Final Fantasy XIII: The Butterfly Effect

Well, once you get going again, it will feel like you have done it for years.

Or so I am told anyways. :hmmm:
OK, here are the Fal'Cie profiles:

Name: Dweios
Age: N/A
Gender: Genderless (appears male)
Race: Fal’Cie
Human: In human form, Dweios stands at six inches over six feet in height, making him tower over most humans. He is garbed entirely in antiquated black armour (similar to a Gabranth’s armour from FFXII), with the symbol of his Eidolon, Zodiark, engraved upon the chest plate in red. He also wears a black cloak, fastened at the neck by a simple silver chain.
Dweios head, the only part of his body that he exposes, is not a pretty sight. His features are angular and cruel, and there seems to be a permanent sneer on his bloodless lips. His cheeks are laced with scars, angry red welts on his pallid grey skin. He has close-set, colourless eyes. He is completely bald, and there are scars crisscrossing the top and back of his head, which almost make it appear as though his head is splitting apart.
Personality: Dweios is the pinnacle of Fal’Cie arrogance. He does not even see humans as pets, only slaves or parasites. The same can be said for his fellow Fal’Cie – they are but means to an end. With the sole exception of the Maker, he classifies everything as beneath him. He is supremely confident in his power, and is quick to show that power off if it is questioned…and often when it is not. His methods are often excessive. Five centuries of being hunted by Elicia, as well as the earlier time spent trapped by other Fal’Cie, has left Dweios a few experience points short of a level up, so to speak.
The second he perceives something as a threat, he takes immediate action to eliminate that threat, although he prefers to do it through indirect means, rather than dirtying his own hands. He prefers not to have to reveal himself unless there is absolutely no other choice, preferring instead to be the one who controls everything from behind the scenes, although he has absolutely no subtlety whatsoever, so the effect is hardly any different from what it would be were he there in person.
Dweios does possess something of a cunning side in that he is always one or two steps ahead of his enemies. His plans often go off without a hitch, because he has a knack for predicting exactly what the opposition is going to do in response to his moves. However, he is not manipulative. His commands will be followed, or the offender will be killed. He sees no need for manipulation when he can simply give orders.
Weapons: In his both his human and Fal’Cie forms, Dweios carries two scythes, Mercy and Envy. These can also be combined to form one, double-bladed weapon. In his Fal’Cie form, the weapons are just considerably bigger.
The staff of Mercy has been carved to resemble links of a chain, which assembles into a standing naked woman wrapped in chains (a symbolic representation of the Maker) at the top, whose upper body appears to rest on the blade of the scythe, arms draped across it like a lover’s, chin resting atop it.
The staff of Envy bears a similar design to Mercy’s, with the staff carved to appear as if it were wrapped in chains. A likeness of Dweios’ Eidolon, Zodiark, is affixed atop this one however, the body of the creature resting atop the blade.
Eidolon: Zodiark
Elemental Strengths: None. Dweios is an all-rounder.
Brief History: Dweios is relatively young by Fal’Cie standards, and is perhaps one of the last that was created by the Maker before Her departure. Whilst there was no outright hostility amongst Fal’Cie in those early days, Dweios was not treated with respect that he felt he deserved, and was constantly seeking the approval of his kin.

He was a strong believer in the idea that humans were tools for Fal’Cie use, a movement that quickly divided the Fal’Cie. However, where the other Fal’Cie fell in line after a small war erupted amongst them over this issue, Dweios refused to. As a result, he was sealed away by his brethren, turning his resentment at their treatment of him into outright hatred.

Centuries later, he was released from his prison by a young woman. Through her, Dweios decided to enact his revenge upon his kin. He would reign over the Fal’Cie, or they would all perish, and he would instead rule humanity. If they refused to kneel, they too would be crushed, and Dweios would return to the Maker, to gain the recognition he deserved. He turned her into a l’Cie, gave her her marching orders, and then quietly faded into the background.

However, she did not even attempt to fulfil her Focus. Angry, Dweios confronted her, seeking to turn her into a Cieth…and failing. She resisted his influence and struck back, inflicting minor damage on his body, but immense damage on his pride. Dweios fled, and then faded into the background once again as she decided that all Fal’Cie needed to be eradicated – not quite what he had in mind. At that point, the War of Transgression had started, although Dweios did not participate in the battles. Only one rule mattered – his own.

