemy is Mayor or Chief of Police or even an officer of the law. So my hat's off to this bastard. I love to hate him. Worst judge ever. Wish he was in Tactics Advanced instead of Cid. It'd have been quite fun.
lol "accomplishment argument" for Kefka. He had ALL THAT POWER and still failed. Rather pathetic if you ask me. I like Kefka but he isnt nearly as awesome as some people make him out to be.

I like Vayne the most in the main series. Granted I love reading about dictators (Currently reading Hitler and Stalin Parallel Lives) so Vayne was right up my alley. He was the least 2 dimensional villain in the series. He did a lot of good and his motives were good but the means to which he tried to accomplish them were off. He manipulates politics and events with in way comparable only to Final Fantasy Tactics' Delita.
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lol "accomplishment argument" for Kefka. He had ALL THAT POWER and still failed. Rather pathetic if you ask me.

Well every FF villain fails at some point :hmmm:

Plus in the end Kefka was crazy so I doubt he really knew what he was doing unlike most FFvillains. Now just think if Kefka was smart and in control of his emotions D: !!! He's one of those villains that has just made a huge impression on me and actually evolves into a more badass character over the course of the game. He's one of those characters who you think is a side and then BAM! He's bigger than even the so called "main villain" himself.

I think Kefka is definitely one of my favorite villans of all time because he wasn't really the main villain to begin with and that he couldn't really control himself. He was actually crazy unlike most other villains and just based his descisions on impulse alone. He's brought me many nostalgic moments in gaming and I can never forget him....Oh, and did I mention his creepy clownish design? I mean look at him *points to siggy* psycho clown demon O.O
Oh no, not again... I can see a Sephiroth-Kefka argument coming the moment I see this title.

Though, as a matter of fact, I go with Kefka being the best villain for the fact that he poisoned an entire city of people... I forget the reason. And the fact that he's, thus far, the only villain that actually achieves Godhood...

... And ironically, still get defeated by mere mortals :P
Wiegraf is one of the best video game villains in history in my opinion. Tactics has such a deep storyline as well, but Wiegraf Folles just stands out in my opinion.

Im sure all of you already know his backstory, but yeah.

He is the leader of The Corpse Brigade who is fighting for a cause that seems evil at first. A great war was raging and Wiegraf and many others fought valiantly. When the war was over they were dischting for a cause that seems evil at first. A great war was raging and Wiegraf and many others fought valiantly. When the war was over they were discharged and not given any compensation. Wiegraf has his sister whos name is Milleuda. The Main Character, Ramza Beoulve is told by his brothers that The Corpse Brigade kidnapped the Marquis Elmdore de Limberry, when in fact it was Gustav Margriff who went rogue against the orders of Wiegraf who doesnt want anyone harmed.Wiegraf kills Gustav when he is attacked and tells the trio that he will leave the Marquis de Limberry with them. Ramza Beoulve and his best friend Delita Heiral and other accompliss, Argath Thadalfus go and slay Milleuda at behest of the order of the northern sky. Wiegraf intercepts Delita and Ramza to seek his vengence and loses the fight.
Wiegraf goes into mourning. The next time you see him he is mourning by the grave of his beloved sister when a man approaches from behind. His name is Loffrey and he invites Wiegraf to join the Knights Templar. This scene is wonderful so I have to show it to you. YouTube - Wiegraf Joins the Temple Knights - War of the Lions New Scene.

The next time you see Wiegraf he raids the Orbonne Monastery to take the Zodiac stone of Virgo. His friend and son of the leader of the Knights Templar, takes the stone and entrusts it to Wiegraf before Isilud escapes.Wiegraf fights Ramza and is left mortally wounded. Before he dies, the Virgo zodiac stone speaks to him and he accepts its offer and fuses with the stone to become Belias, The Gigas.

