Final Fantasy XIII's: Wish List.

There are a few things that I knew I wanted coming in, and after reading what everyone said, there are now a few more things I can add to that list.

Like people said, I would like to see:
-real time display of what my character is wearing
-enticing storyline
-a truly evil bad guy

I would also like to see:
-secret summons
-secret characters like Yuffie and Vincent were in FFVII. Except I want to be able to see them in cut scenes.

Side quests are always a good thing. Hunts in FFXII were a lot of fun (to me at least).
I don't particularly have any wishes for any of the three games, other than the hope that as many as possible implement a battle system closer to Kingdom Hearts - complete Real Time battles are far superior to any form of the ATB, no matter how much they try to disguise it.

The trailers look immense and I'm confident that SE are about to deliver incredible additions to our shelves.
i would love to see your characters change with different equipment, kind of like in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I'm ok with the weapons and shields just changing like always, but i would like for once to see a person's entire outfit chagne depending on what armor they are wearing. Even though you won't see their face because of a helmet, it wouldn't bother me as long as they are developed. O and bring back summons that are actually useful
A good selection of weapons, not just one type.
Good, gripping storyline.
Great characters (and from what i've seen so far it's looking good)
Basically things that make me want to keep playing it.

Also Moogle's and Chocobo's....Will they me making an appearance??
Also Moogle's and Chocobo's....Will they me making an appearance??

They better!

If they ditch these fellows I'll cry... Honestly I will. If a FF game is ever considered too realistic to include these two landmark species then it has become too realistic to be fantasy really.
There are a few things that I really think Square needs to put into this game.

For one, they have got to have a better travel system. I absolutely hate the system used in FFX and FFXII. Freeroam travel on an airship. This is nextgen technology. There is no excuse for not having it.

Secondly, they need to have characters that are a little more mature and have actual personalities. Yes, that means you Final Fantasy XII. Granted its nice to have a couple ditsy and carefree characters but when all the game's characters are voiced by ex-Mickey Mouse Club members, you need to make them a little more mature. This isn't my little fucking pony, it's Final Fantasy.

Third of all, I really want to see a comeback to oldschool plots (FFVII and back). From Final Fantasy VII back, you started off the game and all you knew was the world was in a really bad way and you were getting the shaft. The games were more about surviving from situation to situation than kicking ass. When you had a chance to bring it to the baddie, you brought the house but not before. In games like Final Fantasy X, you're not surviving Seymour or Sin's terranical wrath. Sure you see it's damage every once in awhile but its never focused on you. Final Fantasy X's plot is almost identical to the Wizard of Oz, except the "wizard" just happens to be a blue haired transexual with daddy issues. You start in Kansas, end up in Oz, and spend the majority of the game trying to return to Kansas. Hell, the only major differences is that you don't actually ever skip down the yellow brick road you're traveling on and the Tin Man just happens to weild a sword larger than Kansas itself. If I wanted to watch Judy Garland laugh ackwardly with the Scarecrow, I'd go watch the film.
Everythings pretty much been said, but of course HOOKERS, LOTS AND LOTS OF HOOKERS!!!
But seriously, I'd like to see a good story line, think some of the others have been kinda bland since 7 and 8. I want to see another rebel group like avalanche. I would also love to see the armor and weapons change depending on the ones equipped. Definately amazing graphics, but i think we all know thats gonna happen. I swear if this game disapoints me i will never play another final fantasy.
I wish that the characters would be better as well as the story. So,

-Exciting and long story
-Chocobos, Moogles etc.
-Old names of summons -__-
-Sidequests and Mini-games

I really want that old FF feeling back...
I wish for xiii to be the best ff game in the series and to actually see this game rated Masure as the first ff to be rated mature would be awesome. Well I also hope to see lightning in different outfits not just her regular one like if you put on a armor I want to see that armor. I do not think it will get the m rating but versus will I think.
Well of course, it goes without saying that a deep, interesting storyline is essential. Something I think they lost a bit with XII in my personal opinion, although the story did become more enjoyable after 15 hours or so, but still, it was lacking.

Other things I'd like to see:
- Someone mentioned real time of what each character is wearing and has equipped - I'd like that.
- Optional/ secret characters - I'd love to have one or two of those
- A Love Story - I know it's so cheesy or whatever, but I feel that some sort of love story is important in Final Fantasy.
- Characters have more personality
- Have times where you can control other characters outside of the battles.
hmm a good battle system should be used, espeicially with the next gen generation

and i believe in all of you about the armour, it would be great to see armour change the appearance of our characters.

also id love to have lots of side quests and i mean lots, something to keep me occupied on my second time through the game

also id like a decent backstory as well, as it has been lacking of late