Final Fantasy XIII Magazine Scans Galore


Jun 6, 2006
So, unless you're an expert of the Japanese language, staring at Japanese magazine scans can feel somewhat useless. Still, with information on Final Fantasy XIII rather scarce at this early stage of its development, sometimes eye candy can be enough.

Final Fantasy Sky has a ton of new magazine scans from Japan's Playstation magazine, and Final Fantasy XIII is the cover story. But don't take my word for it, check it out right here.

While some of the images are fairly familiar, there are some exciting new ones as well. XIII, Versus XIII, and Agito XIII are all present.

<span class="smallfont">Source: FFSky</span>
I can read Jappanese, the main charater is called Lightning...Theres this stroy about a coocon city and this thing called the Pules
If only i could read Japanese, these scans would be a lot better. Oh well, might as well just look at the fantastic pics of the FFXIII installment of teh series
Thanks for the pics Darkblade can't wait for this to come out
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