After his l’Cie had killed her first Fal’Cie, she was sufficiently exhausted for Dweios to
crystallise her whilst she slept. He then sought to take his rightful position as leader of the Fal’Cie without her assistance. Many resisted, and he was forced to kill some, although those who survived joined forces against him, and he was forced once again to retreat. Irritated, Dweios revived his l’Cie again, and she resumed her killing spree.

However, she refused to kill at his behest and, as a result, the primary object of his hatred, Mael, escaped from death, bestowing upon her a sword that would allow her to kill him – and any other Fal’Cie – with ease. Enraged, he overwhelmed her will and crystallised her a second time.

He then forgot about her for a time, consolidating his own power, forming allies with the Sanctum Fal’Cie, who were more than eager to listen to what he had to say. He rose to dominance amongst those Fal’Cie who resided on Cocoon, yet did not take another l’Cie of his own – one was quite enough, and his ego demanded that he hunted down those who had wronged him himself. Yet many eluded him, and he was forced to revive his l’Cie again, since she was infinitely better at it that he was. She eliminated many of his enemies, and then proceeded to kill many of his allies, as well. She had become far too strong by this point to control, and Dweios was forced to abandon his seat of power on Cocoon and go into hiding once more.

With his remaining allies, Dweios redefined his goals, for by that point, there were very few Fal’Cie left, and they were all being hunted. The situation could easily be corrected – all it required was a few more l’Cie puppets, and some gentle nudging of his own l’Cie into position…

Name: Zodiark
Gender: Male
Summoning Animation: The insignia on the front of Dweios’ armour shines, and a crystal emerges from within. It hovers in place in front of Dweios, who then cleaves it in two with a blow from Envy. As the two pieces fall to the ground and shatter, a rent in the air is torn open in front of Dweios, revealing something like a black hole, framed by Zodiark’s support. Zodiark’s head appears from this hole, and it claws its way free, becoming bound to its support as it emerges.
Attacks including magic:
Darkja, Graviga, DeBrave, DeFaith
Gestalt Mode and attacks during Gestalt Mode:
Zodiark’s Gestalt Mode is its adult form. Zodiark’s support shatters and falls to the ground, leaving its body suspended in the air momentarily before it, too, falls to the ground. Shadows wrap around its writhing form, creating an egg around it, which Dweios taps with the point of Envy. Cracks form all along the egg, which remains still for a moment before Zodiark bursts out of it, to hover in the air above Dweios, who leaps and mount its back.
Banishing Ray – Zodiark fires a beam of darkness from its mouth to strike a foe, dealing moderate dark damage and inflicting its target with Blind and Slow status effects.
Shadow Cloak – Halves all physical and magical damage received so long as Zodiark remains in Gestalt Mode.
Feather Storm – Zodiark flaps its many wings, raining down razor sharp feathers on the battlefield. These do little damage individually, but hit multiple times.
Final Eclipse (finisher) – Zodiark rises into the sky, blotting out the sun. It draws its wings about its body protectively for a moment, and then flexes them, igniting its entire body in flames. Waves of fire lash out indiscriminately at enemies, dealing high levels of fire damage. Then it plummets, striking the ground in a huge detonation that deals a massive amount of non-elemental damage.

Name: Mael
Age: N/A
Gender: Genderless (appears male)
Race: Fal’Cie
Appearance: Mael is roughly 5’6”, although he is often hunched over, making him appear much smaller, and far more vulnerable than what he actually is. At first glance, he is a sickly and frail man, not far off death.

