Final Fantasy: Dirge of Cerberus released on 18th November in the UK

I guess that is good news for people in the uk after Final Fantasy 12's convient delay to spring when the ps3 had to be delayed to spring
I blame the Government for the delay. I blame the Government for everything :P

So how long's that? 11 days today? Ooh :D

That's right, if you can't find someone to blame for everything remember that the Goverment is somehow always behind of every bad thing that happens. :D Yeah it was time for everyone around the world to enjoy this game.
Yeah, I looked at my GAME magazine and POOF! FFVII: DoC for 18th November. I thought ... Must. Have. It.
Oooh, just five more days left. I can't wait, but I can't buy it until after the weekend because I'm working then. :(
What? They're in stock today?! I thought it said "18th November"?! It said it in my GAME magazine. I'll buy it on Monday and I have a free lesson first at college. Yay!
Well as of 4:30PM on the 18th of November I have completed DoC.

Not as long as a FF game should be, however it was a very good game. I liked the ability to custamize and upgrade your guns. Quite similar to DMC.

oh and I got all three G reports and saw the secret ending first time round.


Now I just need to do all the extra missions.
Lmao, I just run around like a crazy man firing off some Thundaga's here and there, blowing up half the WRO at the same time!

I only just defeated Nero and I'm going to turn in. It's definitely been worth the wait, though. Very different, very appealing. I have a few questions in general about the concept of the game, but I'll post them in it's section when I've completed it.
ooh its out already i asked our local Game Shop, Geekay its not going to be out yet in a month or so :mad:
Well, I bought it yesterday. I can't play it til Wednesday, but had a look at the manual nonetheless. Pretty good story and I'm looking forward to the gun action when I do eventually get round to playing it.