Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete announced


Jun 6, 2006
At the Tokyo Games Show this year, Square Enix announced that they will be releasing Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete, which will be a slightly changed version of the original movie on Sony's Blu-Ray media. The resolution on the movie will be much greater than that of the DVD version, and there will be extra scenes added along with existing scenes edited. One specific scene showed in their trailer was the scene from the original Final Fantasy VII game where Sephiroth holds Cloud, who is impaled by Sephiroth's Masamune, above his head.

So far, no release date has been announced for the Japanese version of this movie, but many reports indicate that the movie will be released sometime in 2007.

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That sounds pretty good. The movie was good, but now having it better makes it worthwhile buying.
OMG!! AWESOME!! will it be realeased on DVD as well... or only bluray...? and is there any news whether it will be dubbed or not?
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Very cool. I still need to see the original version of Advent Children. I haven't gotten around to buying it just yet b/c I haven't been out of town lately. But I can't wait for the Adven Children Complete!
wow, that's coooOol!!! i hope to see more battle scenes (..oh how i wish) and of course more summoning!!!! and lastly more limit techniques shown!!
Words can not express how glad I was that I downloaded AC rather than buying it. Suffice to say I would never consider buying the blue-ray edition, especially since so far all that seems to have been added is "ZOMG MORE FIGHT SCENES!!11!!!".

that sound's great

blackrose the honest thief
Oh darn. I just got Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children 2-Disk Special Edition in U.S. Oh well, I won't be buying any Blu-Disk player anytime soon.:mad:
THe movie was definitely good, I loved it, but then I am a huge FF fan, The ending was one of the best parts
Blu-Ray? Does SquareEnix have a big deal with Sony or something? It would make sense to put it on an HD DVD, but a Blu-Ray only release is just silly (unless SE is assuming everyone who wants the new version of AC will have a PS3). Oh well... I'll probably have a PS3 around then and probably buy it...
LOL i remember when i got the Japanese Pirated Version before it even came out to Canada.. it'll be nice to see the new FFVII: ACC
..I doubt we will see anything life changing in the movie. A few little extras isn't going to do an awful lot. We know what happens in the =/
OH MY GOD!!! That almost gave me a heart attack O_O
So when did they announce this? And do you have any extra information?
(the waiting starts again XD)