Final Fantasy Characters that should be in the game (and involved in the Plot)

They should all be a part of it. Especially Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Kuja, Steiner, Freya, all the FF9 cast.
They should add a lot more from pre-FFVII era titles. The only one that has been added is Setzer. Even including the FFIII DS characters. There is definitely some great characters before FFVII and would love to see them.
they should have at least 1 or 2 worlds for the FF series though
That has been mentioned before in several threads outside of this forum, but it has come to dissagreement. the FF characters are "guests" of the worlds in KH. Sure, they may be involved in fighting or joining the heartless/ nobodies/??? , but they are guests. The disney characters are the ones with the worlds.

Kain(e?) would be a cool addition. Imagine him and cloud meeting...
I would like to see some characters from FF Tactics.

Delita, Marquis Elmdor, Agrias - You get the drift.

I would also like to see Rufus and the turks from FF7.
They should put in gogo. that would be an intersting character to have in the game. it would also be cool to have a few of the thief characters show up like Locke and Zidane as friends of Yuffie or something.
I think Kingdom Hearts will stick with new FF characters and popular ones. For all us hard core FF gamers its a bummer.
Kefka should deffenitly be in it, i mean come on the dude is like purely insane. He would make a great world boss, then to go with him should be Lockem Celes, and Terra other then that maybe Barts and Faris, and Gulf just to seem him die and give the others something to fight for. From FFT Cid that was the most kick ass version of Cid ever.
I think Zell and Zidane should be in it for sure
and Aldo (or any key npcs from FFXI) would be sweet
I don't care what anyone says, I want to see Vincent more than anyone in KHIII. (big surprise coming from me, I know).

But I'd also love to see Kain from FFIV, he was always a pretty awesome character. Oh! And Edge. I <3 Edge ^o^

Zell would be fun to put in, but I'm just afraid they'd turn him into a little kid or something annoying like that :/
Vincent turning up would be interesting, especially since he wields a gun in a mostly non-mechanic game, save for gummis. But it would be a good addition to the continuation of the cloud/sephiroth aspect of the story, especially since I think Tifa is going to dissapear. It might freak sora out a little to see a man dressed as cloud was dressed in the first KH, and a boss confrontation could occur, showing how much darker Vincent really is to cloud.
I would love to see Gilgamesh, Locke, Celes, Sabin, Zidane, Garnet, Freya, Kefka, Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Kuja (With pants, of course) and Terra Branford in KH3!
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Kh 3

I want that Zidane,Garnet and Kuja would be in KH 3!!

Kuja would be optional boss (Just like Sephiroth was)

and you would not use Sora...;)

You would figth as Zidane =D

how is that?

Ashe,Kefka,Rinoa,Rikku,Barret,Yuna (FFX version),Vaan,Vayne and so go on FF characters would be in KH 3
I would love to see Ramza and Delita as well as a few other names from Final Fantasy Tactics in the game.
I know a lot of people will object, but I would like too see some FFXII characters in it like Vaan and Vayne. In my opinion they would add a good story to it.
I'm ready for seeing one or two Final Fantasy worlds, actually. Two would be brilliant - Gaia/Spira and Terra. Gaia is the name of every Final Fantasy world, other than in X, where it's Spira, and Terra makes way for other Final Fantasy IX characters.

I'd rather totally not do away with Disney worlds, however. The entire appeal of Kingdom Hearts is lost to me, then - it just becomes Final Fantasy: Kingdom Hearts, to me.

So, aye, I'd like to see Cloud and Sephiroth once more, simply to see what the hell happens when one of them dies because, as of yet, they've just simply disappeared each time they've fought. I'd like to see either Rinoa, or Edea, or both. I've already mentioned Kuja - and you can't have Kuja without Zidane. Unfortunately, Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Rikku and Paine have already been spoiled, so there's not much we can do from X, other than add Seymour too and have some kind of villains vestebule. From XII, I'm up for seeing a few Judges ;)