Final Fantasy XIII Demo


White Mage
Jan 13, 2007
Who else has heard of the Final Fantasy XIII demo. According to this source (and others) there's going to be a demo for FF XIII released this year. It's going to be a playable demo at the new, downsized, E3. After that I believe it is going to be released onto the Playstation Store for download by PS3 owners; I did read this some time ago so I'm not entirely sure. It would be sooo great if they did. Although I won't have a PS3 this year (I'm waiting till the actual game/s are released) I'l be able to play it on my mates. It would be so unreal!!

are you serious that is great i want to play that game soo badly now that i know that there will be a demo out this year, i'm pumped
Yea, it's definitely a possibility. Although I don't really count Joystik as a very reliable source, Wada has said he is very much for downloadable content for the PS3. It is found in this excerpt from a RPGFan article: "Offering content online would allow for flexible pricing, depending on the amount of data downloaded or the play style. Contrary to the old retail system, where a game only had one chance to become a hit, downloads would give game companies more opportunities to generate profit. Wada also mentioned downloadable demo versions and budget releases as one advantage of online distribution."
Yeah, I have also heard this. It would be cool if the demo is released this year.
Well if sources are to be believed I read that it will first be at the new E3 and then some time later on this year; it will be available on the Playstation Store for download. Price (that's if it will cost) is unknown.