Final Fantasy XIII to last 10 years?

where did you hear that versus would officially be called FFXIV?

I don't know if there is any truth in it. I heard it from my brother and I'm not sure where he might of got that information but I have found info of them being asked the question why it wasn't.

Hyper PlayStation asked the staff why they decided to announce Versus as a part of Final Fantasy XIII and not as a brand new Final Fantasy XIV. The concept and thinking behind Versus would not be possible in a standard numbered Final Fantasy title, Nomura responded. However, Kitase jumped in, assuring that Versus is not just a side-story, as it has some of what makes a numbered FF game what it is. However, he added, "With Versus, we are trying out a type of adventure that we couldn't do in the numbered series."

Still not certain I will like this.
i see, well that's interesting. i heard versus is supposed to run kinda like kingdom hearts. hm idk what i think about that.
A lot of you seem to be missing the point of Square-Enix's new business strategy. The reason they made FFX-2 was because building a new game from the ground up each and every time was becoming far too cost-prohibitive. They don't have endless resources--after all, they almost bankrupted themselves with the colossal failure of The Spirits Within. They had a good engine with FFX and decided to get a little more out of it. That philosophy is being carried on to a further extent with FFXIII. The "cheaper" days when FFIV could shift to FFV and then to FFVI are over. With each new generation, development costs are getting monstrous, even for the big boys of the business.
Yes but that could be due to the new games they are workig on such as The Last Remnant for the 360. They may be wanting to focus their full attention on that game so they can turn it into a franchise that would make them a lot of money like FF.
Yes but that could be due to the new games they are workig on such as The Last Remnant for the 360. They may be wanting to focus their full attention on that game so they can turn it into a franchise that would make them a lot of money like FF.

Good point. I wouldn't say they're focusing their full attention on Last Remnant, but I would have to agree with them that they try not to rely solely on Final Fantasy as a cash cow and start developing some new franchises. It's risky spending the kind of money involved in developing for this generation and doing an original property, and kind of flies in the face of the perception that Square's taking it safe by sticking with the remakes and sequels.
I understand why they're doing it and it's a good idea but 10 years.... I find that a little hard to get my head around.
apparantely the storylines are all completely different, so its like your playing a new game its just called FFversusXIII or something. i can live with that and its really not that big of a deal as long as the games live up to the hype. its just a name, get over it.
Ohhhh...hmm whats a Fabula? Is that short for faboulus or something. The whole title "Fabula Nova Crystallis" sounds french. Kinda wierd

it's latin...

and will your grandchildren be old enough to play FF? will you ever have grandchildren then?

(considering you are 30(according to your profile) you'd be 40, which is still rather young if you ask me)

sorry.. that was a bit off-topic

on-topic... i dunno, i think they just want to milk out FFXIII like they did with FFVII, but i hope they will burn their ass doing so...

perhaps then they will learn it's a bad thing milking out a game..
Hmm well my eldest boy is 14 so lets say he has a child at 18... In four years. Add another 6 years and that would give you either a six year old who is highly advanced playing FF Fabula or when the child (my grandchild) turns 12 he could play a six year old game.

Latin huh? Thats cool..
At first I was taken back about the whole 10 years thing.. but after reading the article at on Zidane's post; I kinda get what they're (square enix) going after. Think of it as one huge universe with muliple stories, multiple cool main characters in their own epic, dramatic story set in the same universe. They have completely nothing to do with each other but yet imagine if they are drawn into together in this huge story-their story somehow intertwined into other story (but not too much). It'll be like a crossover; rember how exicted you were when KH came out and we got all FF characters from FFVII to FFX in one game; how cool was that. Instead of merging different universe together, this is the same universe; it's like a large novel and if they do it right- that is tie snippits of main part of the story line/universe (i.e. the crystal) to each individual, entirely different game- if it's done (written) just right the story will be epic.
The only thing that is a drawback is the 10year thing. I don't know about having it last for 10 years. That's a pretty long time even for an epic storyline. Maybe the time to make each game takes pretty long or something. Another thing, as long as they don't make it FFXIII part 2, 3, 4, etc. like FFX-2- didn't really like it even though it could be it's own game.
Well FFversus13 is supposed to be set in the same world as ive heard anyway so mabye all the spin offs will be the same,mabye the characters might cross each others paths and not actually join as a party or nothing..then the later spin offs mabye all the characters will actually meet up and join forces something like that...who knows..donno what there thinking of with the whole 10 year thing though...feels like there taking the piss..

We can only wonder..
well apparantely theyre set in the same world, so people would probably just complain about that and wonder why they weren't spinoffs.
Yeah, I remember reading something about this as well from a different site. It was referencing the FFVII franchise and how Square-Enix has plans to follow suit with the FFXIII franchise in wanting to stretch it out well over a decade. If anything, it’s all a hopeful goal on Square-Enix’s part, in my opinion.

I guess as long as they can produce quality games out of XIII’s story (if this is the case, XIII must have one hell of story to it or they may dwell on single character back-stories) and not a bunch of crappy spin-offs / side-stories it’s likely to succeed. If not, it’s almost certain to fail which hopefully won’t bankrupt them like the Spirits Within Movie did back in 2000.

Personally, I like to see them make the two to three games and move onto a completely new Final Fantasy as they’ve done so well with in the past…
but what if ffxiii happens in the upper world. and during your play, some unexplainable events happen, and you have to play FFvXIII to know what happened and vice versa? guess they could make a great game out of that
Fabula Nova Crystallis, according to the special features disc that came with FFXII, means "New Tales of the Crystals".

I think XIII will be good. I don't like the idea that I'll have to buy a different game system to play the next installment, or even play one of the installments on my f'n cellphone, but still, it's a good idea.

From what I gather, there will be the main story (XIII) followed by other sub-stories that will be playable on smaller, handheld systems.
I understand that Square is a business. And as such, they'll instinctively jump on money at every chance. But this is just way too obvious. It's a little sick, and way too pretentious.