Final Fantasy XIV- Info Update

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Feb 19, 2009
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Famitsu Wave's September 09 edition has a DVD released in Japan with a special 8 minute segment about Final Fantasy XIV Online. This is news because not surprisingly, quite a significant portion of new information as well as clarified repeated information are featured.

Eorza is the name of a region that's the main setting of the game and as a full world, Vana'diel (from Final Fantasy XI) is naturally a little bigger. The actual world the game takes place in is called Haiderin. The style of Haiderin will be different from Vana'diel, aiming for a "high-fantasy" style setting. They want the setting to be more modern in comparison to Final Fantasy XI's more middle-age setting. There will be advanced technology in the world, as clearly seen from the skyships in the trailer.

The races in Final Fantasy XIV will bring on a familiar look. However, the races of Final Fantasy XI are being reimagined. The Galka-looking character seen in the trailer, will not be called a Galka, but something else. Other changes will be in order as well.

Final Fantasy XIV revolves around character growth. There will be no experience points or leveling system this time around (!!), and a new system will come in to play. Square Enix wants to deliver an experience where new players have the freedom to try out any quest and many different things, growing naturally from their experiences.

A deep story will be in tact in Final Fantasy XIV, including cut-scenes, but they're going beyond that by also delivering a wider variety of stories and quests. They want players to enjoy the process of character growth.
Jobs were the lasting appeal of Final Fantasy XI. They want to utilize that concept, but stack more on top of it. The focus will be on weapons, determining how you play, grow, and fight. They'll be expanding upon the basic job system. He says this also explains the Final Fantasy XIV logo, which features weapons sticking out of the name.

The main idea for Final Fantasy XIV is to provide freedom of growth through the variety of quests offered. However, players can meet up with friends and set off on adventure or they can play solo. Players won't be left with nothing to do, bored.
Square Enix is considering large scale battles, however, regular battles will be against single enemies. During quests you can gather parties and fight against multiple foes.

The game's music is going to be composed entirely by Uematsu.

"This will be a Final Fantasy that brings the setting to a whole new world that you can experience with the new friends you will meet." Nobuaki Komoto, director of Final Fantasy XIV said. "I welcome you to join us in the world of Final Fantasy XIV and hope you enjoy your time there."
"You can trust that we plan to create a world of new possibilities that redefine the MMO. I hope you're looking forward to everything we have in store."
According to Square Enix, there's a secret message hidden in the trailer here.
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Ummmm what can I say? Vey cool but why no leveling system. I wonder what the new system will be like. Cool cutscenes! in an MMO? Sick! Also I dont really understand. Can you play the whole game with a party of friends or only in quests. Hey thanks Stella for the info update ^_^
no leveling up? i don't know about that. but at least they are creating a game that you can never get bored, a game u can never finish.

hmm.... cutscenes in a mmo? i always loved final fantasy cutscenes.

a final fantasy that offers freedom. sweet.

thanks for the update.
No leveling up is perhaps the nicest thing I have ever heard on an MMORPG.

I'm hoping that means that anybody that buys the game can pick it up and have fun without having to become an elite player just to get the full experience (like it was in FFXI).

There should be extra stuff for more skilled players though to keep things interesting, but hearing that there are to be no levelling in the traditional sense sounds good as it opens it up more for those people that don't have time to spend 20 hours a day sat in one spot waiting for a party just to level up.

Thanks for posting this!
cutscenes in MMOs isn't really anything new. World of Warcraft has them, Age of Conan has them, and I bet that a lot of other MMO's have them as well by now. It's still cool though, and hopefully it will shut up some of the people claiming that you can't possibly do an MMO with an immersive and interesting storyline.

No levelling can be either good or bad. If they actually came up with something worthwhile instead, then it's good. If all they have is a useless gimmick like the sphere grid in FF X, which is essentially the same as levelling anyway, then it's bad.
I'm really interested to see how they are going to make this all work. I never bothered to get into FFXI as whenever I got the chance to try it was a bit late. I'm excited for a new one, that's for sure, but from what others have said about FFXI, SE has a lot of work to do to fill the shoes of FFXI.

I'm not sure how I feel about this "no leveling" system. I've sort of avoiding those kinds of games.

In general though, it sounds as though SE is desperately trying to compete with WoW. I wish them luck because Blizzard has something new coming out (and I don't mean Starcraft) which apparently is going to be "bigger than WoW".

None the less, I'm excited! This is awesome news.
As nice as XIV sounds, I still suggest that SE leave the MMO territory. There are thousands of ideas that SE have adopted that have made them a generally hated company now in the west.

@Synlea- You're absolutely right. The moment I heard the news from the E3 reports, I had WOW in mind. I also had other MMOs that are either online or are coming on my mind like: Aion, Runescape, Star Wars The Old Republic, City of Heroes, Pirates of Burning Sea, Free Realms, Maple Story- even FFXI.

The MMO market is saturated already. XIV can't compete with so much MMOs if the monthly fee is high etc, and SE will seriously need to up their game and make XIV unique to attract enough players outside of the FF fans willing to play an MMORPG.
Sounds similar to FFII system... Can't say if it is good or bad.
But after ending up hating FFXI, I am not expecting much of this game.
I really hope they will stop making MMOs. Or at least MMOs which are part of the
"main" FFs.
The fact it'll be fully composed by Uematsu is a plus IMO.
Love the soundtracks of older FFs!

As for hidden message... Maybe it somehow relate to any other FF or something?
The setting kinda reminds me of FFXII:RW's Lemures....
Well, that's good that Uematsu stands for the music. Well does he make music for f13 too?
I heard that there should be but when i saw on the site it was a name of another guy.
hopefully it is free to play,then i would actually buy it,but i dont like paying for mmos unless its worth it,i would pay for WoW,but ff xi was crap,sad to say it,so,hopefully they dont screw up
It will not be free to play. They already said that, but they are going to be changing the way the payment system works. It will still cost roughly the same per month.
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