Well looking back maybe I was a tad OTT, after having afew brewes n'all, but in general thats was never meant to take actual offence. I'm sure you put unessasary words in sentances before when your annoyed at sometime or another, it was just that.wow...i can gladly say to you my kind sir friend...NO SPAMMING!
do you think before you type? not one word in your thread was on a basic remake. and my g/f Lacy would have a few words with you for calling all the peple who played Final Fantasy XI and i quote "faggots"
id watch my mouth if i were u or a mod/systems administrator will be confronting you next time my friend
I however don't see how my post is actually spam tho. If you read the forums you will have noticed im not a fan of this so called FFVII remake. My paticular point this time was the fact alot of people who are hopefull for a remake are hyped up about it because they have been fed false information and/or because they belive its going to happen due to the popularity of the original since AC etc. They seem to think that at a buisness point of view that it is definilty on its way soon, but I think SE have proved they arn't exactly the quickest of cats when it comes to logical buisness at the moment for example FFXI. FFXI is an online only game, which has isolated ALOT of the Final Fantasy fan base even if it does seem to have good sales at the moment. why they chose an online only formate for a main FF is utterly ridiculas no?