He is garbed in a midnight blue robe and cloak, the fabric worn and faded and roughly stitched, fraying at the cuffs and the hem – something he is always complaining about. He does not usually have the hood of the cloak up (unless, of course, it’s for dramatic effect) or wear any jewellery, making him appear to be quite a plain and simple man. His head resembles nothing so much as a large potato that has been left out in the hot sun for several years. His features appear to be carved into the surface of his face, by someone with a very blunt chisel who has only the vague idea of what human features are supposed to look like. He has tufts of white hair sprouting here and there from his head (although no warts) and a squashed, tomato-shaped nose that looks as though it has been broken multiple times over the years. His eyes are large and expressive – although one has to look closely to see anything other than thin slits, and most people do not care to do that – and a deep jade in colour.
Personality: Mael is an oddity. He is highly eccentric, prone to speaking in riddles, proverbs, and just general nonsense. Barely half of what he says is true; it is debatable as to whether or not he is aware of this himself. His mind appears to be have been addled by his incredible age, and he is quite bipolar, and will erupt into spontaneous fits of rage over seemingly nothing. Mael is entirely unpredictable in that nobody – not even he – is entirely sure what he is going to say next.
His constant source of irritation is his companion, Indra – his Eidolon, Ramuh – who he is forever lashing out at, only to receive scathing remakes in reply. The two have a unique bond that is built firmly on their ability to argue against one another – regardless of what the argument may be.

As a Fal’Cie, Mael is perhaps unique amongst his kind – the living ones, anyway – in that he is benevolent, even sympathetic, towards humankind. He refuses to take l’Cie as servants, and will even go so far to help those who have become slaves to others.

He is a kindly, caring old man…if a little crazy. He believes that the Maker turned away from the Fal’Cie for a reason, and that they should not interfere with human existence – they are not gods, after all. He is something of an apatheist – he’ll leave the Maker alone if the Maker leaves him alone, a relationship that has worked out fairly well by his estimates – and quite the optimist, something that irritates his fatalistic companion to no end.
Weapons: Mael carries only a worn-out, mahogany staff, which he uses as a walking stick…and a torture device for humans, Ramuh and anything else susceptible to being poked. He is, however, extremely skilled in using it as a weapon, and it is magically invested to not break or shatter under any blows. He also uses it as a conduit for his more potent magic…he isn’t as young as he used to be, after all.
Eidolon: Ramuh
Elemental Strengths: Water/Ice for Mael, Thunder for Ramuh
Brief History: Mael is the oldest Fal’Cie living, and was one of the first created by the Maker. As such, he was highly respected in the earlier days when the Fal’Cie were unified, and seen by many of them to be something of a father figure.

However, this changed when Fal’Cie started taking humans as slaves, turning them into l’Cie and “rewarding” them with crystallization if they succeeded in their Focus, or turning them into a mindless Cieth if they failed. This was something Mael disagreed with strongly from the very beginning, and others joined his cause soon after he voiced his concerns. However, an equal number of Fal’Cie rallied behind another, one who believed that humans were to be tools for the Fal’Cie, the Maker’s children.

A war erupted amongst the Fal’Cie soon after, and the end result was Mael’s side was victorious – the leader of the opposing faction was sealed away, and Fal’Cie stopped taking humans as l’Cie…for a time, anyway. Unable to keep themselves to themselves for very long, Fal’Cie secretly began turning humans into l’Cie once more. Disgusted by the behaviour of his kin, Mael left them for a time, wandering the world in human form with only his Eidolon, Ramuh, for company.

Several centuries after his imprisonment, the Fal’Cie rivalling Mael was set free once more, and fashioned what he considered to be the “ultimate l’Cie” from his rescuer, her Focus the destruction of all those who had wronged him, Mael included. She tracked Mael down and quickly overwhelmed him, ultimately deciding to spare him, which earned her crystallization. Mael, pitying the newly made l’Cie after he watched her lose her entire life to the twisted cause, decided to fashion for her a sword with the capability of penetrating any and all Fal’Cie defences, so that she may take her destiny back into her own hands, and perhaps die with some semblance of dignity…and maybe take the bastard with her. He believed that her human heart, her compassion, would temper the weapon’s lethal potential. He was wrong. After she was returned to life and was given the sword, the new l’Cie promptly went on a killing spree, wiping out a large number of Mael’s kind during the War of Transgression, and becoming worse than the Fal’Cie she had served. Of course, by this point, it was far too late to take the sword back from her.

Mael’s Fal’Cie kin, enraged by this betrayal, joined together for a final time and sundered his powers. His true form was denied him, reducing his power considerably. He was cast out entirely from their society, his very existence cursed. By this point, he didn’t much care – many of his friends had been slain, and those who remained were so intoxicated by their own power that they had lost all reasoning and become something else entirely. He no longer wanted anything to do with them.

