Final Fantasy in decline?

FFVII was a lot different, it was a group of people who came together to defeat Shinra an organisation.
Which is really all that different from 5 and 6 how? A small band of people battling against a dark power threatening to destory the world...

If people really, really enjoyed the way Sakaguchi made the games then they will almost certainly see this as a weaker Final Fantasy, and believe that it will be difficult to return to old glories. But if you're just looking for excellent games then there's nothing to say that Final Fantasy is on a downward spiral as such.

It's not as if every F.F. up to now has been universally popular anyway.
I did like XII but there was something about it that didnt sit right. I thought there was way to much influence from Vagrent Story, with the sound effects and even the "new" battle system.

Dont get me wrong i love Vagrent Story and final fantasy, but surly they can create something new.
I say, get off it. The storyline has changed for each game and I happen to believe this storyline and character development his very well done.
i liked ff12 because of the gameplay the new battle system and the gambits and because it was very different from other games