Final Fantasy Versus EXTENDED

looks awesome! cant believe we have to wait another year for this to come out.. seems like forever! btw, why does it say cloud up at the top? i saw some vids for versus on youtube that had cloud up at the top too and i waz wonderin why
Hey, I don't see the vid, just a bunch of random ones :huh:
The game looks amazing. I'm actually looking forward to FF13 Versus more than FF13.
Same here. FFXIII Versus just generally appeals to me more because I'm one for a darker storyline and I think that its something FF has been missing out on for a long, long time. Especially with the Kingdom Hearts battle system as well it should be a great game:wink:

~New link for extended trailer~
Final Fantasy XIII Versus EXTENDED Trailer
you have to type the link into your address bar because it just redirects for some random reason :S
i wish they would give us a release date so i know how much longer i must wait. Verus seems so great. I would like to see some in game footage to see what game play will be like.