The Final And Most Dramatic Time you meet him he is inside a besieged Riovanes Castle.
Wiegraf-So you've come? Draw your sword Ramza. (Pauses) Not in the mood? I hope you will not object to me drawing mine.
Ramza-I pity you Wiegraf, more than you can know. What would Milleuda think, to see you now. You would sell your soul to the Lucavi to slake your thirst for revenge.
Wiegraf- Revenge? You think that is what drives me? I have no such petty concerns. I do not fight to avenge Milleudas death. I sow the seeds of chaos in the world of men, and reap the anguished cries of the weak. But worry not Ramza, Yours is a special case. I shall kill you myself!

Wiegraf has become something other than himself. Corrupted by Belias.
Something Wiegraf says is disturbing and very deep for the story.
He says that Religion is an opium of the people. THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE OF KARL MARX, the inventor of communism. incredible writing in FFT. Wiegraf is the most well written villain ever. Another of his atheistic quotes that is strikingly similar to that of Karl Marx is
"The reeking masses yearn for gods and miracles. It is their opiate, and they consume it greedily. The people do not endeavor towards greatness, but rather mire themselves in their petty strifes - shackles on the feet of man." —Wiegraf

And yeah I am religious so I definitely dont believe his quote but no one can deny how well written that is.

In fact the whole Corpse Brigade to me seemed like a reference to the Bolshevik Revolution. Im a history buff so I appreciate these things.
I agree FFTactics was such a great game...I wish I could point out one villain that stuck out to me at least but....There were so many at different times. You were always chasing after one after another. I'd say the whole Lucavi demon team or whoever that group was called who used the holy stones, were pretty badass(it's been a while to remember names)... :hmmm: This makes me want to rant about the awesomeness of FFTactics now :/

The villains of that game are amazing and the game as a whole is so well written. All of the quotes and characters, everything from that game is pretty genious...
Great points Weigraff. Vayne really had that grounded foundation that had the oomph that set him in reality. I'm wondering if we'll see more realistic baddies in the future, and NOT crappy like the afterthought that was this Pope in XIII that was so made of fail it's embarassing to the FF legacy.
And I don't want anyone to get me wrong, I really like Kefka. He was the highlight of VI easily in my opinion. However, I do think he is rather simple and its probably just me but I prefer the complex villains to the ones that have no real purpose other than nihilism. Kefka does this the best out of everyone in the series, Cloud of Darkness and Exdeath were rather lame compared to him. And I just think that the power argument for him is quite off, perhaps due to the fact that he really didn't succeed. Yeah he brought the world into ruin, but that wasnt his goal. His goal was to utterly destroy it.

Overall I have mixed feelings about Kefka. However, most thoughts about Kefka in my mind are positive things. And I liked Kefka way more than the entire playable cast of FFVI. Terra is quite possibly my least favorite FF protagonist. Celes should have been the protagonist throughout.

So overall, Kefka was a great villain. I just prefer other villains.
Kefka huh there was a time when I thought he was the best villian too. However a certain guy from FFVII changed my mind. I'm sure you all know I'm talking about Hojo. When I first played the game I went through the game thinking that Sephiroth was the main threat so I paid attention to him as a villain and in the end I wasn't that impressed with him as a villian. Then I played it again let me list the sick stuff this twisted fool Hojo did. 1. At the beginning he is trying to get Aeris to mate with Red. 2. You see him on a video camera killing Aeris parents. 3. The guy injected jenova cells in his own son and created what we now know as sephroth. 4. After Sephiroth burned the villiage and left to go to the reactor Hojo shows up and collects the surviors in the villiage and experiments on them causing all their deaths. 5. The whole story on sad story on how he ruthless betrayed his love or what he would say his experiment.
Good stuff. There are several that warrant honorable mention:

Kefka: For pure, burning ambition. Probably the most ambitious of the villains (beside maybe Kuja) Kefka can and does do anything to make himself into a God, committing some of FF's most glaring atrocities in the process.

