Final Fantasy Month

Prince Oberyn Martel

The Red Viper of Dorne
Jun 24, 2006
So a couple of guys on Twitch are attempting to race through majority of the Final Fantasy series within a month. Currently on day 3 as of posting. They have already done the PSX versions of FF I and II, something fucked up with III (Steam) so are now on IV (Steam).

I know it's not strictly a Let's Play but not sure where else it would go.
I saw this yesterday... It actually sounds like fun and something I would wanna do against someone (at least the main titles, maybe not all the spinoff's) Race to see you can get through FF first!

seriously though that many games one after another... ugh...
Hahaha but, what's the point? :gasp:

Oh shite, you beat me. Now what? That's all :lew: :mark:

Fuck racing through the games i'd much rather take my time beating it :wacky:

It's almost been a month lol. I guess we'll have to wait and see who will win.
Its raising money for charity I believe. Focusing more on fun than an actual race but still pretty interesting. Crumps trying to beat Minerva on Crisis Core was insanely painful to watch though... :wacky:
I had it streaming in the corner whilst I got on with other things :wacky: Poor sod literally took the best part of 12 hours getting his arse handed to him after around 30 mins each time... gave up, slept, then in the morning decided to do the one thing everyone had been trying to tell him the previous day. Won first time (I think) :gasp:

Even though the month is now up the marathon still continues. Crumps is now on Dirge of Cerberus and Cereth is much further ahead on FFIX.