Final Fantasy XIII: The last great hope


Ego Et In Arcadia........
Nov 19, 2007
Surf Coast, Australia
Now I no that star ocean is not Final Fantasy And for most of us nothing can compare to this series and what it means to be a fan of FF.....but if the fellas at sqare-enix dont make the cut with FFXIII then what good is our loyalty to them and all the time we have invested as gamers if XIII goes down the crapper what is there left to do but cry and get job?!!

Some one tell me where do we go now ?
I gave up on the Final Fantasy franchise when they started spitting out mediocre Final Fantasy VII spin-offs by the hour. As far as Final Fantasy XIII goes, I'm hoping for the best, but not really expecting anything out of the ordinary.
I'm pretty optimistic with FFXIII, which surprises me somewhat since I've been disappointed recently with the decisions SE has made. Dissidia looks nice, FFXIII is looking good as well, if not just your 'average FF', but Versus looks amazing. I think SE knows FFXII was pretty lackluster and since FFXIII will be the first FF on the PS3, they want to bring FF back to the height it was at before. I don't think there's really any such thing as an 'ordinary Final Fantasy' since each one has its similarities but is drastically different from the last. All I can say is from seeing what I have from FFXIII, its looking like a solid FF that has the potential to blow FFXII out of the water. I think its what SE needs to do with FF since I think XII was more of a disappointment to fans than anything else.

I will say that I'm not terribly keen on having several games revolving around the FFXIII universe, but at the very least, the original XIII and Versus looks good, so those are what I'm looking forward to. I'll admit that if this FF doesn't live up to expectations, then I'll probably just end up playing the older FF's I do own and enjoying them for what they are. FF isn't the end all be all of RPG's anyway. I think its wise that SE keeps FF as its flagship, but that they focus on different RPG's besides Final Fantasy as well. I think it could be neat to see Nomura and others work on non Final Fantasy ventures. However, with XIII and Versus, at least Nomura in particular will probably be busy for awhile.
What do you mean Final Fantasy XIII is going to go down? XIII will most likely be the best game ever for me unless there is something more amazing. I am looking forward to all 3 games in the Fabula Novala Crystalis project. It will not be a dissapointment. But if it is then I do not know what I will do.
It could happen, it could go down - just because it's the first FF title on the PS3 and it looks "pretty" and a bit "cool" doesnt mean it's going to the best FF ever. People still cling to titles of old, so FFXIII is really going to have to do something remarkable. I would say something about XII, but as Im in the minority..I'd rather not :wacky:
I'm on a Final Fantasy forum because I like the series of games, typically. Not ever title has left me in a state of awe by the end and, if XIII doesn't manage to do this...sure, I'll be disappointed but I wont view it as some ridiculously fictional sign of the series' mortality. What appeals to me wont appeal to everyone else, so they're always going to have a fan-base for some games. Without a doubt, every title is getting better in one aspect or another, so I wouldn't worry too much, if I were you.
I don't at least as the FF series go, feel that Square needs to press, I liked XII and loved X, the main series still feels solid. Now Square needs some good non-main final fantasy...even if XIII isnt all that I wont worry too much
It's not the last hope. One mess up and Square's not gonna plummet off a cliff and never be heard of again. I doubt with the talent they have behind the scenes and from the shows they've put on before in the rest of the franchise, they are working on a magnificent title that we will know as FFXIII.

Some will love it, others will hate it. It may be many peoples' new favorite game, it may just be mediocre to the rest. It's an adventure. It's not FFVII. It's not FFX. It's simply FFXIII. The next installment, the first on the Next Gen consoles (bar FFXI on the 360), and one person not buying the game because they gave up on the series isn't going to break them. Japan just laughs at you.

Here's to hoping FFXIII is well beyond amazing! Because let's face it, I'd rather look forward to a game for a year and a half instead of bitching it will suck that long and live a miserable pessimistic life.
I don't think people should stop being loyal because of one bad series, my hopes for Versus XIII are sky-high after seeing the trailers, screenshots etc and even XIII has turned my head a little over the past few weeks. But I'm more than certain that XIII will be a great series, because if, as mentioned it is to be a 10 year series...they fuck this up then due to the economic crisis, the company will screw itself over big style, and I'm pretty sure SE know this.
Now I no that star ocean is not Final Fantasy And for most of us nothing can compare to this series and what it means to be a fan of FF.....but if the fellas at sqare-enix dont make the cut with FFXIII then what good is our loyalty to them and all the time we have invested as gamers if XIII goes down the crapper what is there left to do but cry and get job?!!

