Final Fantasy VII? Nah, I never played it.

Idk. Just other people's theories and stuff.
When I first started playing, I pretty much just went by everyone elses version of the jenova/lifestream/meteor theories.
Between the millions of fans, there seems to be a pretty happy medium which explains the story line fairly well. ^_^
I dont understand what people are saying here. I am no expert at English, having scraped a pass at GCSE and giving up on the A2 level, but I still had no trouble understanding what the characters where saying
Noooo, that's not what we're talking about. lol.
I'm pretty sure every english speaking person in the world understood what they were saying.
We're just talking about how the translation from japanese to english sucked. Like some of their grammar was noticably horrible.
Yes the translation was awful but it doesn't make the story line that much harder to understand. The reason the story line is confusing is that it tells you just under the amount you need to understand it, causing you to think about what could happen, which is the mark of a good story I think.
Everyone wants a remake of their favorite game and FF VII has a HUGE fan base that would make it a good one. Square-enix would make a tremendous amount of $money$ and in the long run i think thats what is going to motivate them to make it.
No, that's got nothing to do with it.
See...when you translate one language to another, sometimes the point you're trying to get across comes out different. So some of the things that were said in the game didn't make perfect sense.
We have entirely too many remake threads going on in here. There has been a sticky on this topic since there are so many threads being made. *closed*