Final Fantasy XII = Star Wars


Chocobo Afficionado
Aug 7, 2008
Have you ever noticed that XII and Star Wars have many similarities...

For example: Vaan, the blonde haired protagonist of the story, he does not live with his parents and he rises up against the Empire because they killed a loved one. Very similar to Luke Skywalker

Baltheir and Fran, Sky Pirates with their own ship, very similar to Han and Chewy, a human and a strange humanoid companion.

The sky city of Bujerba (spelling?), similar to Cloud City.

Baltheir, Fran and Vaan rescue Princess Ashe, similar to the way Luke, Han and Chewie rescue Princess Leia from the Empire

Vaan wants to be a Sky Pirate, similar to how Luke wants to be a pilot.

Vaan, Baltheir and Fran help the Resistance, who is more or less being led by Ashe, similar to the way Luke, Han and Chewie help the Rebellion, which Princess Leia is leading.

Both Baltheir and Han Solo used to work for the Empire.

A main antagonist helps the protagonists later on in the story by turning away from the Empire... if only for a short while...

I am sure there are some more similarities if you look hard enough but thats all I could find so far... granted, I have not played the game to completion yet :p
The Final Fantasy series on the whole is full of Star Wars references, XII does seem to be the most Star Wars-esq though. I always thought the outposts out in the Deserts were something pulled out from Star Wars, the style of the buildings suit very well.

They should have brought Biggs and Wedge back as resistance. They weren't in XII at all as far as I know ><
I'm sure they were present as Gibbs and Deweg or something - anagrams of their original names.

That first post does look rather suspicious to me. I know they take inspiration from various places but that looks ridiculously excessive.
There was a Biggs and Wedge in VII and VIII too. but if you're a fan of final fantasy you're probably gonna like star wars too, so the creators were probs big fans of it. but the similarities between XII are a bit shocking!
I'm sure they were present as Gibbs and Deweg or something - anagrams of their original names.
Ah yeah, the two Imperial Soldiers outside Nalbina....but anagrams are no good, they should of had Biggs and Wedge as Resistance fighters flying airships in the ending, attacking the Bahamut :wacky: But ohwell.

There was a Biggs and Wedge in VII and VIII too. but if you're a fan of final fantasy you're probably gonna like star wars too, so the creators were probs big fans of it. but the similarities between XII are a bit shocking!
And in VI and X. Possibly IX somewhere aswell but no other.
The Yam-Yensa Sandsea people (is that what they are called?) are quite similar to the Jawa's of Tatooine if you want to realy dig deep. They both live in sandy areas, and wear hoods.

But yeah there are lots more Star Wars references in this game than there are in the others.

Take Gabranth and the Judges for example... Pretty similar looking to Vader...
The Yam-Yensa Sandsea people (is that what they are called?) are quite similar to the Jawa's of Tatooine if you want to realy dig deep. They both live in sandy areas, and wear hoods.

But yeah there are lots more Star Wars references in this game than there are in the others.

Take Gabranth and the Judges for example... Pretty similar looking to Vader...

It's called the Nam-Yensa Sandsea. Definitely a similarity at the end of the game, all those puny, little ships firing off at Bahamut XD This was a good catch, Semiazas. Except Fran isn't a 6-7 foot giant furry beast. :P She more resembles a playboy bunny XD
It's called the Nam-Yensa Sandsea. Definitely a similarity at the end of the game, all those puny, little ships firing off at Bahamut XD This was a good catch, Semiazas. Except Fran isn't a 6-7 foot giant furry beast. :P She more resembles a playboy bunny XD

Well Fran is a furry companion to a gun-weilding pilot. Similar to Chewie and Han Solo I guess.

