Final Fantasy VII Remake

If Square-Enix did a demo of Final Fantasy VII for PS3 then that means that they are thinking about remaking Final Fantasy VII or not. I mean there is got to be a purpose for them to show us the demo.
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There was demo of FFVIII on the PS2, that was never remade. There was a tech demo for FFVI for something or other aswel, demos mean diddly squat if you ask me
I'm in support of a FF VII remake, but V and VI need to be remade first. In addition, I'll only support a FF VII remake on the PS3 if VIII and IX get the same treatment and level of support. Otherwise, Square Enix should just do a small-scale remake on the PSP and focus on finishing Final Fantasy XIII and XIV, the Fabula Nova Crystallis project, Dragon Quest X,the remake of Dragon Quest VI and starting work on Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV.

To be honest, a PSP remake for Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX would suit me just fine. It would still allow the games to be enhanced, but would saves resources for new projects on the PS3, 360, and Wii.
Even though this thread seems old, I wanna just say that yes, they definitely will. FFVIIis a major cash cow for Square Enix, and while SE has always been about quality rather than raking in the money, it's an opportunity that they, as well as the fans, wouldn't want to pass up.
indeed the possible profits from a remake are too large to pass up though i agree that some of the other games should be updated if they're going to do 7,however i feel the 7 should get the best treatment because it'd be the biggest gem for them
I don't sure whatever I want one, as I am not a fan of FFVII.
I do like it and think it has some great points, but it has some bad points as well.
If they'll make a remake which explains better some parts in the plot and make the plot a little less ~forced~ and more interesting, then I may as well give it a chance.
If it is just about improving graphics, adding abilities and adding new places on the map then I am not interested...
I can't decide if i want to see it remade or left as it is.
it is definitely one of the best, so im more inclined to say leave it on the ps1.
This is definetly my favorite game I've ever played, and I would love to see it remade for the ps3, if of course by remake they mean better graphics and possibly voice overs and nothing more.
I would love to see FFVII remade. I don't even think it's a question of "if", so much as it is a question of "when".

I remember a few interviews with Square from some time back, and they were talking about FFVII. The staff personally enjoys the characters, the concepts, and the plot, etc... So there are other motives, in addition to the guarenteed fans and money. I'll try to dig them up and post them if I can.

The demo, the spin offs, all of these things seem like Square's playing around with the idea of it. But they should just cut some of the spin off stuff and just follow through with what most people really want. It seems like they're just trying to milk it for as long as they can, with a remake as the finale.

Perhaps I'm speculating too much, but I honestly do think it's a given, and just a matter of time.

They wouldn't even have to do anything with the gameplay. The only things that would really need to be done, in my opinion, are:

1. Fix the mistranslations when the time comes - easy
2. Make certain aspects about the plot a little more easy to follow for those who claim it's "so confusing". This could be done by extra scenes, dialogue, etc...
3. Improve th graphics - a given.
4. Add voices from compilations.
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Theyre definately going to make it, with everything that all the fans have been saying, theyll know how big its going to be, they wouldnt be in business if they didnt take projects like this, its way too big now to be brushed aside. Its gonna be like forever until they make it though, thats one thing thats certain. Woo! Im excited now
I do love this game. Though, the thing I want to see most about this game, IS CLOUD IN A DRESS. MWUAHAHAHA!

MOD EDIT: Please put a bit more effort into your posts please. Say why you'd love to see him in a dress and add other reasons as to why you would like to see this game remade.
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I'm in support of a FF VII remake, but V and VI need to be remade first. In addition, I'll only support a FF VII remake on the PS3 if VIII and IX get the same treatment and level of support. Otherwise, Square Enix should just do a small-scale remake on the PSP and focus on finishing Final Fantasy XIII and XIV, the Fabula Nova Crystallis project, Dragon Quest X,the remake of Dragon Quest VI and starting work on Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV.

To be honest, a PSP remake for Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX would suit me just fine. It would still allow the games to be enhanced, but would saves resources for new projects on the PS3, 360, and Wii.
BTW, for what reason should VIII and IX be remade? Their basic character models, cut scenes, and FMVs, while obviously unlike today's, were of strong quality. I hate to say it, but there was a gap in the effects done between VII and VIII that was of a considerable difference. And, well, let's face it, with graphics being the primary reason why ANY of these FFs are remade, why should they have to do VIII and IX again? The quality in art and image given in both games were great, while the biggest reasons that I-VI have been redone (apart from console issues) were their "outdated presentation".
I'm in support of a FF VII remake, but V and VI need to be remade first. In addition, I'll only support a FF VII remake on the PS3 if VIII and IX get the same treatment and level of support.
Come on, you can possible expect a console remake of all 3 of those games do you? One remake would be a huge huge big budget project, they have to choose one and it should be VII since that is the most loved and had the biggest impact.

Im not against a portable remake of VIII and IX a couple of years late though.
I really don't understand why they haven't made a remake yet. I mean their a company, and companies love money. If they make a remake they'll make lots and lots of money.Even if they mess up the story and gameplay people will buy it just because of the title.
And i really want to see Great Gospel in HD! :p
I really don't understand why they haven't made a remake yet. I mean their a company, and companies love money. If they make a remake they'll make lots and lots of money.Even if they mess up the story and gameplay people will buy it just because of the title.
And i really want to see Great Gospel in HD! :p
A remake of Final Fantasy VII would be a great idea because it is good for the company. They don't need to change the story at all, they just need to remake the game with some extras stuff that's all. I mean think about it, how much money would the company generate after remaking one of the best RPG with the best graphic quality that there is now? It will sell millions of copies around the world and it will break record once again. I know that Square Enix will make a remake of Final Fantasy VII, no doubt about that. They are just trying to finish the Final Fantasy XIII projects so they can start with Final Fantasy VII. There is no way that Square Enix will let this pass. It will be a worthy project for them.
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Yes! there should absolutely be a remake, I'm sure Square Enix would know how to handle the remake aswell-they must know how hardcore and loyal their fans are. Wont be for a long time though, unless it has secretly been in development all this time but at a slower pace so Square get it exactly right.
Id put my FF collection on the line to say that there would be huge numbers of people out there that would buy a pS3 just for FFVII.
Please Square...
I really don't understand why they haven't made a remake yet. I mean their a company, and companies love money. If they make a remake they'll make lots and lots of money.Even if they mess up the story and gameplay people will buy it just because of the title.
And i really want to see Great Gospel in HD! :p
The problem is that there's a lot to take into consideration with the cost of remaking it, sales predictions, required staff, popularity etc. Currently, I don't think they have the required staff needed as it would probably need to be the original FFVII team who develop it and some of them are far too busy with multiple titles being developed. Also, how big is the demand outside of the FF community? You probably think it's an extremely popular demand but you have to take into account that this is an FF forum so that's only natural, personally speaking I wouldn't mind a remake but I'd live without.

I'll take the stance here that a remake would be a PS3 exclusive, then they'd also have to balance out the cost of making it and sales. I don't think the PS3 has sold enough in America, simply put. Japan has 3x many sale as the 360, it's sold extremely well in Europe selling only 1.58 million less than the 360 with the 360 being out 2 years beforehand. However, in America it's sold just under 9 million less than the 360.

So making the assumption that it'll be released for the PS3, sales figures in American need to go up drastically before a remake is considered imo.
i think most people would love to see it, but im one of those people who would rather sitck with the original
it just has a classic value, and theres always a chance of them ruining it.