Final Fantasy, what would they do if......

then the bad guys are in a whole lot of trouble, Kuja will whup Zidane's ass easily

what would happen if Cait Sith met Quina (the weird cook lady from IX)
Quina would try to eat him, but Cait Sith would predict that he'd give Quina a stomachache so he'd get out of it.

If all the FF villains went on the show Survivor, which one would be the token "guy who walks around naked just to piss the others off"?
Kuja, he's the only one that would look good doing it

If Squall walked up to you and said he just killed Riona, what would you say?
"Squall...:tighthug: Thank you for making VIII good again."

What would happen if Barret, Rikku, and Zell were all stuck in a space station together?
Oh no, I dont wanna think about that
Rikku- oh no, what do we do
Zell- mommy, help
Barret- calm the fuck down you little bastards

What if Auron became Sin instead of Jecht
Then I could never have killed him :D

What would happen if Amarant shaved his head?
"Balloons? 8( Wow, a lot of people are going to be disappointed :hmmm:"

What would happen if Yuna had loved Wakka instead of Tidus?
She'd probably get nailed by the entire Besaid blitzball team with a drunk Wakka leading it all.

What would happen if Don Cornelio from FFVII was a registered, bisexual schizophrenic sex offender and Cloud - dressd all in drag - indeed did get picked and the doors were locked? Mind you he has no Buster Sword, no Materia, and is pretty much vulnerable?
Cloud wouldn't be able to sit down without wincing for three months afterwards.

What would happen if Kefka was hired as Vayne Solidor's court mage?
What would happen if Kefka was hired as Vayne Solidor's court mage? :lol:

Kefka would make it all fun wouldnt he? he'd HATE HATE HATE vayne!!

What if zell and seifer were caught shirtless in bed together...?
Squall would be all like, Seifer, why wasn't i invited, it could've been the best three-some ever!

What if Sephiroth missed Aeris when he stabbed her?
Aeris would've grabbed the sword out of his hand, stabbed him instead, and then the game would've been over and a white mage would've actually done something badass xD (Just kidding.)

What would've happened if Tidus had been a ballerina instead of a blitzball player?
The game would have made more sense.

What would happen if Yuffie actually made off with your Materia instead of hiding like a twat?
you wouldve never met yuffie, so therefore the game would have more mature themes considering theres no 16 year old around

what would you do if vincent knocked on your door and held his gun up to your face
He'd call Dexter "Mr. Thou" and Dee Dee would want to be his girlfriend :D

What would happen if Cyan made a movie with Jet Li?