final fantasy old or new?????

The older ones as in the ones available on ps1, I enjoy the snes ones as well. I don't like the new ones. I'd rather be without voice acting unless it's well done.
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The newer ones. I prefer games with good graphics and voice acting, not that you need good graphics to tell a good story. The older ones have a nice novelty, retro feel, though.

and there is also the higher rate of game play like
battel and qust its not just simple wich is good for the high lvl gamers out there
I feel I have to separate the games into three categories.

Old: FFI through FFVI
Aged: FFVII through FFIX (possibly FFX as well, it was kind of a transition game)
New: Anything after FFX

I'd really rather judge them on a game by game basic, but I won't.

I'm kind of torn between Old and Aged as to which is my favorite, I'd say Old in a heartbeat if it weren't for FFIX. Then again, that game was meant to return to the franchises roots, so I guess it could be put in the old category.

Anyway, my biggest gripe is with Square/Enix's newest content. It just isn't as plot focused as some of the older ones were. Once Advent Children came out they seemed to decide that flashy cutscenes and epic fast paced battles are the best direction to take the franchise; something that makes me angry.
Because of this I've stopped looking forward to "the next Final Fantasy game!" and started looking backwards to older games outside the Final Fantasy franchise. For that part I'm grateful, I've since played many awesome RPG's with little to no affiliation with Square, but it still pains me to see where the FF franchise is going...

I'm pretty much in the same boat, though I favour what you would categorize as "aged" over "old". I'd say that the "aged" games goes in "old" too though. Final Fantasy VII is 12 years old, and that's nearly as old as some of the members of this forum :P

Advent Children was the release that really gave me second thoughts about the franchise. There was nothing remotely classic Final Fantasy about that one. It was just some horrible shallow cross between The Matrix and Dragon Ball Z with the FF VII cast thrown in for good measure.
Meh, for me the old games are the pre-VII games I.E. the 2D games. The 'new' games are the post-VII games simply because of the console and graphics shift and that is when FF really began exploring different settings and ideas in my opinion. Although it could probably be argued that VI began to explore such things. But for the sake of simplicity it is easier to associate the new settings and ideas with the new consoles and graphics.

But enough of that shit, I prefer the newer games. The only game from the old era that I really like is FFVI, I don't mind FFI and FFII and I thought FFIV was ok. But these games (with the possible exception of FFVI) don't live up to the likes of FFIX, FFX and FFVIII in my opinion.
I remember playing old school rpgs on my commadore 64 when i was little and then only played the older final fantasies after playing VIII, VII, IX. The lack of graphics didn't put me off, it's the story you want to get involved in. and getting some kick ass gear!

But I do like the games and the way it's progressing. The old style will always have a place in my heart, but change is inevitable, so I'm gonna plump for the new era!