Final Fantasy III: NDS Version

grendel, i added you so add me back. my friend code is 4209 9127 5007 =)
I added you guys too... but everyone is always greyyed out. O_O... am I doing something wrong?:mad:


(grumbles about crappy friend code thingie) Do we have to be on at the same time or something? I take it we do as this thing doesn't seem to use servers at all (cheap gits.. grumble grumble)...

SO.. anyways, anyone who wants to meet up online tonight just add me on msn/yahoo/aim/icq and we can arrange to have a message exchange...

also.. where is the spacebar key on the typing window thingie??? graaah so irritating! I can go get the rom for free and have the onion knight ToT.. why when I go to the bother of importing and paying do i have to do this??

again.. my code is: 287848373542
Well crap...after reading through the posts on this thread, I'd might as well kill the one I started yesterday cuz it's all right here. Anyone mind if I add you to my mognet?? My Friend Code is 1418 1842 1420

So yeah, ixnay on my friend code that i posted yesterday. I played a little last night after work when i was really tired and i decided i wanted to start a new game to better level up my jobs in a more orderly fashion....and i managed to save over my previous game instead of a different slot. I'll post a new friend code tomorrow when i get it in case anyone wants to add me then. I hate when i do that.>_<
my god some of you people were online! so.. i spammed you all ;D... ... feel free to spam me back
Go ahead and add. I'll check mognet.

I've got white mage, scholar, dark knight, knight, monk, geomancer, viking, and thief mastered. (I think I mastered more, but drinking now--specific info offline)

So I get my new file past the ebilness that is the Djinn..check my little Moogle friend in Ur, and guess what?? My friend code is the same!! Plus my Adress Book is completely intact with all the pple I had already added! In a state of frenzied excitement I check the Mognet, and I got mail!!! Yayhoo and much thankies to Grendel for being my first official Mognet Buddy! And Grendel to answer your above Questions....1) We don't have to be on Mognet at the same time to exchange mail. Nintendo WFC holds all mail for a period of like 24 hours for a person, so check your mognet daily so you don't lose any letters. 2) the space bar is under Symbols in the lower right hand corner. It looks like this [ only rotated 90 degrees. Thanks again, and now that I'm okay, Lets start Mailing Everyone!!:lol: