Final fantasy vii music

My favorite song is definitely the last JENOVA song. Not the song that plays when you actually fight her for the last time, but the one being played as you descend the stairs to get to her. I love playing the bass line on my bass. I could do it for hours.
It was deffinatly up there with some of the best soundtracks that games have. One winged angel was awsome :P Still is to.

But i must say, the opening theme in FF12 is better than the opening theme in FF7 (They're the same, FYI, just different versions)

If they redid the music and made it sound more modern rather than computery like in FF12, it would be a billion times better. I mean, they already have the amazing tune down, right?
Id like to see who thought the final fanasy 7 music was good and why

also i want your opinions on why it wasnt good if you disagree and what was the best theme!
i believe tifas was the best because thats where you first see her is in the 7th heaven video and her theme is the 7th heaven music

Wall street and cosmo canyon has the best music
yes i do like the cosmo canyon music
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the music in FFVII was sensational. theres aerith's theme, judgement day, tifa's theme, and a whoooole bunch of others. it was defintely one of the best final fantasies music-wise.
The music of FFVII was truly superb. It was probably the most complete collection of music I've ever heard on any of the FFs I've played. The music ranged from humble, peaceful pieces, to epic, orchestral scores that were amazing to listen to. The collection of music in VII and pieces such as Tifa's Theme, Aeris's Theme, Barret's Theme, Cosmo Canyon, Jenova's Theme, One Winged Angel, Wutai, Turk's Theme and the Main Theme (to name a few) were just elegant and tasteful on the ears. Some nights as I settle down for bed I just listen to VII music and take it in. It's very nice to just listen to the scores in such a tranquil environment. Truly masterful.
The FFVII music was very powerful. I had the soundtrack for a while, now that I think about it.....what the hell happened to those? I want those back. :mad:
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One of my favorite themes was interupted by fireworks. You only hear it a few times throughout the game, and it brings back a few touching moments. Aerith's theme also brings a good share of pictures to mind. =]

My favorite songs in the game are actually closely linked to my favorite scenes and turning points.
Well, considering that the main points of the game are the ones you actually remember, it's quite easy to figure out why. :P
*I do the same* :rolleyes:

And what's this 'Interrupted by Fireworks'?
What points in the game do you hear it anyway?
i like all of the musch because i love to hum the musch while pling the it helps me enjoythe game more.same goes for other FF games and thay are aeris'theme,highwind takes to the sky,and One-wingedangel.
I thought the music was great. I thought it came second to FFX's music but it was still great personal favs were tifa's theme, a god is born, jenova and the one and winged angel

I swear, Nobuo Uematsu is a fricking genius...a musical genius
I really enjoyed the music in Final Fantasy VII, it is quite beautiful and unique. I love the world map theme, it would quite easily be one of my favorite songs in the game. I could sit there listening to it for ages. I really enjoyed a lot of the music in the game, it's very nice indeed. Superb soundtrack! =]
I loved the music in FFVII.They were all so beautiful in their own unique way.My favorite song would have to be...the worldmap song when you stepped out of Midgar for the first time.Ah...memories...all this talk about FFVII makes me want to play it again. ^_^
Final Fantasy VII's music was one the most complete I've ever heard in a video game. From start to finish the game had beautifully memorable scores that will stay with fans who played it forever. Ones I loved that much more are Tifa's theme, Aeris's Theme, Main Theme (piano version), One Winged Angel and the music that played within the Train Graveyard to name a few. I've got the complete FF7 OST, complete with Piano versions and so forth and it is grand. Beautiful.
It had some great themes all-around. Seto's theme however sticks out as one of my favorites. Just the emotional tie it has in-game with Bugenhagen, Red XIII, and those who lived in Cosmo Canyon at one point of another.

The music fits almost every aspect of the game, and it's got some of the best in the series.
This game had awesome music. It fits nad enhances the atmosphere of the game and its story. My favorite themes were the one that played during the first mission at the Mako reactor, the random battle theme, and the boss battle theme. Whenever I hear any of these I feel a flood of nostalgia.