Some one tell me where do we go now ?

Tell me what are you talking about??? So you werent impressed with the last few games were you? I can say theres been a few below average games but as a whole i feel theyve been remarkable. I mean this game isnt even out yet so how about you just wait and see what its like when it comes out. They make the games for the fans, sure they get paid aswell but what else would you expect. If you are dissapointed by FFXIII what will you do about it? Never buy an FF game again?
I have loved Final Fantasy from vii onwards (I've not played any before that and I have never played any spin off's)

If the do screw up FFXIII then I'll let them off, unless they go down the road of x-2 *shudders* I don't really see them messing it up too bad
I think that square is going to release great titles..but the one im more looking forward is Versus, it looks simply amazing, and i hope that they do a amazing with what they have. By the way square is put into a lot of pressure, and when a ff game fails people start saying bat stuff about it..but damn lets try to see what comes they might come up with a fabuloes game ( hope it more for versus)
FFXIII the last hope? Which one? o_o

Here's the thing: a lot of people compare any of the FF games after VII to VII, which sort of blew everyone away because it was the first 3D-graphics FF and had such a good story, and absolutely unforgettable characters - I speak for a majority here; if not to VII then they compare it to their favourite game from the series. I think that because a person knows what they love about their favourite game, they will subconciously define those qualities as standards, and if a new game does not live up to all of those standards, or does not giving us something new and interesting to distract us from them, then we will dismiss it as "not as good as [insert roman numeral here]."

What I'm saying is I think we are too quick to judge new FF games. Square-Enix have set themselves such a high standard with previous works that we, as fans, don't just want them to match the quality of their last game, we want it to be better. We want them to keep progressing, and sometimes to a standard that it is impossible for them to meet. It seems that we forget, or are ignorant of, just how much work and effort goes into these games, from character and landscape design, to story, script, graphics rendering and coding. I mean, compared to most game genres I think RPG's (and especially FF because we expect them to be so good) have the heaviest workload. Even I am guilty of it - I forget how much these people put into it. The first time I played XII, I was sort of "meh"... I didn't really think it was spectacular. But the second time I noticed a lot more - I noticed the IMMENSE amount of detail etched into every single part of Rabanastre, I noticed how well thought out the battle system was, and how imaginative the characters were (like Fran - even her headgear is impressive), I noticed the intricate little bits of the story that didn't even need to be there, but were added to enrich the experience of the game. What I'm saying is don't dismiss these games as "shit" because they aren't exactly everything you have built up in your imagination of how they should be (in your opinion), but take time to drink in every drop of them and appreciate it all, and then maybe you will look at them from a different perspective, and be able to appreciate them for what they are, not what they are not.

... Uh... /rant. >_>;
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There are some games that have a knack for drawing players in just by the way they look. The past few Final Fantasy installments were fairly similar looking, but think of it this way -

Seven was very popular. It was the first on the PS1.
Ten was very popular. It was the first on the PS2.
Thus Thirteen is likely to be popular because it is the first Final Fantasy to showcase the series potential on the PS3.

I know it's not all glitz and glamor, and we do have to remember the slumping PS3 sales, but Thirteen looks to have a cast of interesting, identifiable characters and that will be enough for the crowd that already owns PS3s. It looks like they've made a male protagonist that isn't completely effeminate. Don't get me wrong, Twelve was an awesome game, but Vaan was a bit overboard in the "lack of shirt" department, and I'm very happy to see Snow in the Thirteen having 1) clothing and 2) facial hair. It sort of feels like there are grown up characters, and lets face it, a lot of the people playing Final Fantasy at this point have grown up and will probably like to see characters closer to their own age.

Between this, and MGS4, it makes me REALLY wish I had a Playstation 3...