New member
Fuck this franchise!! Every game I fucking play in this stupid fucking gallery has me dying because the stupid fucking programmers give me some bullshit-ass random encounter that just kills me!! I was just playing final fantasy 3 for the nes, which is a shitty fucking game, and my mages literally fucking died to some stupid lynx because I got a random-ass back attack that just fucked me over!!! I DIDN'T SAVE IN A WHILE BEFORE THEN EITHER, MEANING I JUST LOST HEAPS OF FUCKING PROGRESS!! FUCK THIS GAME!! AND NOT TOO LONG BEFORE THEN, I LITERALLY DIED SO MANY TIMES TO SOME STUPID GIANT RAT BECAUSE I COULDN'T KILL IT AND IT WAS DOING ABSURD DAMAGE!! ONLY IN FUCKING RPGS DO YOU SEE THIS BULLSHIT!! FUCK THIS FINAL FANTASY FRANCHISE AND FUCK ANY RPG IN GENERAL!! I SWEAR TO GOD, EVERY FUCKING RPG HAS BULLSHIT LIKE THIS!!!