Final Fantasy Kingdoms

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Vline dashed up to the gatekeeper and said, attempting to sound official "I am here to see the King, for he has summoned me..." He saw the guards sceptical face, and kicked him where it hurts. Pushing his way through the gate, he quickly took in the surroundings: The hustle and bustle of the marketplace, the quaint washing of laundry by the castle's maids, Cloud and Kamui standing leisurly in the bailey - "What??"
Cloud and Kamui were looking straight at him. "Ok, so this isn't good... but how did you get here so fast?" He saw their glares again, and backed away, suddenly jumping into the marketplace which was thronging with activity. He quickly disappeared into the crowd.
Cloud and Kamui were just about to rush in after him, when a red ball rushed past their field of vision. It struck the castle's flag, which burst into flames. "Love the flag, Cloud!"
cloud frowned. "that is bad." he just walked around leisorly thinking of nothing better to do. The flag burned up to a crisp... But then a horn sounded and another flag, the exact same one as the last, rose up the flagpole. "You see VLine!" Cloud shouted "My Citizens are Loyal to ME!" He walked up to the podium in the great hall "Citizens!" He boomed. " I thank you for being so loyal! Lets have a celebration. and with that cloud locked himself in his room and studied for 3days and 3 nights. learning how to master fire...
"so Cloud is going to learn the art of fire, Vline you realise that fire and water do not mix? but then again, being the master of light and dark isn't that bad at all...hmmm... but i have on more secrect card to play, mother, and this time it is an element"

Kamui flew to the top of the tower to see what could be done, Cloud was still in his study, and Vline was doing something or another, probably another sceme, of something
OK peeps i wil be working on a story! i changed the name of all the official ppl like cloud (legal purposes) and i will email it 2 u guys when im done to see how it is. so i wont be on very much for now..
The room was dark. Cloud sat at the ornate mahogony desk, flicking his hands at a torch that wouldn't, just would not light. He needed more practise. Suddenly, it burt into flames. He smiled triumphantly, then frowned in a puzzled sort of way as the torch went out with a 'pththt!'.
"Cloud, you are a moron. Aww, look! You're trying to do magic like skillful people!" Vline was now standing in the room, illuminated by a pale green sphere. "When are you going to realise that your 'loyal subjects' conspire against you?"
"*sigh* i guess i may as well practise as well... sorry could this might hurt a little but i won't let it do any damage, but at least through this i can increase my power and keep it in check...."

"senveah eht nopu nwod niar sdrahs eci tel" and with that the ice grew dark, and giant ice shards began raining down, Kamui lept underneath them, and begain shoothing them down, with dark and light blade beams, and finally he chanted...

"ruomra htaed arua eci"

amd Kamui's aura sprang forth, and began to solidfy, and covered his body, he was covered in armour, that was made completely of ice...
and destroyed the remaining ice shards,

"hmmm seems i still haven't lost my touch,"and the ice began to break of his body
Aftyer a week of training and making speakes to his citizens, knowing how to keep them faithgul, was now the master of fire. He smiled, it was fun engulfing himself with fire at will and not getting burned. he walked up to the podium to show his new found power to his citizens
Kamui watched Cloud stepping onto the podium, watching him light himself in flames, then saw that he had indeed master fire... ice, fire, and water... the wheels are in motion, and soon it will be upon us, *sigh* mother we are going to need more help, i'm afraid to say, my aura of light, dark and ice energy may not be enough, even with fire and water... this is not good
Pardon me for interrupting. It seems that this RP has been inactive now for a while and even after it has been brought back to the section. With the departure of Golden Chocobo, I'll now ask the other two participants in this RP a question. Would you like to continue? If not, I'll have to archive this thread and reduce the threads that aren't needed in the RP section.
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