Final Fantasy III: NDS Version


I'm an Awesome Pirate Girl
Nov 6, 2006
Texas, with the Vaqueros and Vaqueras...I'm a Vaqu
I've beaten it, or at least the original game. I've already beaten the Cloud of Darkness and the other Boss battles to end the game, but I need someone now to exchange mail with on Mognet to fight the Iron Giant and to get all of the ultimate weapons for all of the classes, and to get the Onion Swordsman. If you need my friend code, it's 0172-6412-4495.

Anyways, the most likely dispute on this game is probably what classes you used to beat it, or the classes you're using right now.

I started off the game by using Luneth as a Thief, Arc as a Red Mage, Refia as a White Mage, and then Ingus as a Warrior. That was the same basic lineup I used the first time on FFI, except the Red Mage was a Black Mage.

Anyway, by the end of the game, Luneth became a Ninja after having a Job Level of 99 as a Thief (I couldn't change until the Syrcus Tower, so that's why it got to the highest), Arc became a Sage after having a Job Level of 74 as a Red Mage, Refia became a Summoner, finally, after having a Job Level of 67 as a White Mage, and Ingus changed classes rather early, so he had a Job Level of 23 for the Warrior when he changed, but by the end of the game, he was had a Job Level of 65 for The Knight, while the others remained in the 40s.

So, anyway, here's my preference team:

I wish I had a wi-fi adaptor to do it with you, sorry. If I did, I would give you my code.Its to big for my wallet [sobs]

Anyway heres my team perference
1.Luneth-Black Knight

But when I need magic using characters I change Luneth to a geomancer, and Ingus to a red mage. When I opened the game booklet and looked the aviable classes, I almost jumped out of my seat when I saw that the Black Knight was avalible. That my favorite class out of any FF game:lol:
I wish I had a wi-fi adaptor to do it with you, sorry. If I did, I would give you my code.Its to big for my wallet [sobs]

Anyway heres my team perference
1.Luneth-Black Knight

But when I need magic using characters I change Luneth to a geomancer, and Ingus to a red mage. When I opened the game booklet and looked the aviable classes, I almost jumped out of my seat when I saw that the Black Knight was avalible. That my favorite class out of any FF game:lol:

Don't you use White Magic? By the time you get to the last boss, you better be in the 70s or start using White Magic...Change Arc to a Sage. He may look...stupid, granted, but he'll be able to use Lv.1-8 Black and White magic, and even summoning magic, but leave those to your Summoner. Then again, I hardly saw any use in Black magic in this game, since Meteor is a bit of a drag unless you plan on really boosting your Intellect. Flare and Holy pay off way more than Meteor, for some reason. I best prefer magic in FFIV, since you don't have to keep deciding what you want to use, and Meteor always dealt max damage...but, this is FFIII, and so it's hard to decide on a constant party.

The Magus...if you like it, then keep it, but I prefer a Sage, since that's a very manipulative class (Stats can resemble the Magus, given the right equipment, like the Omnirod and the Black Robe). The Dark Knight, I'll agree, as well as the Dragoon, since those are actually what Cecil and Kain were in FFIV, my favorite FF, and the Dragoon can avoid a lot of damage and come back the next turn dealing double damage. It's a rough class to master, but I thought it payed off once it got to Lv.30.
Hmmm I used a white mage till I got The summoner then I got rid of it. Then if I needed health, I summoned Infrit and hoped he did healing light. Me personaly, I thought that The black Mage and the Magus were awesome classes:lol:
Hmmm I used a white mage till I got The summoner then I got rid of it. Then if I needed health, I summoned Infrit and hoped he did healing light. Me personaly, I thought that The black Mage and the Magus were awesome classes:lol:

They are...but Meteor doesn't give much in this one, so I hardly saw use in Lv.8 Black Magic, except for Flare. Besides, after seeing that Summoners summon on the very same turn the command is given, and that their magic usage is much higher than any other mage class (they get about 13 Lv.8 MP points, as opposed to 8 that the Magus and the Devout get), and then when seeing Bahamut is simply an annihilator as always, it gives much more value to the summoner class, totally cancelling out the disadvantage of low Vitality.
So is it any good on the DS, im thinking of getting a DS for christmas and im not sure if i should or shouldnt get this game.
So is it any good on the DS, im thinking of getting a DS for christmas and im not sure if i should or shouldnt get this game.

It's a great game for just killing time. Like all other Final Fantasy games, you'll spend a lot of time leveling up and finding the perfect weapons and blah, blah, blah. But, if you're not going to be able to play it in long intervals, then don't bother for the time being. It's still really fun, though. Then again, I'ds till prefer FFIV or FFV.
My god Castlevania games own. The Final Fantasy III game i'll be getting for Christmas. I saw the one job called viking and I was like "My god that says ownage all over it.". I mean that guy looks beastly! Anyway it looks like a fun game.
My god Castlevania games own. The Final Fantasy III game i'll be getting for Christmas. I saw the one job called viking and I was like "My god that says ownage all over it.". I mean that guy looks beastly! Anyway it looks like a fun game.

I like the Black Belt, the Summoner, and the Ninja. Not only are they very stylish-looking, they kick ass, too.
Savvy, if you need to exchange mail still, here is my friend code: 4209 9127 5007. I need to as well.
Thanks for the thread

As soon as I found out the release date of FFIII for the DS I waited and rushed out on the day to grab a copy... sadly walmart and gamestops in the area didnt get them till two days later for some reason or another.

Anyways, I started off with a warrior, black mage, red mage, and a monk (my fav choices for FFI on the NES)

I have them at these current job levels:

Luneth: WR: 22 DG: 66 KT: 45
Arc: BM: 35 DK: 93
Refia: RM: 66 Scholar: 13 Sage: 37
Ingus: MK: 83 Ranger: 10 Thief: 2 BB: 51

I want to max out all their job levels and unlock everything, i was wondering if anyone could share their friend code with me to unlock the secrets in the game. If anyones interested my friend code is: 296-437-225-246
I'll give you mine and add yours. I've got the scholar, dragoon, white mage, monk, viking, and thief mastered with insignia. My code is 5326-6100-8624. I think I may just add that into my sig.
I'm new here, but as you guys seem to be swapping friends codes you mind if i spam 7 mails or so for the onion knight and quests?:rolleyes:

I've added all your codes.. only thing is, I'm in the UK... we don't have to be on at the same time do we?:huh:

edit: you'll be needing my code too i'll bet ! (doh) 2878 4837 3542