Mael spent the next few centuries travelling, watching human society develop and grow. When he came across l’Cie, he attempted to help them win free from their imprisonment – succeeding once or twice, although failing more often than not - and just existing peacefully with humans, as he believed the Maker had intended him to live. He has remained in close proximity to Cocoon recently, not so much as it’s unseen protector, but more to keep an eye on the remaining Fal’Cie, who are converging upon it, since Pulse has long since been abandoned by humankind.

Name: Ramuh (Indra)
Gender: Male
Summoning Animation: None, Ramuh is always present at Mael’s side.
Personality: Ramuh’s most defining character trait is his scathing wit. He is the very soul of politeness to strangers, yet his words always have a sharp, often mocking edge to them. He is constantly at odds with his Master, torn between exasperation and irritation at the other’s behaviour.
Attacks including magic:
Thundara, Thundaga, Cura, Curaga, Reflect
Gestalt Mode and attacks during Gestalt Mode:
Gestalt Mode is a staff. Ramuh plants his own staff in the ground in front of him, and then converges around it, his robes compressing. His head becomes the head of the staff.
Mindblast - An arc of red lightning shoots out of Ramuh’s eyes to strike a single opponent, inflicting high non-elemental damage and Stop.
Thunder Armor – Blue lightning cloaks Mael, making him immune to all magic-based damage as long as Ramuh is in Gestalt Mode.
Chaotic Strike – Mael strikes out three times with the end of the staff, attacking opponents at random. Each hit does a small amount of physical damage and inflicts Slow.
Thunderstorm – Mael sweeps the staff in a circle, surrounding himself in lightning which inflicts moderate damage on all opponents and reduces elemental damage for the duration of the battle.
Judgement Bolt (finisher) – Black clouds cover the sky. Ramuh’s eyes glow a sinister yellow and his mouth opens wide in a silent howl as Mael spins the staff in the air before slamming the point dramatically into the ground…and nothing happens. The confused enemy, rooted in place, takes a single step forward…and is struck by a massive lightning bolt, which inflicts massive amounts of electric damage. Mael and Ramuh both breathe a sigh of relief.

...guess I'll approve my own bios. xD

We should (hopefully) be able to move things along by the weekend, with everyone having a clear idea of where they're going and how they want to develop their characters. I just need to clarify a couple of things before I post again (it's a bit spoilery, so I'll keep it to myself for now).

Anyone still lost for what they want to do with their characters, or how they want to do something, drop me a PM and we can discuss it. I'll keep everything written down in a document so I can make sure we don't mess up each other's characters...I'll need to post that somewhen, as well. Assuming people want to see it, anyway. xD
*boots topic*
Double post, because I can.

Anyways, things are more or less sorted out in a general sort of way now with the villainy, so major storyline events aren't going to contradict one another, with any luck. We can sort out who goes with whom and where when everyone is momentarily together at Lake Bresha~

Those who are making their way to the Vestige and are not l'Cie will be turned into l'Cie by Dweios. Your Focus won't be what you think it will be, though. In fact, I can tell you now that only David, Steve's character, has a Focus that tells him to kill Elicia. We'll leave it as a surprise for now, shall we? :awesome:

I'll have Elicia (and possibly Wisel, depends on what Oliviski wants to do) join up shortly afterwards with everyone...he's going to call her just before or after he turns people in l'Cie and then runs away--I mean, makes a tactical withdrawal.

So, we're ready to get things well underway now. Sorry for the slight delay...blame it on Diar, for making me take charge. xD
Well, since we appear to be somewhat stable, I guess it's safe to continue things, right?

In any case, since Diar wants his character preserved, I'll be using the opportunity to bring in Mael and turn him into a l'Cie, then crystallise him until he's ready to be brought back into things...perhaps Wisel could pick up his crystallised body if she isn't going with Elicia?

Otherwise...yeah, carry on making your way to the innermost chamber of the Vestige, etc. xD
Still waiting on MagicMasher, though I'm patient...I can wait...

