Final Fantasy is NOT Star Wars

Even though there are homages, I don't see how FF & SW are connected.

Before FFXII that is xDD FFXII as others have said gave me such huuuuuuuge SW vibes it wasn't even funny.

Yanno other obvious ones besides Ashe = Leia and Vaan = Luke

My favorite, Penelo = C3PO
Even though there are homages, I don't see how FF & SW are connected.

Before FFXII that is xDD FFXII as others have said gave me such huuuuuuuge SW vibes it wasn't even funny.

Yanno other obvious ones besides Ashe = Leia and Vaan = Luke

My favorite, Penelo = C3PO

See im not the only one who got the whole Leia vibe off Ashe XD

Balthier is Han solo then

basch is obi-wan

Penelo is C3PO *Apparently* XD

Which leaves Fran to be chewbacca XD

George lucas should so sue :Lol: but Really Ashe is scarily similar to Leia its untrue o_0
If Bathier is Han Solo, then he's a nice verson Han Solo. And I'm talking about the Han Solo that shoots first. Acutally, Bathier seems more like a Rhett Butler like character.

Does Vaan get to become a Jedi and get to use that force? Cause that would be so cool!

Who would be Yoda? Is the final battle as assult on the Empire super base that Vaan blows up?
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Use the force Tidus!

Auron to Tidus:
Tidus, I am your Father..

yeah i can see it in front of my eyes right now :cool:

Auron: By the way Tidus, Yuna is your sister.

Tidus: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT! ::faints::

Auron: And I built Kimari.

X started to feel a little Star Warsy when Auron told Tidus that Sin was his father. I was like, "Oh no". Then when everything was explained it all made sense.
The opening reminded me of the parade at the end of Phantom Menace and some of the characters do remind me of SW characters also, Fran and Baltiher for example remind me of Han Solo and his sidekick Chewbacca.
Quoted from a fanfic i read:

Sephiroth: Palmer never told you about your father did he?
Rufus: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!
Sephiroth: No Rufus, I am your father...
Kill all those that thing FF is SW! lol FF have characters with MASSIVE swords and SW are dudes with laser swords does anyone see the difference?
Kill all those that thing FF is SW! lol FF have characters with MASSIVE swords and SW are dudes with laser swords does anyone see the difference?
I don't think anyone's saying that FF is exactly like fact pretty much most of the time they aren't similar at all. Just certain instances and story points. Primarily, FFXII.