Seifer: The contrarian. Rarely has an FF seen an antagonist more starkly opposed to a protagonist. Most games feature strong protagonists and antagonists who are actually very similar; they just happen to be in each other's way. Seifer is the polar opposite of Squall, and makes for a fantastic foil.

Golbez: For being
unbeatable. You never beat Golbez. NEVER. He only ceases to be a threat when he joins your team voluntarily.
He is the closest that FF has to Darth Vader.

However, the grand prize has to go to Ex Death. Why? Most FF villains are such by either ambition, circumstance, or sheer lunacy. Ex Death believes everything he says. He is an idealouge, and a quintessential nihilist. This makes him more dangerous than any of the others, in my opinion.
Emperor Mateus from FF2. Why ? Because the dude is so powerful, he takes over heaven AND Hell. He's so powerful that the god that created all and the demon of darkness is too feeble for him. He's the most powerful thing in the universe. Of course, Sephiroth took over the lifestream and Kefka became ruler of earth and cause a world wide depression, but more powerful than the gods themself ? I don't think so. :mokken:
Golbez was epic villain you just could not beat him. Without Rydia he would destroyed your party in under world :D . Rubicante also I mean he was not that hard but always healed your party before facing him... that's epic.

For all the various points before and the fact that
he goes from average lackey, to crazy evil lackey and then crazy evil god. He ruins the world to the point it is dying and the only thing stopping him from finishing the job is his own whims. He uses people until they cease to be useful and then destroys them or gets others to do such.
There is just so much left to be interpreted by the player on his story but he is present enough and appears just as a villain should to ruin the day. He is not the most powerful of the Emperors servants but he was the most devious and he does not rely on starting powerful to show how great he is. He does not have the benefit of powers such as virtual immortality, genetic superiority, or some other deus ex machina that other villains use. He has magic but so do you. He gets lucky and lives but so does the party. He influences NPC's like the party. And he changes his course like the party as well.
He eventually gains such godly power but it is through the means any person in the FF6 world could have if they worked for it and not for being some sort of Chosen one. You could almost expect him to die as a simple boss in the game. He is insane and flawed and not the type to maintain the cold control but knows how to play others just to get what he wants. He is vile and yet it is with a whimsy and heartless but passionate disposition that makes him distant not because he is above you in power but that he is below you in depravity and it works for him...
He grew in power besides the party and thus is a dark reflection of them not a milestone they have to beat. And then when he gains the power they see all the "wrong" that reflection shows magnified and they are left to compare themselves against it and question if they are up to the task. They fought for what is right and still lost. They beat the bad guy but it was not the right bad guy. The rewards of evil were so great they could not compete at the time. For all their effort to improve the world the results were not that super sugar sweet ending of other games but a second act in darkness. They are shown to be weak and then have to rise back up and fight him with renewed hope. It takes two years for that to even get started.

But yeah for all those reasons and more that is why he is the best villain in my book!
Well imo its a toss up between Sephiroth and Jecht.

Sephiroth is one of the two best Final Fantasy villians as he went from a member of SOLDIER working for ShinRa to one of the most annoying of all time bosses of Final Fantasy 7.

Jecht is the second of the two best villians in Final Fantasy for the sole purpose of he looks like a badass mofo. Nuff said on Jechts behalf.

Well imo its a toss up between Sephiroth and Jecht.

Sephiroth is one of the two best Final Fantasy villians as he went from a member of SOLDIER working for ShinRa to one of the most annoying of all time bosses of Final Fantasy 7.

Jecht is the second of the two best villians in Final Fantasy for the sole purpose of he looks like a badass mofo. Nuff said on Jechts behalf.


I too would have to agree with Fear The Reaper.
Sephiroth and Jecht were 2 of the strongest Bosses (in my memory) of all the recent FF's. When i first played ffx it took me about 7xs to beat him, however it took me even longer to destroy Sephiroth(probably about 9-10 tomes of restarting my save game).