Also, watching a Let's Play of Final Fantasy XIII so I understand the terrain and the monsters and junk and #%@!
In any case, since Diar wants his character preserved, I'll be using the opportunity to bring in Mael and turn him into a l'Cie, then crystallise him until he's ready to be brought back into things...perhaps Wisel could pick up his crystallised body if she isn't going with Elicia?


Be careful with that, Wisel will probably want to destroy Mael for being a Fal'Cie unless he is decrystallised soon enough to interact with Wisel. If Wisel and Mael are allowed to interact perhaps I can use this opportunity to give her some more character development.

EDIT: Wait, have I got this right...he is a Fal'Cie, right? /checks the Mael bio
He is indeed, although he's not likealy going to reveal that fact immediately, unless you would want to work it in to the dialogue somehow. Ramuh is always out, so perhaps he could let it slip...

Mael is also the one who gave Elicia her sword...he could give Wisel something similar, if you were of a mind to put them on fairly equal footing, making the ending we have planned all the more dramatic and epic :ohoho:
On a minor note, Diar and I are now running this RP together, since he's back and it should make his life a hell of a lot easier, since I have half the plot details running rampant through my skull. xD;

Anyways, I think we're waiting on MagicMasher at the moment. Once he posts, Galmski can post, and then they can head to Dweios, who is currently chatting with Erza's character, and he can turn the three of them into l'Cie before sending them away to Lake Bresha...either by a direct warp or just by vanishing whilst they're unconscious, only to run into Elicia outside...

I plan on having Mael turn Diar's character into a l'Cie (any objections, Diar?) to keep him in it. Steve, Beastie, Oliviski, what do you want to do with your characters?

Himeno, you'll have to look elsewhere for a fight, I'm afraid. Dweios and Elicia would both kill you, and Mael is elsewhere at the moment. xD
I'll be kidna - I mean, picking up one or two of the L'Cie characters to recruit for Wisel's cause on the Archadia. Unfortunately with this pause in the RP in the past few weeks, I'm now uncertain as to where the story is currently heading to, but I'll improvise for the time being.

Heck, I may even go ahead and throw in a new character, this time on the PSICOM side. I'm sure Wisel would love having a direct military rival.

I was waiting for more development to happen in the story before posting again, but I can see if I can write something for the time being hopefully.

I'll be kidna - I mean, picking up one or two of the L'Cie characters to recruit for Wisel's cause on the Archadia. Unfortunately with this pause in the RP in the past few weeks, I'm now uncertain as to where the story is currently heading to, but I'll improvise for the time being.

Heck, I may even go ahead and throw in a new character, this time on the PSICOM side. I'm sure Wisel would love having a direct military rival.

Oh, if you're looking for something like a military rival to Wisel, my character Serveus could be that if you'd like. His rank is the same as Yaag Rosch from the game, so he's a Lieutenant Colonel.
No objections here, Martel. 0Playing a Cocoon l'cie would be rather fun, so feel free to godmod me into l'cie city.
Oh, if you're looking for something like a military rival to Wisel, my character Serveus could be that if you'd like. His rank is the same as Yaag Rosch from the game, so he's a Lieutenant Colonel.

A secret Fal'Cie being a military rival?! Perfect! :awesome:

Originally I was hoping to make a character that I could easily dispose of (to poke fun at the "villains" in FFXIII itself indirectly), but having Serveus as the rival would work as well. :wacky:

(could still make a Jihl Nabaat-like character though, so I'm not ruling that out. :britt:)
Me and Cody were talking about the RP when I asked him if he was gonna continue it. And He replied:
[Today 12:44 PM] Ke$ha: If you'd like.
[Today 12:44 PM] ConnorTheCactuar: OR someone is. depending on what you want
[Today 12:44 PM] ConnorTheCactuar: So I guess im gonna have to kill of your charecter
[Today 12:43 PM] ConnorTheCactuar: Understandable
[Today 12:43 PM] Ke$ha: No Connor. I don't have the mind for it between work and other stuff.
[Today 12:42 PM] ConnorTheCactuar: Off topic but...Are you gonna continue with teh RP?/pushyasshole

So...I dont really know what to do... Can I have some help here?(Tis trufax. Just ask cody.)