Final Fantasy XII = Star Wars

Actually the main theme sounds really similair to Star Wars as well. Also most of the vehicles and races/creatures look like they were taken straight out of a Star Wars movie and given the FF touch.
Im not sure if anyones mentioned this yet, but the wedding ceremony at the start really did remind me of the parade at the end of Phantom Menace. it was almost identical lol.
Well, the music and Star Wars-ish feel does fit, as the story itself is overtly Star Wars... And every time I went out into a desert I could SWEAR I was on Tatooine... :/
I don't really know Star Wars that well anymore, haven't seen it since I was a kid, but its not like they have light sabers or anything is it? Anyway the creatures are kind of star wars so I get why everyone things there is a lot of relation to star wars.
Bascially... Lightsabers and a Space setting was all FFXII was missing to be an RPG version of the original Star Wars Trilogy.
FFXI being similiar to Star Wars? I don't believe that for a second. I mean, sure it has air ships, a floating city, people like those at Tattooine, similiar characters but otherwise there's nothing alike.

You actually want me to believe that they're similiar? Nah, get the heck outta here! :gasp:
An evil empire, a rebellion... A blond imbecile for a main character, who wants to be a Jedi (scratch that, sky pirate, WTF-ever), An older guy who shows up and IS a Sky Pirate (effectively filling the roles of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Han Solo at once) who has a furry companion who rarely speaks and uses a bowcaster (excuse me... Bow...)

As you can see, I'm having a hard time NOT confusing this with Star Wars... And there's more!

The Judges are all collectively some sort of Vader entity, and you can tell a resemblance by their armor. Also, Princess Ashe (the pain in the Ashe) is a spunky Princess who likes doing things her way, ala' Princess Leia.

Not to mention the fighting system and gambit system are both almost a direct rip of Star Wars KotOR with a minimal amount of mods, and you've effectively got an interactive Star Wars alternate universe fanfic.
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Even Ashe and Balthiers relationship is the same as Leia and Solo. Pirate and princess, anyone?

Telling people to get the heck out of here when the evidence is beyond obivious is bit mad lol. SE are big SW fans, they throw Briggs and Wedge in almost all the FF games.
Spot on, Demi-Fiend, spot on. On the part where you're on the Leviathan I was like "Oh great, should I wait for the Stormtroopers or go directly for Darth Vader?"
Spot on, Demi-Fiend, spot on. On the part where you're on the Leviathan I was like "Oh great, should I wait for the Stormtroopers or go directly for Darth Vader?"
Strangely, I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. xD Except mine continued along the lines of... 'Which Vader am I going to this time, anyway?'
Heard this numerous of times and I myself am not a Star Wars fan at all. You can find similarities in this game with almost anything, and like-wise you can compare previous games with Star Wars as well.

Don't really think it's a rip-off, it's just common similarities and coincidences. Popular demand and all that junk probably plays a role too. I mean Square can see how popular Star Wars is world-wise and throw in elements to appeal to the video game world as well.
vayne killed emporor gramis sort of like if darth vader and luke switched roles and theres sort of a similar thing between balthier and cid like if luke became brittish and if darth became insane(er) and brittish as well...
if you have been to as many screenwriting classes as i have then you'd know that there is no such thing as an original story everything is taken from somewhere it's not that you take an idea it's how you take an idea
you take an already used idea and change it to suit your story and most of the time final fantasy 12 did it well
if you have been to as many screenwriting classes as i have then you'd know that there is no such thing as an original story everything is taken from somewhere it's not that you take an idea it's how you take an idea
you take an already used idea and change it to suit your story and most of the time final fantasy 12 did it well
Yes, I know this. But a blatant rip-off is a blatant rip-off. When it's thinly veiled thaty EVERYTHING in the game is inspired by it, Final Fantasy gets to the point that it seems pretentious. Like, 'yeah, we put minimal effort in the story, but this game is going to sell anyways for the eye-candy cutscenes'.

And they're right. That's the only reason people are looking forward to FFXIII and FF versus XIII as well. I just think it's the stupidest attempt at game marketting to only tout 'state-of-the-art graphics'. Honestly, if there were a new 16 or 8-bit RPG coming out that had a really unique storyline, I'd buy it over any of the eye-candy Squeenix can come up with.
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I will admit there are some major similarities between FFXII and Some characters in star wars but that is to be expected as fully original character design is very difficult nowadays as most character types or Idea's have been most mad scientists seem to have large beards and crazy hairstyles
if you have been to as many screenwriting classes as i have then you'd know that there is no such thing as an original story everything is taken from somewhere it's not that you take an idea it's how you take an idea
you take an already used idea and change it to suit your story and most of the time final fantasy 12 did it well

What the heck does taking screenwriting classes have to do with it? im sure most of us here havent been to screenwriting classes, but they still know that movies, books, games and songs can be copied and altered slighty or not at all. Its kinda common knowledge. Of course nothing is original, thats the way Hollywood and culture works.

And yeah i did creative writing classes. Not screenwriting, but same thing.
yea there may be similarities, but it's not that blatantly obvious unless u know star wars inside and out well enough to compare it to ffxii.