Also, cheers for correcting me on the Nam-Yensa, I knew it was something like that. :P

I thought of another one.. The begining with the celebration for the wedding (I think it was), it ad parades with space-ship / hover vehicles coming down, and then people marching out of them. Reminded me of some of the scenes in Star Wars too.
There's two Sandsea's. The Nam-Yensa Sandsea and the Ogir-Yansa Sandsea.
Also the Judges helmets look a bit like Stormtrooper helmets. Also, Balthier and Ashe had a bit of a "thing" going on, so did Hans Solo and Princess Leia. Also, the FF12 heroes have to fly a small ship into Bahamut to stop it. Much like in star wars when they flew in the Millennium Falcon into the Death Star to destroy it.
Think about this, you know when Vaan (luke) is in Bhujerba (Cloud City) and the Marquis Ondore sells them out to the Archadian Empire? Its Excatly like Lando Carlissian sells out Han and Leia to the Empire on Cloud City.
Also both Lando and Marquis Ondore happen to support the rebels/resistence in the end. Remember when in Return of the Jedi Lando leads the assault on the second deathstar? Its like when Ondore commands the resistence fleet against the Bahamut, which is basically a death star.

Hmmm and the bounty hunter Ba' Gamnan is supposed to represent Boba Fett, as he's after Baltheir (Han Solo). Also, Ba' Gamnan looks like Boba Fett, as the 3 main colours compromising his look are green, brown and orange, same as Boba.
Wow. I always thought that FFXII had references to Star Wars, but I never thought that the similarities were so blatant. Anyway, I love both Star Wars and FFXII so this doesn't really bother me. Anyway, I prefer FFXII's story theme. Star Wars is a little too white and black with its moral issues. Not a lot of shades of gray (though there are some.)
Actually, I thought that Ba'Gamman referenced to Jabba the Hutt, a non-human after Hans, but in this case Balthier.
An empire raging war on a simple rebellion is another.

Man I thought this thread might be stupid but now that I think about it there is alot of things simular to starwars.

WOOT 200 posts.
Dont forget the specships and alien creatures. They looked like they were lifted and modified right out of a Star Wars film.

I dont know too much about Star Wars but I think its great that theres a video-game that borrows the best from other great properties and puts them into a more accesible and interactive experience.

I dont think any of the 'empire' or political themes are suited to a video-game though so that was probably better left in Star Wars. But I think the spaceships and futuristic things are really well assimilated into the magic and fantasy setting of FF12 even if theyre a bit inconsistent.

Alot of RPG's borrow from other franchises. The new Star Ocean game is proably a combination of Titan A.E, Skyland and some other Star ...... francise(Star Wars, Star Treck). Its fun to play video-games with cinema quality style or concepts.

ITs not just Star Wars. I think other video-games may have influenced it. The Sudeki game I played on Xbox like years before had you start the game in a town simlair to Rabanstre and characters such as Fran and Baltier are similair to characters like Buki and Elco from Sudeki. But its possible that Final Fantasy initially influenced Sudeki.
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You know, the only thing XII was missing was Vayne saying, "Vaan, I'm your father!" :wacky: That really would've been Star Wars for ya

I personally think they went a little overboard with the Star Wars theme because I mean enough is enough! And this game definately has more than enough. Seems like it didn't really bother a lot of people though, so I guess it's just me.
I also remembered that the Imperial city of Archades was in fact based on the Imperial city of Coruscant from Star Wars, it even has the same floating cabs.
Havent we had a thread like this? I dunno. But yeah when i first seen the trailers and heard the characters backstories I seen Star Wars links. Specially Ashe and Balthier = Princess Leia and Han Solo. Plus Fran= Chewwie lol.
Wow I actually didn't pick up on any of these things while I was playing XII :wacky:

The fact that there are so many doesn't really surprise me though, when you watch enough movies or play enough games you find similarities/references to other films/games/books all the time.
I also seem to notice that the Imperial Soldiers appear similar to the Stormtroopers in Star Wars, although I haven't watched a Star Wars film for quite some time. Especially the Urutan-Yensas that seem similar to the race of aliens that were shooting at the pod crafts in The Phantom Menace.